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Pre-Dom War V - 3D Animation

polycounter lvl 18
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Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
We are not making a game, nevertheless, it would be awesome to see artists’ interpretation of how characters in a Dominance War Universe would look like in an MMO type game. Important things to remember, DW is a world comprised of magic, technology, aliens, machines, and demons. The time period is set in the distant future where cities lay in ruins and signs of great wars can be seen across the lands. For further specifics, please read about character classes available to create and about the rules & regulations for the following categories: 3D Character Art, Concept Art, and 3D Character Animation. World standings await the best designed prelim entries! Good luck to all those brave enough to enter!

  • Everything for this challenge must be made from scratch (animation category may use base mesh supplied by DW). No pre-existing ideas, sketchs, drawings, base meshes, or body models can be used.
  • Keep gore and nudity to a decent level please! Don’t get DW banned in various countries!
  • Artists can only join 1 team for all of dominance war V. If you start with polycount, you cannot later switch to gameartisans or cgsociety. Traitors are not welcomed.
  • You are not required to enter all challenges. Pick the ones you like, and join.
  • This is a wip challenge. Posting your work in progress in your chosen forum is ABSOLUTLY MANDATORY. Do not wait until the last day to show your progress or you can potentially be disqualified.
  • You can only submit one 1000x1000 350k max final image. What this means? 200w x 1000h is fine. 999w x 500h is fine. 1001w x 200h is NOT fine. This image must include your team logo, your characters name, and your personal name and/or contact details.
  • You can use any 3d, 2d, or animation software package in the world to create your entry. You can also use traditional mediums like pencil, paper, paint, etc to create your entry.
  • Only 1 entry per person. Do not create or try to create multiple entries with different user names.
  • Final submissions are final. If you upload your final image 4 days before the deadline, do not ask us to change it. Make sure you are happy with your image before you submit it into the system.
  • Public voting to find each team's best entries, starts December 6th and will continue throughout the Christmas break. Later, each team’s best will be gathered into a single pool, and a grand champion will be chosen and announced with all other Dominance War V event champions in April 2011.


dw5_pre_bm1.png dw5_pre_bm2.png dw5_pre_bm3.png dw5_pre_bm4.png

To download the basemesh, click on the corrosponding thumbnail image above.

You have 4 weeks to finish a short 6 second fight sequence between two characters with the following specs:

  • Create a fight sequence where one character is the attacker and one character is the receiver of the attacks. The receiver should start standing, but finish dead on the floor.
  • Mandatory: Use and rig two of the above 3d base meshes for your character animation. They must be different models.
  • Keep in mind, when animating your characters, they should reflect two of the 4 character classes found above: War General, Technomage, Shadow, or Corrupted.
  • No textures or coloring allowed. Entire Mesh should be a single color. Optional: You may show the wireframe on your rendered animation (the wireframe can be a uv map texture applied to your model).
  • No sound fx or music allowed. Animation should be silent.
  • You may NOT alter the base mesh, but you may add up to 500 extra polygons per character for gear, clothing, appendages, and weapons. No pets or extra sentient beings (including pet robots). Example: 500 extra polies for character #1 PLUS 500 extra polies for character #2. Optional: At your discretion, you may modify (add more lines/topology) the joints of each model if it helps its movement in your animation. This joint modification does not count towards your 500 extra polygons/character.
  • All lighting solutions and rendering solutions from any software package is allowed.
  • For this warm up challenge, you may not use special effects, particles, or polygons and textures for special effects, magic effects, etc.
  • 6 seconds maximum for entire fight sequence. No extra time for lengthy credits.
  • Important: Your animation presentation must include your team's logo emblem and your two chosen character class names (War General, Shadow etc) in your animation. It can be on the floor, it can be within an overlay that frames your shot, it's up to you. Optional: You may add your name, website, and/or contact details alongside your team's logo and character class names if you choose. For logos, visit - Here
  • Animations should be uploaded onto Youtube or similar site and you must paste the url to your animation in the submissions page for animation.

All 3D Animation work in progress entries are required to be posted in this thread. DO NOT create your own thread for this challenge.

If you have any questions, post them in the Pre-Dom War V FAQ Thread.

For more information and the full brief, head to the Official Dominance War site.

Good luck.


