I'm working on a some low poly assets for a large environment that will only be seen from high above (the player is flying over a canyon in a ship).
I'm new to making environment models, and new to low poly (most limited to 128 texture & 400 tris), any and all critiques or advice on how to model, texture, and be effecient (or anything else!) would be very greatly appreciated.
At the moment, this model/texture looks awful...
2- The stems are flat, I think 3 sides would nbe more appropriate
3 - how about reducing the leaf texture to 1/4th of it, and tiling, or at least mirror along the center line.
Shouldn't really spend too much time on the small things.
But i don't know what scale this intends to be so I may be wrong *shrugs*
Actually it's quite a good idea to follow the shape of the leaf. It reduces overdraw. Which is a major performance hit on this kind of asset.
The project manager wants the shape of the leaves, so I'm leaving that in. I'm also keeping the normal map, just so we have the option to use it or drop it later.
I'll have a few trees later tonight to show (sorry, I know, boring). I really appreciate the feedback!!