So I'm having a problem lately rigging a bird model. The issue I'm having is the wing needs to fold up as well as extend for flight.
I've searched around and haven't been able to find any examples that don't use a rather high poly model for the wings. And most low poly models or examples I've found don't allow for the wings to fold in. Some of the better examples I've found like this:
are just a too far out there as far as polys.
I'm thinking maybe just cheat it and have the wing kind of collapse on itself and into the body where you can't see it, as the model isn't going to be seen close up on screen, but it still needs to look convincing. Any advice or examples people could throw my way would be helpful. Using Max 2011.
3-4 bones and have it collapse in on its self a bit like an according or a human arm? At the heart of that rig example that's what they have, but then they have a ass load of feather controls on top of that.
CAT has some wing'ed example rigs I think, but really, it should be easy enough to create on your own?
But for a really lowpoly wing, maybe you could use a morph target to close it? That way you don't have to worry about rigging it exactly, and can just shape the surface however you want. Maybe that's too ghetto of a solution though.
Great examples though, hadn't come across those, will definitely be helpful.