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    So we have to rig these ourselves? or can we have someone else rig it?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Yes, you have to rig it yourself.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Are there any limits on the environment I make for them?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    I think the idea is to limit the environment and focus on the animation, I'd just use gray boxes for most of it besides any key props.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    The locale informs the acting. A fight in a forest vs. on a hovercraft vs. underwater vs. in space vs. in a cave. They're all different. A flat plane is different as well.

    If they want a flat plane, then they should specify it. I'm happy to make whatever environment simplified as all hell art wise.

    And let's say there was a tree or a rock in the enviro. Can it be animated. Can I bash a character through a wall?
  • scrawld
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    scrawld polycounter lvl 12
    Another question; can the cameras be animated? If it not in a cinematic way, perhaps just for effect? i.e camera shake.

  • Blackheart
    one more question for all, can you animate more than 2 characters.
  • Alias
    Your aloud to have a team of 2 working on this right?
  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    FredH said:
    As for camera angle, moving it, and clipping it so it's here then there then back here, all finesmile.gif
    Nothing says no. Animating a camera, animating a box, animating a character... all goodthumb.gif
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Ahhhh can't believe there's an Animation category this year!!!
    I was thinking hmmm yeah, 2D, getting some painting going, should be fu--WHAT. Animation!!!

    Yeah, I'm in! :D Gotta finish what I'm working on today, and then onto some sweet thumbnails!!

    Good luck to everyone!!! :D
  • Red Handed Gamer
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    Red Handed Gamer polycounter lvl 10
    • Create a fight sequence where one character is the attacker and one character is the receiver of the attacks. The receiver should start standing, but finish dead on the floor.
    • Mandatory: Use and rig two of the above 3d base meshes for your character animation. They must be different models.
    One is attacking, and the other is being attacked. They're probably going to be strict about it.
  • Blackheart
    A few more questions, is it possible to use motion builder which supply's its own rig and does the rig get judged at all on its own merits, customization and usability through this comp, or just the end product of the animation itself?
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Blackheart wrote: »
    A few more questions, is it possible to use motion builder which supply's its own rig and does the rig get judged at all on its own merits, customization and usability through this comp, or just the end product of the animation itself?

    You only submit the video, so they have no way of judging the rig. I'm sure plenty of people will be using pre-made rigs like biped or whatever their pref is.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    aesir: basically like ZacD mentioned. No, there are no limits to your environments, but I wouldn't spend 3 weeks blocking out an environment then 1 week on animation. If you need supporting props/environment pieces, then by all means, use them.
    Seeing as you aren't allowed to texture the basemeshes, I'd refrain from texturing any of your environment as well.
    The environment CAN be animated also. If it's purely visual (wind, falling leaves, background animation of any kind), it's not going to be judged. If it's throwing a character through a wall and you want to animate debris... Then it should be fine. But keep it simple. You're being judged on the animation of the 2 characters.

    scrawld: The cameras can be animated in any way you like.

    Blackheart: The breif calls for 2 characters. No more, no less.
    Also, existing rigs are acceptable, so long as you're the one applying the rig and skinning the model. You're getting pre-made basemeshes, so pre-made rigs should be fine. The primary focus is the animation.

    Alias: No teams allowed for this challenge. One person per entry and one entry per catagory. If this changes, I'll let you know.

    We do have a FAQ Thread for all questions, feel free to ask them in there.
  • Blackheart
    Cheers Emil,

    I guess ill start things off then. :)
    first batch of thumbs going to make a slightly large bulky guy fighting either skinny dude or the chick, still unsure.
    I'm going to aim for a dynamic anime feel, hoping to get as much clear strong poses as i can without bombarding the eye with super complex movements.

    still unsure how the skinny dudes going to get back from the big dudes beat down on the ground though .... well see
  • Cfish
    I was thinking about making a giant guy fighting the girl and he will smash her with just his hand.
  • RasielD
    You may NOT alter the base mesh, but you may add up to 500 extra polygons per character for gear, clothing, appendages, and weapons. No pets or extra sentient beings (including pet robots). Example: 500 extra polies for character #1 PLUS 500 extra polies for character #2. Optional: At your discretion, you may modify (add more lines/topology) the joints of each model if it helps its movement in your animation. This joint modification does not count towards your 500 extra polygons/character.

