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Is Buying Black Ops supporting the Evil Empire?

polycounter lvl 17
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low odor polycounter lvl 17
I didn't want to derail the other thread with this. Just curious on what people think. I don't know what happened at Infinity Ward. I'm sure only the parties involved know the real details...and most people are just guessing. The conjecture seems to be that activision hung the devs out to dry- even after said devs made them lots and lots of money.

So forgetting all the Activision/ Infinity Ward mumbo jumbo, If you knew a company that treated their devs like crap, would you still buy their product- even if said product was an amazing game.

It would be nice to hear the rationale from devs, and those trying to jump on that same boat.


  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah that is a tough one because I think at one point or another all devs get treated like crap by the publishers.

    Take for example Lucas Arts and how they treated the devs from The Force Unleashed and lately with TFU:2. It's sad to hear that after pouring your heart and soul out on these titles that the entire teams are cut loose to what? Pad the profit margins?

    I know sometimes it's hard to justify having a full dev team hanging around when there are no projects to work on or when it's super early on in dev because a lot of people are sitting around.

    As far as IW goes and that whole situation. We still haven't learned the full details and possibly never will and like you said only the parties involved know the truth and what really happened that led to the situation.

    I plan on picking the game up just like i plan on picking up TFU:2 because even though there may be some history I still want to support the devs and the products they did make and play the games.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    Such factors don't affect my judgement when buying games and I do feel for the developers but what can we do? I'm not buying COD or Force Unleashed anyway because of my interests, sick of FPS and FU is same old.

    They should have gone down the Jedi Knight 2 route.
  • bounchfx
    99% of people will buy it and enjoy it regardless of who made it or if it's worse than MW2. unless it's literally a completely different game, the majority of the audience probably will not notice.

    It's good to support Treyarch, but the hype for this game is pretty much way past the ridiculous line for where it should reasonably be.

    err, back closer to topic: It's supporting activision but it's also supporting treyarch, who we probably don't want to be out of jobs.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I have no doubt most people dont give two shits about who made it..just curious if devs think it is counterproductive to support a system that sets them up as disposable...this is not every company..but it seems there are a few out there that treat the devs to the dirty end of the stick.... I want to play Black Ops...I love the modern warfare COD games...but it feels like I'd be voting for their methods...maybe I am taking it too seriously ?
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    How a company apparently treats their employees has no effect on my decision to buy a game.

    Out of curiosity, to those who do refuse to buy games published by a certain company, do you also refuse to buy products made in factories with far worse working conditions than any game dev studio or do you only do that for things that directly affect or interest you?
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    I try to be conscience of where my money goes...do I know 100% that every dime I spend doesn't go to some evil corporation..no

    I'm mostly concerned with game dev, because it's what I do.
  • Tom Ellis
    Yozora wrote: »
    Out of curiosity, to those who do refuse to buy games published by a certain company, do you also refuse to buy products made in factories with far worse working conditions than any game dev studio or do you only do that for things that directly affect or interest you?

    Pretty sure if I did that I'd be living in like a monk.

    I sure as hell wouldn't own any Apple products.
  • ae.
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    ae. polycounter lvl 12
    When it comes to things like the situation that occurred between the Developers at Infinity Ward and Activision , I don't think Activision should be hated because it wanted to protect its IP the two heads at IW ( from what i gather from court documents and such) were talking to other publishers.

    If i was running Activision i would fire those two guys in a second doesn't matter if they made "call of duty" the only reason they were able to develop that franchise was because activision paid them to make it.

    it sucks that they were fired but going behind your publishers back like that is real shady especially for studio heads.

    but i do think that not giving out the royalties to the devs was just a way of retaining some of the talent that was leaving the studio, and was equally as shady :(

    but will i buy Black ops? hell yes!!!!!!
  • gauss
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    gauss polycounter lvl 18
    it is definitely supporting lazy developers being lazy about gun research. i don't care what you say, flat-top receivers on M16s weren't introduced that early! MY IMMERSION!!!
  • Mark Dygert
    That's a tough one...
    If you don't buy it as a way to hurt the publisher you also hurt the developer and they'll never build up enough cash to actually break away. That is if whats left of IW wants independence.

