hi guys
i was starting making a car but i'm terrible on painting texturing :poly127:
so i need some help
and CC
first piece ; i'm happy with finaly shot
i have to make more brick !! because i use just one and i duplicate it ^^ it's just the start
waiting for CC and some advice :thumbup:
if you want to stick with repeating the individual bricks, make every side of the brick unique looking so you can rotate them various ways to break up the repeating pattern of cracks you have going on right now.
CC welcome
Experiment with more than one hue. Right now, your apple is entirely green (from light green to dark green). I'm sure that when you look very closely to an apple, you can see hints of yellow, brown, etc.
Also, your highlights and shadows can be more convincing when you use a color for them instead of just 'white' or 'dark green'.
Imagine an environment in which the apple sits. If it's outdoors, the highlights will have a feint blue tint because of the reflection of sky. If it's under a light bulb, give in a yellow tint. Same for shadows, think on what surface the apple sits and what color would be reflected onto the apple.
Don't be afraid to use some color in it all.
1- reflection exists from anywhere, I tried to add somewhat a sky to it. Make it shine, apple material needs that.
2- shadow and specular for the concave and convex surfaces, gives the sense that there's a volume and shape to it.
3- reflection from the ground (white)
I also added a bit more contrast and edited the outlines of it so it looks sharper.
here is a update : i think she look like a apple now :poly121:
try to approach the colors you see and keep the environment surrounding it in mind
good luck
so this is apple , i think will be the final ^^
i found some model on web gaming model so i try to remake it :
CC welcome
texture zise will be 256*256