Okay! Here is my WIP so far of a "Player" for the Tron LP Contest.
It is based off of the image you see as my reference in the pic here...
So, I am not totally sure about the silhouette, whether it's really that interesting enough or not. It's just that this is my first low poly character ever, and I'm not sure if that really matters too much concerning how LP it is.
Anyways, please let me know how I can further advance the model, if at all!
As far as I can see, it's really all about the textures anyways...Imma call the model done unless you guys suggest otherwise!
I just wanted to get the absolute maximum polycount. I pushed in the sides of the face a bit to make it more similar to the reference image.
hopefully, texturing by tomorrow or day after!
Looks pretty good anyway.
I'm terrible at doing UV's for character models, and this is primarily why I don't do Characters!
However, I'm trying my hardest to overcome this challenge of mine, and am wondering what the best method may be for this model?
I also plan on using the seams as a part of where the emissive / illuminance will occur on the texture. Best means of hiding them, I guess?
Here's a pic of my current UV layout and model...
Thanks for any feedback guys
As far as the UVs go, for something this low poly you're going to want to do a lot of stacking. Both gloves, both arms and both legs look similar. The patterns on the torso and face look symmetrical as well. I can't tell from the reference what's going on with the back but I assume it's similar to the front. Cut this duder down the middle and mirror the UVs. Actually you could probably get away with just deleting half the mesh and then mirroring the geo so it's already stacked.
Here's my entry's UVs as an example. There's plenty of smarter and way more talented people posting here who might have better examples. JGcount's Dracula for one.
Also to save some polys id make your arms 4 sided and your legs 5 sided instead of 6 sided and reallocate the geometry to the gloves and shoulders.
I really like it because of how interactive it is when doing UV's. Took some time to learn it a while back and it's become my favorite way of unwrapping...using it along with the Maya tools I find it very efficient.
Anyways, okay, so, I'm gonna go along with the whole mirroring UV's deal. Seems like the most efficient technique atm, plus, you guys would know better anyways, I don't do characters normally.
@Neffy: Yeah man, I was actually taking another look today at the model as a whole and realized those extra poly's could be better distributed elsewhere.
And good call on the UV stuff, I definitely want my UV's to be easier to paint in the end ;D