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HuluPlus = SadPanda

polycounter lvl 16
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Firebert polycounter lvl 16
So Hulu can now be accessed on PS3 and other devices (XBox360, iPhone, etc.)... for $9.99 a month....


part of me can see where they are coming from on charging a fee. the other part of me sees this similar to newspapers wanting to charge for reading the news online, but this is almost worse. almost worse because it's TV, a service that you are most likely already paying for, and with their ad sponsorship not even disappearing through their "Plus" service, they're already getting paid in my eyes.

this can be an alternative to those that don't have DVR or digital services, and the fact that you can grab it on your iPhone to watch stuff anywhere you want is pretty slick, but for a service that is available as free over the web to now charge for access through alternative devices instead of your home PC seems slightly absurd to me. they say you will have access to a broader/deeper access to their catalog of shows, but what does that mean? is it really worth that extra $9.99 a month?

though i must admit, the simple fact that PSN makes you pay $3.00+ for one TV show is highway robbery.

maybe i'm just cheap.


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I had this for a month and then ditched it..not worth it
  • Mark Dygert
    Hulu free is hardly worth using after the novelty wears off. Content on demand is only good if the content you demand is actually there.

    If they ever get their act together they could give cable a run for their money. Considering Cable providers have deep deep pockets I don't see that happening any time soon.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think the point of Hulu Plus, is for you to be able to ditch cable. I honestly haven't tried it, so I don't know if it contains the same content that I normally watch (and I doubt it does). If it DID cover everything, I would ditch my cable bill in a heartbeat... though it may be hard to get my wife to access shows via my PS3.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    I seriously cannot understand how this shit works.

    If you can broadcast a show, paid for entirely with commercials on the TV, then why can't you do the same on the web?

    In fact, on the web you can stop them from fast-forwarding through commercials! It should be even better for the owners of the shows.
  • Pedro Amorim
  • bounchfx
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Hulu thinks people are OK with commercials for the paying version. In fact thats pretty much the answer I got from the rep when they started plus. From what I understand they don't even lower the amount.

    But no. Fuck that. If you are charging me. I demand no commercials. If Hulu becomes a pay only service with commercials. Then its back to torrents or no TV for me.

    If Hulu gets their head out of the advertisers ass and realizes there is a market for users whom would pay for commercial free...
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Hulu thinks people are OK with commercials for the paying version. In fact thats pretty much the answer I got from the rep when they started plus. From what I understand they don't even lower the amount.

    But no. Fuck that. If you are charging me. I demand no commercials. If Hulu becomes a pay only service with commercials. Then its back to torrents or no TV for me.

    If Hulu gets their head out of the advertisers ass and realizes there is a market for users whom would pay for commercial free...

    I won't pay for commercial free, but I'll watch commercials for free TV.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    afaik from friends in the print and television industry: advertising isn't paying the bills anymore, the crunches and layoffs make the game industry look wimpy.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    oXYnary wrote: »
    Hulu thinks people are OK with commercials for the paying version. In fact thats pretty much the answer I got from the rep when they started plus. From what I understand they don't even lower the amount.

    But no. Fuck that. If you are charging me. I demand no commercials. If Hulu becomes a pay only service with commercials. Then its back to torrents or no TV for me.

    If Hulu gets their head out of the advertisers ass and realizes there is a market for users whom would pay for commercial free...


    I stopped watching tv a while back, cause the shows are pretty lame, and the commercials are insulting. I picked up watching hulu cause there WAS one commercial per break, and like 2-3 breaks total. Then the breaks got more often, and the one 15 second ad turned to 30 seconds to a minute, and I knew it was only gonna get worse from there (not saying what they had was bad, just a sign of things to come).

    TV's just not worth paying for as far as I am concerned. I watch 3-4 shows a week, hardly worth $50+ for basic cable, let alone satellite.

    Looking at the $10 a month Netflix stuff, though. I guess they have tv shows as well?
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Hulu is doing this because they know a lot of people are suckers and will shell out the cash for it.

    But yeah Hulu's novelty wore off fast for me too. First it was like maybe 3 or 4 15second ads during an hour show, then they offered a like a min and a half ad at the start and thats it which was cool, then it became like 5 to 6 ads per hour ep then those became 30 seconds each and it was like ok fuck this shit.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yea it also wouldn't be so bad if they changed up the ads, but when I was using Hulu it was pretty much the same ad every time... really grew to hate that especially when they upped the frequency and length.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Vig wrote: »
    Yea it also wouldn't be so bad if they changed up the ads, but when I was using Hulu it was pretty much the same ad every time... really grew to hate that especially when they upped the frequency and length.

    I've started getting REALLY into justin.tv because well... its sort of community driven and its rad to sit and watch all the Indiana Jones movies while doing art and then talking to other fans in the chat rooms. But then justin.tv turned into hulu...what turned to one commercial at the start turned to THE SAME FUCKING COMMERCIAL every 20 minutes. I get it, Bing.com.. you wanna be google. But for the love of god make commercials without annoying girls trying to sing annoying songs. It got to the point where I was saying their lines outloud in synch. That's scary.
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