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Environment Concepting Video [Short]

Hey guys!

I've been following polycount for quite a while and never had the courage to post my stuff up at all. I suppose it's a kind of an artist's common dilemma when everything you create looks like shit the next day you check it.

Aanyway i've always liked watching other artists' painting workflows and so last summer during some boring evening i decided to try recording a short test video to see if people liked it and to find out if prople would want to see more. I never came to show it around though until now.. I thought you guys might be interested and perhaps even like it. Do tell if i should make more - full videos (with commentary). I might even do it at some point after DW5!

The video: http://www.primalbrush.com/project_hightech/

Apologies about the 1pp/short duration..


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