    Just making sure I got this bit right, if a rigger/animator wishes to add any weapons, armor, etc, it's all gotta fit within 500 tri. Also, tweaking the basemeshes for smoothness of motion does not detract from that 500. Right?

    Regardless of the answer, I'll probably try my hand at rigging all four of em. Doesn't hurt to practice what you've just learned in class, does it? Besides, they might be good practice on animation too, even after the contest ends.
  • thatanimator
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    thatanimator polycounter lvl 6
    just got to work, got this linked to me by one of my animator colleagues.


    6 seconds, love it. will have it done for you tonight! haha ;D

    I havent read much of the first post yet, but whats up with making a 6second fight sequence inside a MMO "game". I've only played a handful of MMO's in my life, and they all have

    idle loop > 30 frame attack animation > idle loop

    I ain't seen no 6 second 2 character fight animation boss!

    oh well, if we all set our brains to cutscene-mode it'll be fine!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    RasielD: What exactly do you mean by "tweaking" the basemesh? Did you mean adding extra support loops for deformation? If so, then this is strictly prohibited. No alterations to the basemesh can be made whatsoever.
    If you want add armour, this can only be in the form of floating geometry, not actually cut into the basemesh and you are limited to 500 tris of extra geometry.

    I hope that answers your question.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    RasielD: What exactly do you mean by "tweaking" the basemesh? Did you mean adding extra support loops for deformation? If so, then this is strictly prohibited. No alterations to the basemesh can be made whatsoever.
    If you want add armour, this can only be in the form of floating geometry, not actually cut into the basemesh and you are limited to 500 tris of extra geometry.

    I hope that answers your question.
    Optional: At your discretion, you may modify (add more lines/topology) the joints of each model if it helps its movement in your animation. This joint modification does not count towards your 500 extra polygons/character.

    Doesn't this mean we can add extra deformation loops? Just want to clarify. I don't know if I'll need the loops, but it would be nice to know in case I run into an issue involving that.

    Anyways, I'll post up some stuff related to my project now. Still really preliminary, obviously, but I wanted to get motivated early on it so I can get this going and finish on time with the best I can!

    First off, I had to shrink the models down to a more relevant scale. After I imported the obj's into maya, they were all way different sizes, so I took a guess at their relative scales to each other. Here are the two I'm deciding to do:

    The one on the left will be a Corrupter class and my Attacker. The other one, I'm thinking either War General or Technomage. Haven't decided quite yet!

    I was also able to model a very simple prop onto the Corrupter. I wanted him to have a sort of macabre/disturbing kind of movement, as the description and concept art impies of the class. So I gave him claws bound to his wrists, so I can have him get uncomfortably close to deliver powerful, painful strikes.


    They're obviously super simple, but it's just for a prop and I'm under poly limit so I think it's okay.

    I'll do a thumbnail tomorrow, but hopefully this process will go smoothly. I'm not much of a rigger but it can't hurt to try!
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    My apologies. Base you are indeed correct, and that adding loops for deformation is actually within the rules. Serves me right for not reading properly :P
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Anyone able to succesfully import the female base mesh? When I try to import it I see nothing (in Blender). The guy with the horns imports fine. Is she just ridiculously ridiculously small? I tried scaling up by a million units but still nothing :P

    EDIT: Finally found her, but I don't know who modelled her and in what program but she was off in crazy space and oriented crazy too...forseeing problems using this mesh :S At least Max users can use reset xform...is there a blender version for that does anyone know? Also importing meshes into the scene seems to have reversed my controls for zooming on the MMB?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I'm assuming that the actual "size" of the meshes is up to us? In MMOs, its quite common to scale an enemy up to use it as a larger, more powerful version of that enemy. Since the relative scale is very hard to determine from the base models, I'm assuming we can play around with that a little?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    I'm planning to have the girl rip off the trolls horns and stab him with them (GOW style), hope seperating meshes for that sort of purpose is ok.
  • Bicko
    Very quickly sketched up some ideas for equipment/gear on the 2 characters I'll be using; the female one is going to be all about quick, flowing movements while the horned guy will be using lumbering and powerful ones.

