Hello every one

I am new to the forum and would first like to say WOW to all the good looking stuff that peapol have made.
I hope this is in the right place for this post. I have been working on a model for a little bit and am quite happy with it and would like to move on to textuering.
At witch point i go well bugger i really suck at that. I was wondering if there are any tutorials (vid would be perfect) out there that are free that i am learn form. So far i have only found
witch is really nice for some parts of my model but i was hoping to find something that deals with human skin (face and hands) and cloth. I really want to take my work to the "next level".
Sorry for the nooby question
Thank you all

This should be good to get started unwrapping:
For a gun prop:
Video for character unwrapping and texturing:
Hope it helps.