I am happy that so many people are joining this competition, this will be my progress thread for the Quorra model that I will be working on.
Quorra ![Quorra_tron_competition_intro.jpg](http://renderhjs.net/bbs/polycount/lpc_tron_2010/Quorra_tron_competition_intro.jpg)
Quorra is a program, adept warrior, and confidante of Kevin Flynn's in the TRON system. In the movie Tron Legacy it is played by Olivia Wilde.
I started yesterday in the evening, fleshing out the basics - and I am still pushing vertices around, so the topology is at some spots still rather messy.
I am right now at about 1004 tris. or so, I need to move some details around as I plan to have some details of the suit flowing in the mesh. I might add a decoration object later to the scene like one of those couches that she is featured with on some promotional shots.
will use some of them later as a base for the painted texture.
Some progress with the mesh:
reduced some tris on her chest, made her boobs smaller started with the legs and skirts, added 4 fingers 1 thumb and fixed her hair.
Looks like her hair curls under though, your curls out..
And the concept there on the left has a long skirt (on one side), but the movie shot the skirt is much shorter and less angle.
You could try and make her shoulders less wide and work on the hips more smooth the bump from her ass up to her waist a bit in that right view. I think her head may look a tad large as well.
comming along nicely
time to do what I like most: unwrapping and texturing
Let me know if the texture antialiasing isn't working out... may change that
there is some space left here and there but thats mainly because I wanted to have certain islands aligned to certain edge flows on the U or V axis. Because of that the pixels within the 512x512 map will align very nicely on the model and give me a extra level sharpness for the texture.
next is baking maps and starting to texture paint
This screen is unfiltered and without shading and for that I am already quite happy with the texel distribution and the 512x512 map size.
need to work on the back tomorrow and her skirt
Awesome start on the texture though.
oh question - now are all the tron uniforms meant to be black? or are you including the ambeint blue for readability (i find working in black makes my stuff undersaturated and dul...)
any way good work.
I am painting just the diffuse colors, old school with lightning and shadows all baked into it. I try to avoid black and only use it in the end to add small detail that need the extra contrast. I added a current state on a black background:
Even the hair is not really black, same with the suit. Instead I used gradients colors of blue and greens and violet instead of grays and blacks.
keep up the amazing work.
(might re arrange a few things later)
and some shader experiments with a lightmap:
will start texturing the environment later this week and hopefully finish everything off early next week.