To avoid necroposting in an old thread I remember from a while back, and in a vain attempt to drag myself from the Minecraft crackhouse, I thought I'd go about looking around for remix contests.
I discovered the stuff Radiohead had put out a couple of years back around the time of the release of In Rainbows.
They'd offered up free downloads of the original stems of a few of their songs, including Reckoner.
So I was wondering, I know there are a few musical types on here, where do you guys go looking for all your stuff?
Things like A cappella bits of songs, or the whole stems (bass/guitar/drums setc) like Radiohead offered up?
Other than the Radiohead stuff, I've not been able to find anything that famous, and there are some very dubious looking youtube videos of Microsoft Songsmith used with stuff like Metallica/Ozzy etc and turned into Bavarian Umpah music.
Too add to that, I know the entire "Ghosts" album and the entire "The Slip" album have been released aswell
Zipfinator / PurplePaint - nice, will definitely check those out.
The KT Tunstall one I'm working on right now is pretty challenging, it says it was recorded to a click track, but the last half is half a beat out of time from the first part.
Oh and the vocals were recorded at the same time as the guitar, so a ton of bleeding.
My entry to the Geiger 167 thing is here (#9)!/asset/show/1329746
The original is really quiet for some reason- might wanna turn down volume for second one. :P
Original :
Remix :
Am currently 5th place out of 175 or something - if you get the time for a fellow polycounter, your votes are MOST appreciated.
Just requires an email, and you can choose not to receive promotional stuff!
Ace of Base - All for you remix - JohnnySix
If anyone can help push it a little, it'd be much appreciated.
Back up to 3rd again for the moment, just 10 days left to stay in top 3 and hopefully get an honourable mention.
Thanks TortillaChips for the vote, it means a lot to me :thumbup:
And yeah faulty as hell, it takes a couple of tries before the waveform actually appears, then there's the challenge of getting that to play.
Yeah, the Sax guy is in top 5 for both, either he has 50 email accounts or people really like Sax.
There are some random ones popping into 2nd and 3rd now, think a few people have their own domains and catch-alls, so they can plug themselves with as many votes as they like.
BTW, if a mod reads this, could someone please change the title to "Needs your vote in remix comp to stay in top 5"
Thanks to all that have voted so far! You guys rule!
1st Place! 1st Place! 1st Place!
Good luck staying in first place.
Back down to 2nd place now.
Gimme a vote if you like it!
and this, is probably the best remix in the world, ever. EVER.
if you can create something even half as good. then i'll enjoy listening to it, and you'd deserve a medal.
I gotta get me a new soundcard soon, the one I bought with the new pc had such high latency I sold it again, but now I have no way of recording anything live at all lol.
Current remix slipped down to 6th - need, moar, votes..
If you've got fingers, email and 5 mins spare, votes would be appreciated!
good job!
They've had a couple of new ones just posted which sound pretty good :
Escape the Fate :
Marianas Trench :
Some people couldn't figure out how to re-tune them, so there are a bunch of mixes that would be totally win, except all the vocals and original elements included are a semi-tone flat in pitch lol.
Voting on Trench :
Voting on Issues : :poly142:
53rd Place - Needs votes!
38th Place - Needs votes!
24th Place - A vote would be nice to break top 20.
A lot of the offered vocal stems for the remixes recently have had no 'dry' vocals, with the effects and harmonies (including in this one, a vocoder sounding not unlike Donald Duck ) all bounced down to one track.
I managed to make it somewhat clean in my version - see what you think.
My Jane's Addiciton mix - if you have time to check it out in the next four days and give it a vote- it could just make the top 10.
will be listening/voting as soon as Im on my home soundsystem tomrw
need I go on?
BTW - an hour voting time left, if anyone feels it's worthy ( or even for a sympathy vote ) I'm in 19th bordering on relegation.
A vote ( and the verify link clicked to confirm ) will ensure the mix stays in the top 20 for listening by the one and only Jane's Addiction.
If anyone has the time to give it a poke back into the top ten it'd be appreciated!
Proceeds if it wins will be put towards a new soundcard so I can record live instruments again.