    Given him a giant hammer and shield whilst she will just be using her fists.. thinking about giving her a cloak and wrapping one (or both?) of her fists in some kind of cloth or chain that moves around with her. Idea again is that the cloth will make her seem a lot more 'flowing' whilst he'll be far more rigid using metal and wood.

  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    Andreas wrote: »
    I'm planning to have the girl rip off the trolls horns and stab him with them (GOW style), hope seperating meshes for that sort of purpose is ok.

    fffffuuuuuu Thats practically exactly the thing I thought of doing. :poly124:
    I can think of something else though, the possibilities are endless.

    It's awesome that they have an animation contest and I really hope I find the time to do an entry.
  • Cfish
    Rigged and ready! (Well almost, there is still quite a bit of weight painting to do but I am being lazy.)

    Still deciding on the scale for the two characters, might have to make the girl a little bigger just because if the guy was really that big it would take more than the 6 alloted seconds just for the anticipation of the guy swinging his hammer. I don't think I will give them any gear besides his hammer and she'll have a floating circlet on her head, she also will get a sword that pops out of her elbow.


    I will add some thumbnails for what my plan is later but the idea is pretty much that he is a giant war general, shes a shadow person and she dodges a hammer swing after he stands then spins around and stabs him in the back with her elbow sword.
  • Veneficus
    Heh, love that hammer, Cfish.

    I'm just thinking about the scale. The elbow-blade thing needs to be proportioned to the character, so, she in turn has to be big enough that her sword is big enough to actually kill the warlord in one stroke. Unless she really hits something vital.. Or maybe slitting his throat as she darts past him?
  • RasielD
    My apologies. Base you are indeed correct, and that adding loops for deformation is actually within the rules. Serves me right for not reading properly :P

    Sweet. Thanks for clarifying that you two. Main reason I had asked is because I worried a bit about the shoulder/upper chest joints on the models, at least, I was worried with some of the plans that are running through my mind. Once midterms finish tomorrow, I'll start trying to put some of it together.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Andreas wrote: »
    I'm planning to have the girl rip off the trolls horns and stab him with them (GOW style), hope seperating meshes for that sort of purpose is ok.

    Unfortunately, as great of an idea as that is, it's disallowed to alter the basemesh (unless adding support loops for improving deformation).

    However... You do have an extra 500 tris to play with for gear and weapons. So you could potentially model up an extra set of horns for the character, so these could be ripped off and used as weapons. This would be perfectly acceptable in the rules.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Yeah Andreas, I'm sure you could do what Emil suggested. You wouldn't be able to rip off the horns of the character model, since it's against the rules, but I'm sure people would be able to understand the idea you had for it and it will be just as good for this. I personally wouldn't take points off for it!

    I'm gonna begin my rigging today, while I figure out how I want the fight to go in my head. So exciting :D
  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    Is anyone using the CAT rigging tools in max? Im looking for a skinning tut for CAT but im having a hard time finding one con someone a link or something
  • Base
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    Base polygon

    Rigging and weightpainting is done! I didn't have any cool idea to show off the weight paints like Cfish though. So fresh with that hammer man.

    Now I'll get to work thumbnailing the battle. I've got a general idea of how I want it to go, so hopefully this'll all go well for me.
  • Saxeus
    Hey , this is my first DW :p animation challenge is a great idea , and i'm attending :)

    rigs are coming as soon as possible ;)
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    Base wrote: »

    Rigging and weightpainting is done! I didn't have any cool idea to show off the weight paints like Cfish though. So fresh with that hammer man.

    Now I'll get to work thumbnailing the battle. I've got a general idea of how I want it to go, so hopefully this'll all go well for me.

    Do you get ok deformation when rotating the big guys wrist in rotx without a forearm joint?

    I came up with an outline yesterday. The horned guy is the wargeneral and the girl is the shadow.
    -Shadow punches him in stomach with right hand.
    -Wargeneral bends over
    -Uppercut with left hand
    -Shadow grabs his horn and throws him to the side tumbling. His horns is his weakness that shadow is using.
    -Shadow do a cool aerial jump and crushes him while he's still on the ground.

