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LCD vs Cintiq Color Callibration

polycounter lvl 18
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Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
So I noticed lately after doing a piece that my colors on my monitors here at home are just way off from what others are seeing. HUGE problem with contract work or art tests.

So without having to get a spyder what have you guys used or done to fix this?

ALSO the main issue is the difference in color / brightness in my LCD compared to my 21" Cintiq. (21ux)

Guys with Cintiqs what did you do to get color to match your lcd?


  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    :( I've only had luck using a calibrator
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah thats what I'm worried about. I don't really have easy access to one and I can't really just go buy one right now...
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    I doubt calibrating would matter to monitors you don't own. I mean, you could calibrate match colours between your monitors, your printer or your external printing service bureau. But to ones who don't share your colour management profile...not 100%. That's my opinion.

    I just stick with sRGB. Cintiq has it's own profile and reputedly it's okay. I still notice slight hue shifts when checking stuff I've done on cintiq with other lcds but I'm comfortable with it.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah Magic... I hear ya... I am seeing quite a huge difference in the brightness I guess it is. Not really the color I would say..

    Since if ones super bright and ones not then it will look like the colors off but it's just the brightness I guess.
  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    you can get a cheap spyder for around 80 bucks yea? I think it is a solid investment. I recently used the sypder 3 on a whole bunch of computers (only a couple with cintiqs) and the results are fairly good. However, no matter what, it was impossible to match a dual(or more) monitor setup if the monitors were of different brands. This carries over to the cintiq as well. But, even so, as a professional digital artist I would recommend using a calibrator.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    MagicSugar wrote: »
    I doubt calibrating would matter to monitors you don't own. I mean, you could calibrate match colours between your monitors, your printer or your external printing service bureau. But to ones who don't share your colour management profile...not 100%. That's my opinion.

    I just stick with sRGB. Cintiq has it's own profile and reputedly it's okay. I still notice slight hue shifts when checking stuff I've done on cintiq with other lcds but I'm comfortable with it.

    It goes deeper than that, and IMO, calibrating is essential. Sticking to sRGB is okay, but if you really wanna know what you're getting and what other people will see, then yes, you need to calibrate because you can proof all of this and manage profiles and convert them to know pretty damn close to what your end user is getting instead of blindly shooting in the dark and hoping for the best. Maya finally implemented color management into their 2011 release, and I think ALL cg apps should do the same. It is essential when working with clients as well as an end product that millions of people will see/use.


    Jesse, sorry I don't have a solution for you. Still on the intuous. I have heard of several people with that same problem though. Surprised there isn't a lot more documentation/solutions for it. Damn now that you mention it, the image you sent before was pretty dark, but since it was firelight, I thought that was the look you were going for. Shit... sorry I didn't say anything man!

    breakneck is dead on though about calibrating duals. i've never been able to get my duals at work to be exact, and it drives me insane sometimes.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18

    Yeah seems like there is no real correct fix to this as it seems from reading other forums and such that people just try to get it close and say fuck it.
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