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[Portfolio] – Helba/Lisci Marco (Presentation + critics and advice request!)

Hi boys!
This is my first post, although to be honest I've been following several months this great comunity.

To introduce myself I put a link to my old portfolio, currently under renovation and completion of course advice and constructive criticism are welcome.

My preparation is completely self-taught, trial staff and some good tutorials, I am now in Italy looking for a job, but I think that I shall be 'forced to go abroad.

Frankly, as deemed my work, are enough to fill the role of junior 3d artist in some European study?

Feel free to say what is wrong, and what do you think are the aspects that I can better!

See you soon and thanks :)



  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    I'll certainly say I was expecting something fairly average after reading your post but your portfolio surprised me. The website design could be better as I hate going through loads of pages just to see a few pictures but the actual work is impressive in some areas. I especially love the Cosmo Canyon remake :)

    Such a shame it isn't textured though. Perhaps you need more textured examples? Either way carry on with the good work!
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Which do you prefer critique on, the portfolio or on the work?
  • jimmypopali
    I would personally put less render examples, only have your best. For the rock wall prop for example, there are a few different shots of the same wall in the same place.

    Also, some props could look a bit better in an environment. Putting a floor and some other things around it with some lighting could make them look a bit more presentable - hence you wouldn't need as many renders of them.

    Your first two concept pieces are fantastic, I really enjoyed them.

    Also, are you wanting to specialize in any one area at all?
  • Helba
    Habboi, thanks for the appreciation, it is my intention to replace the current long sequence of large images with a gallery (a few scripts to suggest about it? I thought about this, http://highslide.com/)

    It would be enough or suggest another method?

    I agree about the lack of texture sheet, short, I hope to complete the texturing cosmo canyon and the new work will be accompanied by texture sheet.

    Snader, I would like suggestions for both.

    jimmypopali, I agree on this, it will remove a lot of pictures and complete 'the Environment for flying objects

    I would specialized/work in Environment & props for now, modeling texturing and lighting, while continuing to study in all directions, in this sense I do not know if this is best left in the portfolio only work on the Environment, or include all work just like now.

    In general, you think that such composition can be good? The black background is too bothersome? I probably should aim for a neutral dark gray or completely change the color scheme?

    I like the combination of pure black-gray-orange, but if most of the opinions are negative, I can think of changing it.

    grazie a tutti per le risposte:)
  • Helba
    Hi guys

    Then, I added some other small work (one Zbrsu sculpt - unfinished, two trees, rock and grass, three traditional drawings and one mood \ ambience 3d concept work)

    portfolio here

    As already suggested, I was soon will the galleries (with thumbs) in the various sections, and lessen 'the amount of images in some works.

    But, I am undecided on the appearance of the home page.

    I was thinking about moving the list of works in this way and leave space at the center for its galleries, so do not need to come back whenever the front page, just click on the next job

    Something like this

    But i think that everything is too heavy and full of images, boring and distracts the eye, what do you think?

    advice on work and presentations are welcome

    Thank you for your time, bye :)
  • JGcount
    I think you are right :)

    Simplicity, readability and nice artwork makes a good porfolio imo.
  • Fireflights
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    Fireflights polycounter lvl 8
    Agreed. :)

    I think the mock-up you have is a little too busy - I'd completely remove the right column (and even the left one too, or make the link images smaller).

    You might also consider making the spacing between the thumbnails a little bigger, so they're easier to individually read.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    The first piece looks like its been passed through one too many photoshop filters..the second piece is the same way..it makes the pieces look really muddy. I would completely ditch using the filters...they are not making your work look any better

    Zbrush hero sculpt look very soft and unfinished

    Cosmo canyon is great....Finish it!!!!

    Spaceshipt interior is looking good as well..finish it with a texture!!!

    Your traditional suff is great.

    Environment props are ok...the rock seems like you just slapped a rock photo on it. grass is cool..only your texture is failing you again

    The road Barrier thing is bad...find some reference of one of those things..then compare.

    The woodcart is ok... the bloom in the picture is annoying..again I think it falls short on the texture

    coalmine looks like a good start

    the female bits are ok..just unfinished..the textured one looks like you slapped a

    photo texture on her.