    Also, I realized jazz is the ultimate music while skinning.
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Hmm, I wouldn't call it the best I could get. In terms of forearm joint, do you mean having another joint just behind it, or more halfway up the forearm?
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    Base wrote: »
    Hmm, I wouldn't call it the best I could get. In terms of forearm joint, do you mean having another joint just behind it, or more halfway up the forearm?

    About halfway. It's job is to retain the volume when twisting the wrist.
    But i don't know if its necessary if it looks ok but if its collapsing into a bowtie u may consider it depending on how much you want to rotate it in your animation.

    The goal is to have the forearm joint get half of the wrists rotation in x. I know of two solutions, one with constraints and one with expressions.

    check out this tutorial, I'm terrible at explaining:)
  • Base
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    Base polygon
    Sweet, thanks! Once I know if it's necessary (still forming the fight in my head), then I'll go through and rerig it, but this is -excellent- to know for the future. I'm not really a rigger so this is good stuff to know, I only know what I've learned from countless tutorials and trial and error. Thanks a ton!
  • NiklasT
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    NiklasT polycounter lvl 7
    ah, Bejkon, you are in the polycount section of DMV aswell? :D

    The character which is to resemble the War General:

    Not properly skinned yet but the main rig is almost done :)
  • Saxeus
    hi guys, i've got a question. Does anyone know how to deal with weapons. for example, i'd like to leave a knife into an arm after an attack . How would you deal with it ? does the weapon have to be part of the rig?
    thx for answers ;)
  • Rymdmonster
    I love that DomWar added this animation challenge! It will be awesome to do some non-work animation for a change.

    I made a test rigging of the horned guy, whom I'm using as the Shadow character. I haven't decided on the other character yet though.

    Here's a quick animation that I made after work to give myself an idea of what the Shadow may move like. I'm thinking of making him really beast like and savage. Ignore the cube and stuff.
  • NiklasT
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    NiklasT polycounter lvl 7
    Saxeus wrote: »
    hi guys, i've got a question. Does anyone know how to deal with weapons. for example, i'd like to leave a knife into an arm after an attack . How would you deal with it ? does the weapon have to be part of the rig?
    thx for answers ;)

    You can use a parent constraint to both the attackers hand (a joint in the hand) and to the recievers back (a joint in the back) then you animate the parent blend so at a given point in time the knife follows the attacker and the frame after it follows the reciever.

    No, it does not have to be a part of the rig. :)
  • Saxeus
  • ru4it
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    ru4it polygon
    does tearing a char apart like an arm or leg count as an effect?
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for clearing that up guys...I'll try and make four horns work? I'd almost just do it with the two and who cares if it gets disqualified :poly124: It's about the animation at the end of the day, and I think making four horns not look completely daft would be an issue. If I chose that route, would I be prohibited from posting W.I.P's in this thread?

    Rigging at the moment...it's taking an age as I'm still learning it. Not even finished the big guy yet :(:(:(
    ru4it wrote: »
    Is anyone using the CAT rigging tools in max? Im looking for a skinning tut for CAT but im having a hard time finding one con someone a link or something

    CAT is an animation system. Skinning is done the regular Max way, by using the Physique (if you're old) or the Skin modifier.
  • Cexar
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    Cexar polycounter lvl 6
    Hello everyone. I'm at this moment creating a rig for Fatty and Beefy. Number two and three of the characters to pick from. I hope to be finished by tomorrow with both of the rigs and I'm curious to see if there are any animators that might be interested in the rigs.
  • hfhdrtrtr
    Definitely joining this!
    Was just wondering: can i add like, say, tentacles to one of the characters or would that be counted as modifying the base mesh (since the tentacle would be connected to the body)?
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    ru4it: No, that doesn't count as an effect, but it is also prohibited from altering the basemesh. The only acceptable alterations are adding support loops for better deformation.

    hfhdrtrtr: If you use the bonus 500 tris to model in tentacles this would be fine, ONLY if you leave it as floating geometry (clipping into the original mesh). You CAN NOT alter the original mesh.
  • hfhdrtrtr
    Okay, thanks for the answer!
  • bejkon
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    bejkon polygon
    NiklasT wrote: »
    ah, Bejkon, you are in the polycount section of DMV aswell? :D

    Hells yea! Do you have something cool planed out?

    My characters are rigged and ready to go but i don't know if I can pull off her throwing horned guy, tis hard:poly127:
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