    If you buy it, you give the publisher a big thumbs up and the OK to keep on being cockmongers... But ae brings up a good point it was kind of shady looking to jump ship like that, especially after they did it to EA a few years ago. But we really don't know the whole story so who knows... /shrug

    Will I buy it, probably not, but that's mostly because I'm not hyper excited about realistic shooters. I pretty much burned out on those around CoD1-2.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    As evil as Activision may be, if the talented folks at Treyarch make a great game, they deserve our gaming dollar, just like any other studio.
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    Buy it if you think it's a good game and want to play it. Sticking it to activision won't matter anyway, unless WoW suddenly stops bringing in cash.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I don't think Activision is THAT evil.

    I'd worked for an Activision studio before, and I personally think they're one of the better publishers to work for. And I would gladly work for them again.

    Sure their CEO might come across poorly to the public, but in all honestly, I don't see a bi-annual 1000+ people layoff.

    I also don't hear too many stories of putrid working conditions for Activision employees, where they demand 12+ hours a day and mandatory weekends.

    Also the cool thing they do, is have a 2nd party development culture, so there really allow these studios to maintain their own development culture (rather than... send in the suits to completely change everything to EXACTLY how they want).

    Seriously. What is everyone's beef with Activision? Yeah, the game media paints a target on them because they're #1, much like they did with EA 3 years ago. If it's because of the Infinity Ward fiasco, let the courts decide on that. If what they did was completely in the wrong, I'm sure they will receive ample compensation.
  • seth.
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    seth. polycounter lvl 14
    heheheh I love a change of industry but I still cant quite shake the tabletop games mentality.....I read the thread title and immediatly though Games Workshop :D
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know that a product exists, that doesn't have poorly treated employees behind it. I can tell you that MANY people are shafted in the auto industry, but that isn't going to stop you from buying cars, is it? Look at how Chinese workers are treated. Will that prevent you from buying a Mac product?

    I get your sentiment, and if I honestly felt like boycotting a product would result in changes, then I would do it. But, if I'm one of a dozen people boycotting a product, it will have no effect, and I will be the only one who loses in the deal.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I'm not buying it because I never got into the COD series, use me as your karmic balance
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Like others have said, if you don't buy it to boycott Activision, you're also fucking over the developer, and that's the last thing we need to do. Sticking it to the man also hurts the economy at this point. If the economy was sound or on the up and up in a big way, this kind of behavior may be excusable, but right now, we need to be buying this shit to help studios grow and create more jobs for ourselves and our brethren.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    You know what? It has to be said.

    Fuck the developer. If they choose to go make that game with that publisher or worse. Allowed themselves to be bought up. Further. People then joining these institutions after seeing what is done to the previous workers...

    I have very limited sympathy. That line about how the developer will suffer as well does not effect me.

    So no. I wont. Will my purchase make any difference? Unlikely. However I wont have to deal with the guilt of supporting the corruption already shown. I will also "put my money where my mouth is" which is probably the best any of us can do from the outside. So we can feel justified in pointing out the injustices we see.

    If you don't like the practices yet continually buy the product without question. Your just helping what you feel is wrong.

    Oh I know. No one is innocent. But there is that point where you just go bullshit.
    So as per Yozora. As much as possible when I have a choice.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I wouldn't call Activision an evil empire. I would call them a faceless, soul-less corporate machine. But that is what they are, and they don't really try to hide it. I can't really label them as "evil" when they are so blatantly shameless about their true nature. I've always felt that evil would involve more deception, and possibly puppy killing.

    I'm not going to buy Call of Duty: Black Ops. But it's not because I want to fight "the man." I still haven't played the first Modern Warfare game. I'm barely invested in the Call of Duty franchise. I suppose that if you are interested in objecting to Activision's business practices, abstaining from Black Ops would be the best way to send them a message. The most aggressive action you can take against any company is to simply not purchase their goods.

    At this point, it surprises me when people don't expect Activision to act like corporate overlords. They are now "The Man" of the video game industry. If you want to object to them, then don't buy their games. Do keep in mind that there are always other "the man" companies who are ready and willing to take their place. The power and prestige that big business provides has a way of changing even the most well-meaning idealists into corporate money-machines.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    Just by buying a pc or a gaming console you are alreadying acknowledging the fact that you're ok with how people are treated at foxconn and many other factories like it in the third world, which is basically a million times worse than anything any game developer or publisher is doing. so wtf?
  • fmnoor
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    fmnoor polycounter lvl 17
    +1 to what JacqueChoi said.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    from talking to peeps, every publisher sucks in their own special way.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    So the only way I can protest without looking like a hypocrite is to burn my pc, trash my consoles, grow my own food, not pay taxes, be a raw vegan...etc

    Yeah...it seems a bunch of publishers are guilty of treating devs like disposable cameras.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    So.. this is the world, buy all what you like and ignore the rest. Ignorance makes happiness.