    As far as your portfolio..you are all over the place..the first couple of pieces are not good...they don't demonstrate anything positive about your skillset...on the flipside Cosmo canyon shows you have potential..and imo is your strongest piece..start practicing your textures..resist the urge to throw a photo texture on everything (not saying there is not a place for photo source, but don't use it as a crutch)

    hope that is helpful
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    There's some really nice stuff in here, thanks for posting.
    I think the thing that sticks out most in my mind--other than some organizational issues that have been highlighted, would be some clean-up. Not all of your pieces are up to the same level. I know it's scary to put up a portfolio that you feel is too small, but it's better by far not to pad it out.

    For instance, I would completely remove the following pages/the content on those pages:
    -2d texturing and character concept (both pages)
    -traditional art
    -mood and ambience concept

    They are amateurish, and nothing says "student portfolio" like life study drawings (however nice they are, and they are pretty good) in a game art folio. Don't do it. They cast doubt on your other pieces, which actually are pretty good.

    Again, please don't pad it out. You have a whole separate page for a WIP model. The WIPs aren't bad in and of themselves but they cause frustration when I have to click on and slowly load huge images of a single model that isn't done. Most of the material here needs to be cut down to almost a third of the total images here--be honest, portfolio screeners see right through padded content.

    This is not to get you down on the quality of your work, the 3d art stuff that is there is pretty good and obviously you're also getting better. But get some of those WIPs to completion and close the door on your old material; it's a simple matter of time of getting newer, better pieces into the portfolio, so don't sweat it.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    these images mean nothing to me.. if you are going to use thumbnails of images make them of something worthy of me clicking on them. I cannot tell what they hell they are so why would I be interested to see more? Not trying to be harsh, just it's such a large thumbnail but wtf is it?


    Save your images > Save for web, took forever to get your images to finally load was interlacing 800k for an image?

    I'm also not a fan of seeing such close ups. I can see your work, I don't need to see such a large portion blown up for me.

    Please show more finished 3d work, the final fantasy building looks nice, but why 2 pages of unfinished work.

    Put your strongest stuff first, figure out what you want to do and gear your portfolio towards that, first top tiered artwork is 2d so that looks like your goal.

    Remove Resources/Tutorials if you dont have them. Only shows that you aren't ready, Yes, you'll have them later it's just as easy to add them when you do have the content.

    Good luck. :)

    Images like this are just simply too dark, add some lighting.

  • PatrickL
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    PatrickL polycounter lvl 9
    Immediately, I noticed your thumbnails were kinda odd. Very neat looking in the layout, but they're not doing you any good. The wide shape won't frame most pieces very well, which is why I'd suggest switching to the square design that was shown in this thread. They'll end up smaller images, but they'll show so much more of your work, and that is what you want! (And they'll load quicker for people who want to see your work!) And personally, I don't like frames around thumbnails. My eyes keep getting drawn to that golden frame on some of the images that are not as powerful saturated, like the white environment pieces.

    Secondly, even after looking at your entire website, I can't really tell if you consider yourself a character artist, or an environment artist, or a concept artist, or all of the above. You should definitely make a statement somewhere stating which areas are your strong points, and focus the portfolio on those pieces. IE, character pieces on top, followed by environments, followed by concept art. Dividing them up into separate little groups would go a long way to improving your site. Currently, it is a little confusing.

    Also, just in case no one has brought it up yet, you don't need any WIP pieces or old pieces on your portfolio. It should show off your best, and only your best. Employers really don't want to see anything less. And it will help clear up some screen space having fewer, finished pieces to show off.

    Good luck!

    EDIT: One more suggestion, and I'm sure someone might disagree with me on this, but I really don't think you should post your reference pictures with your work. The only reason that would be worth doing is if you drew the concept used, and even then I'd put it below the actual 3d model. Remember: Employers want to get into your website and see the best of your abilities as fast as possible. Simplicity and clarity are your goals.
  • Jeremy Lindstrom
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    Jeremy Lindstrom polycounter lvl 18
    PatrickL wrote: »
    EDIT: One more suggestion, and I'm sure someone might disagree with me on this, but I really don't think you should post your reference pictures with your work. The only reason that would be worth doing is if you drew the concept used, and even then I'd put it below the actual 3d model. Remember: Employers want to get into your website and see the best of your abilities as fast as possible. Simplicity and clarity are your goals.

    You need to at least 'link' to or let them know you used someone elses reference. Credit where credit is due and all that.
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