My first thought so far is about the materials. A coil of ABS plastic should not be so expensive! It seems like you could find a cheap source of ABS and they are just hiking up prices.
awesome dude! From what I've seen the resolution is a little low on makerbots but they make up for it in hackability, one issue of make mentioned that a guy hooked the extruder to a large cnc router frame so he can make huge 3d prints.
Through various amazing events regarding freelance work and living house to house with family and friends I was able to afford this "entry level" 3d printer. It's bought and paid for and in the mail. I'm super excited to be able to get into this type of tech. Just wondering if anyone else is messing with 3d printing hands on.
Looking forward to digging in and seeing what it's capable of. And if anyone has any questions about this kit or 3d printing I will try to find the answers for you. cheers.
My friend just got a cupcake. Though I think that's for flattish pieces. has a lot of coverage of their makerbot. It doesn't look like it's able to print something out of Zbrush or Mudbox, but it might be cool to try printing out some low poly work like that found in the mobile gaming thread.
Very cool! I am excited to see what you do with it! I was looking at the same machine a few months back but decided to hold off until I get a bigger place to live. Have fun!
Huuuuge thread necro here, but How did this turn out? A buddy of mine just picked up their advanced model. It arrives shortly, and is super excited about it. Funny thing is he's a programmer. not a modeller. lol. But anyways, How well does this work? From what Ive seen, they are pretty freaking sweet.
congrats, man. 3D printing is pretty fucking cool. [I liked it enough to start a business].
Be sure and show off all the shit you make with it.
some questions:
what kind of material does it use?
how large is the build volume?
what's the print resolution?
*edit - i guess i coulda just followed the link :poly124:
That sounds like the printer industry to me :P
My friend just got a cupcake. Though I think that's for flattish pieces.