    I don't like this kind of games of 3 hours of playing, and like it's always the same i won't buy it.

    err, and wtf with foxconn? what's up if we buy Gigabyte or Asus? My computers are not 100% chinese ¬¬
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    Sometimes I think Jack Sparrow said it best. "The only rules that really matter are these: What you can do, and what you can't do."

    Something like that.

    We all do what we have to do. To achieve stability, happiness, whatever it is we're after. I've worked for several companies/various sources of employment in the past that didn't deserve my time, lowest of the low type of shit. I've been a high school janitor, where kids and adult staff alike literally SHIT all over my day's work all the time without a care in the world. I've worked jobs for bars and restaurants that left my hands entirely black with oil and grease only to watch the managers make drug deals with kids out back behind my dish room. By agreeing to work there, I was making them money, I was keeping them going.

    And no it wasn't great, knowing that my time went to send these assholes home to their nice houses so they could cheat on their wives and continue to treat their employees like total shit. But you do what you need to. And when I was able, I stopped and moved on. And I didn't hold anything against the people who would say, come and eat at the bar - thereby supporting my employers. They were just tired and needed an outlet to relax, no fault of theirs.

    Buying shit is the same way. I don't buy a ton of games, Call of Duty hasn't interested me since the first one, but if it was something that would help my wife or myself relax and enjoy ourselves, yes I'd buy it. Because sometimes you need to just sit at home and shoot someone in the face. The developers do what they can, the publishers do what they can, I do what I can. Sometimes shit sucks and sometimes it works out. I try to consider the larger ramifications of my actions, and try not to be part of the problem when I can - but sometimes, you can't.

    Don't really know what more you can ask of someone.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Blaizer wrote: »
    err, and wtf with foxconn? what's up if we buy Gigabyte or Asus? My computers are not 100% chinese ¬¬

    The capacitors probably contain minerals that were mined in the Congo, the atrocities that are going down there rank as some of the worst in human history. I recently heard an interview with a woman who's house was attacked by rebels, they shot her husband, chopped her leg off, cut it into 8 pieces, cooked it on the fire and forced her children to eat it (they shot her oldest son who refused).

    time to build a shack in the woods and grow your own food, that's the only way to know for sure.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Blaizer wrote: »
    err, and wtf with foxconn? what's up if we buy Gigabyte or Asus? My computers are not 100% chinese ¬¬


    Low-odor: No one is saying you can't be upset. I don't consider it hypocritical. I don't like seeing employees get abused in any industry. I just don't see the point of protesting something that isn't going to change, especially if it's only limited to a few hundred people protesting.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    rawkstar wrote: »
    Just by buying a pc or a gaming console you are alreadying acknowledging the fact that you're ok with how people are treated at foxconn and many other factories like it in the third world, which is basically a million times worse than anything any game developer or publisher is doing. so wtf?

    Same with just buying food or clothing. Dont trick yourself into believing that the way Activision treated Infinity Ward is even on the same level as what happens to people in third world country's where you cloths are made or your food is picked.
  • Blaizer
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    Blaizer polycounter
    it's incredible but it's a reality we all know, it's not a scoop. We all know they sell us the gadgets like the iphone for more than 800 euro and at the end, you know what's happenning? iphone is a total success.

    ehem, if we talk about clothing what?

    And now i ask, who has the blame? the big companies? or the chinese government? we as consumers? There are too many companies doing the same in all the sectors, almost all is "made in china" now, and those laboral conditions are like the "standard" there. This is not something new, and as a consumer, i can't do anything except to buy the best for my budget. Other people will care a shit if i can't reach the end of the month with my salary, and i won't care a shit if a product is "manufactured" by a company like Asus, Zotac, or Activision...

    If i need hardware to work, wtf! if all is "made in china", how i work if i follow the stupidity of not buying chinese products? ¬¬

    Now is with activision, but what with Ubi?

