Fuck sake. It was one of the places I had down to apply too.. it seems they've constantly been dealt a bad hand with titles. Their racing games were top notch, MSR especially gives me great memories.
IMO they were one of the few big studios left in the UK, which really is becoming one of the worst countries in game development now. It's genuinely sad to see. Hope everyone comes out of it as good as possible...
Terrible news to hear. 200 jobs is a big number : / Hopefully everyone bounces back soon. Just another reason selling your studio to Activison is just a horrible idea.
Terrible news to hear. 200 jobs is a big number : / Hopefully everyone bounces back soon. Just another reason selling your studio to Activison is just a horrible idea.
That depends, if you're one of the people busy overseeing the construction of your 12th garage, or a grunt stuck in the trenches...
Maybe Microsoft will pick em up again? It sucks to hear of another potential closure. I hope the studio just gets shifted to another buyer. Lots of talented folks there.
aw shit knew one of the artists over there from working at Travellers... talented fellow sure he will land on his feet.
was looking forward to pgr5 was my favourite serious(ish) driving model
Not Activisions fault. Bizarre creations fault. The writing was on the wall over 2 years ago before they were bought out. That's why me and whole bunch of other people quit. Lots of talented people there but lots of very untalented ones too and the untalented ones are in lead positions.
As one of the affected, thanks for the kind words and we all can only hope to land on our feet. Am sure a few samples of work threads will hit the forums soon enough. Will just have to see what the future holds ..
Awful to hear these kind of news, but I guess nobody is really surprised - in a sense that the industry is so turbulent. All the best to the devs let go, a lot of people needing new jobs.
History keeps repeating itself. There aren't many positive examples of companies that have sold themselves from the past. Almost every single one of them has gone down the drain - for reason or another.
I haven't been up to date with companies and things in general with the games industry for a long time but, the last 2 years have been outrageous in how many companies have died and people gotten fired, has it been this way for a long time or is everything just clustering up and happening at the same time?
I hope everyone out lands on their feet , kind of glad I didn't head to the UK for studies and possibly a job now seems unsafe.
Sorry to hear this type of news. Some folk at budcat should land on their feet eventually I hope. It's rough out there right now. Good luck to all those affected by this.
Just hoping that from the ashes of all these companies going down some start ups can emerge- let's face it, the whole boom/bust situation happens a lot in our industry. When I started at Mobius, quite a few UK teams had gone under, was pretty lucky to get my break. Then suddenly it took off again, and so forth.
It does make me wonder if the industry is in safer hands with smaller companies/teams- at least then if one company goes down, it doesn't take out several others. Plus there's the whole self publishing route. We now have means of getting the games out to the masses via the likes of Steam, or XBLA and Playstation store. It is going to make getting an inhouse gig even harder over here, it would be interesting to see how many big companies are still left in the UK.
Anyway, my commiserations go to all the peeps at Bizarre Creations, I hope you guys land back on your feet.
Bizarre Creations where one of the places that came to offer positions to the Realtime Worlds guys when we went down. I'm pretty sure a few people went there. That's double redundancy in as many months :<
Gutted to hear another good UK developer is gone. PGR3 was the first game I got for the xbox360 where I actually thought next gen was here.
IMO they were one of the few big studios left in the UK, which really is becoming one of the worst countries in game development now. It's genuinely sad to see. Hope everyone comes out of it as good as possible...
I noticed there are a few jobs going at Sony Liverpool if any affected are interested.
Had the pleasure of meeting a lot of those guys at GDC this year. Best of luck guys.
Condolences to everybody affected.
Rumor from IGN is that it could be sold, not necessarily shut down. I hope everything for anyone over there works out.
we are talking about bizarre creations not budcat
Good luck to anyone this happened to.
Bizzare was the only company who's racing games I enjoyed anymore.
I hope there is hope of them being sold to maybe Microsoft or something.
he left Budcat a couple months ago.
Aye, but..'tis the season, as we've come to learn in recent years.
I suspect that we will see a handful more in the coming weeks.
Good luck to those affected!
was looking forward to pgr5 was my favourite serious(ish) driving model
very sad day for developers
Best of luck.
History keeps repeating itself. There aren't many positive examples of companies that have sold themselves from the past. Almost every single one of them has gone down the drain - for reason or another.
I hope everyone out lands on their feet
I just had a look at our job site and Rockstar Leeds and Rockstar North both have a few positions for artists and programmers.
Just hoping that from the ashes of all these companies going down some start ups can emerge- let's face it, the whole boom/bust situation happens a lot in our industry. When I started at Mobius, quite a few UK teams had gone under, was pretty lucky to get my break. Then suddenly it took off again, and so forth.
It does make me wonder if the industry is in safer hands with smaller companies/teams- at least then if one company goes down, it doesn't take out several others. Plus there's the whole self publishing route. We now have means of getting the games out to the masses via the likes of Steam, or XBLA and Playstation store. It is going to make getting an inhouse gig even harder over here, it would be interesting to see how many big companies are still left in the UK.
Anyway, my commiserations go to all the peeps at Bizarre Creations, I hope you guys land back on your feet.
Gutted to hear another good UK developer is gone. PGR3 was the first game I got for the xbox360 where I actually thought next gen was here.
Got invited to apply for a senior character artist position there earlier this year. Very glad I didn't consider it...
As Rick mentioned, I think we're after some artists and programmers here at Rockstar Leeds.
"E-mail from one of my staff first thing this morning - "Thankyou for not selling us to Activision."
JonTT on twitter, http://twitter.com/JonTt
I really hope everyone lands on there feet, terrible timing.
"Tony Hawk: Shred flops with only 3000 units sold in US"
"Activision considers Bizarre Creations sale"
"Activision closes Budcat, axes 88 staff"
"LucasArts confirms new round of lay-offs - Up to 50 staff let go potentially from unannounced project"
Depressing stuff. Seems to be the thing on the run up to new year. I really hope the industry starts improving over the next few years.
Activision closes the studio responsible for the Wii ports of the struggling guitar hero franchise. Really, we're surprised by this?
why did Activision buy a sports game developer and make them their GH port studio?
Good luck to all affected.