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Anyone Here from Obsidian?

polycounter lvl 19
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Sandbag polycounter lvl 19
(apologies in advance for the long read)

I'm a little late to the game, but having finally come around and allowed myself to buy Fallout: New Vegas I just have to say...


I was hesitant, to say the least, after FO3 about whether or not I wanted to spend another 75 hours swearing at super mutants, moaning about plot decisions, and reloading after crashes but there was just no way I could stay away from anything branded Fallout. I was cautiously optimistic when I first heard it was getting developed by Obsidian, hearing some true-blood Black Isle folks were working there, but I didn't want to get my hopes up.

At first I was confused by the title, Fallout: New Vegas. What's up with that? The only other fallout game to get that kind of treatment was Fallout: BoS, and that game...well I dont want to be offensive but I think even the Dev's know it was a bit of an abortion...I blame Interplay for just completely giving up on life at that time. So great, is this going to be some kind bastard child, crammed into the fallout universe to turn a quick buck?


About half way through the game (or more like 25 hours in), when I first traveled to Jacobstown and ran into Marcus it hit me. This game is not Fallout 4. This game is Fallout: New Vegas because the name Fallout 3 was already taken. Not to be rude to FO3 and the people that worked hard on it, but New Vegas finally announced its self to me as the "real" FO3. The locations were just east of FO2, the timeline was just after FO2, the references were all to FO2, hell some of the people and most of the factions are from FO2!

Now this came for better and for worse....I could certainly feel the spirit of those damnable Wanamingos surging to life in the horrible insect body of the Cazador. The Nightkin were back, and this was by all accounts the buggiest game I have played since the original (pre-patch) Fallout 2. Bug damn if it isn't all worth it.

I never thought I'd have an NPC as cool as Cassidy, but god damn if Boone isn't the greatest NPC that ever lived. Even Cassidy's daughter cant hold a candle to him. The writing, the events, the zillions of locations, the quests on quests (I think my tops was something like 16 active quests? It actually started to get buggy above that) it's so damn Fallout it makes my head spin.

On top of all that, THEY FIXED SHOOTING! Useful guns, in this engine?! My god, it's a miracle. The iron sights aiming is often more satisfying than VATS could ever dream of being.

I could go on and on, but it's likely most stopped reading at the first few lines, so I'll just stop and say once again

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