    All my mobos have capacitators and too many components made in Japan, quality components. I really don't care about the raw materials they used and their origin. With my "no buy" i can't change anything, give or take. There always will be someone taking advantage of "chinese workers".

    I feel all this very silly. If you like something, just buy it, we only have one life and it's very short.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    I generally buy a game if it is interesting to me.
    No other factors.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I was easily excited by HL2 and TF but this game bores me to tears, will not be supporting this genre at all.

    Soon China will be outsourcing to America anyway.
  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Online fps games are becoming increasingly boring to me. Modern Warfare 1 was a blast, World at War was fun enough, Modern Warfare 2 got old pretty quickly. Halo Reach was a sidenote (i played it like twice) and Team Fortress 2 is falling to the wayside as well.
    That's just me, though.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    rawkstar wrote: »
    Just by buying a pc or a gaming console you are alreadying acknowledging the fact that you're ok with how people are treated at foxconn and many other factories like it in the third world, which is basically a million times worse than anything any game developer or publisher is doing. so wtf?

    No one is perfect. But there is a difference when you do your best not to get products made from places like Foxconn. Sometimes you have no choice if you need whatever is made.

    But to attempt to say either or. Period. Is dishonest, very narrow minded viewpoint, and allows you to excuse anything you purchase.

    Hell if you want to get into details. We shouldn't be buying any electronics of any nature beyond the environmental damage. The precious metals and minerals used in them can come from corrupt governments that even in some places use basically slave labor to obtain.

    There is a difference though in purchasing straight out a product made 95% of the precious material for just looks/value. And a product that uses small amounts of the material to work. You still can send a message buy not buying the precious material because its precious and only buying what you need. You also can research if your products company is trying to obtain the raw materials from less corrupt sources (which some now are).

    There is a difference between just buying blindly to only what you seek at the cheapest price point and buying what you need with some forethought. If you cannot understand. Or more, do not want to understand the difference (because it will show your own egoism) then there is no discussion to be had.

    No. Your excuse is just an excuse to not change.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    Same with just buying food or clothing. Dont trick yourself into believing that the way Activision treated Infinity Ward is even on the same level as what happens to people in third world country's where you cloths are made or your food is picked.

    And again. YOU CAN attempt to watch what happens in these two. Or you can just blindly purchase whatever you want and use the above that someone somewhere else has it worse. Its just an excuse to do nothing. It's all about narcissism.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    oXYnary wrote: »
    And again. YOU CAN attempt to watch what happens in these two. Or you can just blindly purchase whatever you want and use the above that someone somewhere else has it worse. Its just an excuse to do nothing. It's all about narcissism.

    I was just trying to bring up the point that since 95% of people just sit idly by when these kind of business practices happen then why would you question buying a game that dosnt even come close to the horrible practices that are inflicted on third world country workers.

    If you are going to buy one and then question another just because you are more personally related you are just being hypocrite. If you find it bad enough that Activision milks the shit out of its games until there terrible and over saturated that you cant buy it then you should find it repulsive slave labor makes the cloths you wear why you chat on internet websites about how bad Activision is.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Autocon wrote: »
    I was just trying to bring up the point that since 95% of people just sit idly by when these kind of business practices happen then why would you question buying a game that dosnt even come close to the horrible practices that are inflicted on third world country workers.

    If you are going to buy one and then question another just because you are more personally related you are just being hypocrite. If you find it bad enough that Activision milks the shit out of its games until there terrible and over saturated that you cant buy it then you should find it repulsive slave labor makes the cloths you wear why you chat on internet websites about how bad Activision is.

    And the worlds not black and white. Its not either or. I already addressed this. You do the best you can and make as best an informed decision you can.

    We all have to choose our battles. Since this is our field. I believe its even more imperative that we take measures. We also are not a third world country. This "argument" you give is a transparent as the people saying that no one should complain because someone somewhere else always has it worse. Just because your neighbor doesn't give a shit. Doesn't mean you don't have to either IF it bothers you.

    You know what? They are both excuses. If this doesn't bother you that's fine. If something does you take measures when you can to try to minimize your damage. Sometimes its not possible. But at least thinking about it when deciding a purchase does at least address personally the problem. It doesn't solve it however. But thats not the point. The point is to make you THINK what your doing.

    Hell your "logic" can be used on our environment. No matter what one does it will be affected. Hence don't bother worrying. When if you looked beyond your own needs you would see there are alternatives to lower your effect. Instead of that new car use the bus. etc.

    Using hypocrisy is foolish for this. Hypocrisy can only work in a either or situation.

    Another way to think about this is your telling anyone who does attempt at least some sort of compromise with their purchases or lifestyle to address one matter or another. They not only are doing nothing, they are being hypocritical by purchasing still. The only way would to frankly live in the woods or kill themselves to have no effect.

    Then you run into. If they did the above. They no longer would have any say in the matter. Nothing would change and no one would at least be questioning the purchase.

    Hence again. Why saying its all hypocrisy is just an excuse. If the shit doesn't bother the person one way or another they wouldn't even bother attempting to call the person a hypocrite. I think personally the people who do attempt the hypocrite excuse are just feeling more self conscious then they let on and don't like people raising sticky points. Better to stay in ignorant happiness. Then have to feel the guilt of sometimes having to make compromises.

    You also do not have to get your clothes via third world if you really wanted to fwiw. (Why I dont own a PC shirt yet cause we dont have a choice for American Apparel [though the site does offer them])
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    God I just did a wall of text.

    So for the ADHD which is most of us.

    It cant be hypocritical when you have no real choice if not participating means you have no say in any regards to what happens. It also cannot be called hypocrisy by attempting to compare to other areas of commercialism. Its a straw man as it compares to a larger scope of abuse from a different area when the focus was on one particular.
  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    I always buy used games anyway so neither the dev nor the publisher sees a cent from me. Heh heh.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    All very good points, and your right I really shouldn't try and forcibly compare the two as they are very different things. My bad on that.

    But let me comment on the your position that one should think about the decisions they make. I totally and whole heatedly agree with this and always do so.

    And for this situation here is my thinking behind the matter.

    If you want to buy an Activision game like Black Ops, buy it. Activision like many businesses is out to make a lot of money, and for Activision they enjoy making gobs and gobs of it. The thing is though that Activision dose nothing illegal, they dont hurt there works in anyway, they are not unfairly treating anyone. Yes I feel that they shitty business practices where they judge the worth and value of a studio and its employees on its ability to make a game that can be milked for the long haul but you know what? Thats just business, and for Activison it is clear that its good business.

    Some people are now thinking, hmmm should I buy this game for Activison? The company that brought about the distruction of the Infinity Ward that created COD and made it into the jugernaught that it is today? Activison, the same company that dismissed projects like Ghostbusters and Brutal Legends because they were not seen as franchies that can be milked year after year? No some would say as boycotting the games Activison publishes would help to fight off these kinds of buisness practices.

    Well fact of the matter is that it wont hurt Activison nearly as much as the studios developing these games. Activison has a ton of studios and a good number of franchise that it owns and is currently milking out great profits from. Even when they lose a gem of a studio like Infinity Ward they have many more to take its place. If need be they will create whole new studios like Sledgehammer to fill the void that IW left. See the thing is most gamers dont know who IW is or what in the world a Treyarch is. They know what Call of Duty is and that is what Activison sells. They sell Call of Duty, the names attached to the end of the game and the studio that developed the game is arbitrary to them, its just the next in the series. They are selling a multi million dollar name that has nothing to do with who crated them.

    The reason it hurts the developers far more then the publisher is if no one is buying the new Black Ops game you think that will stop Activison from making more and more COD games? No, they will just eventually get rid of the developer and pass the mantel off to another team. If they dont see your studio as a viable source for a good, steady income then they will put your team on the chopping block. Shady and slimy it may be, but illegal? No. Wrong? No. For them its just good business.

    So yes I agree that one should think about the purchasing decisions they make. This is my thinking on the matter whether you agree or disagree, its cool.

    Support the games you know you will enjoy as that is really the only reason more will be made.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I take the opposite view which I mentioned earler. Fuck the developer. They choose to work with that publisher and have a shitty contract. Or worse, allowed themselves to be bought out. Further new workers would have to be living in a hole to not hear what was going on before joining. You cant put that guilt on our head for the choices others make. I can't sympathize that much.

    Yes. The developer does get the short end of the bargain which they then pass unto the workers. I wont deny it. But using that as an excuse to still purchase the game where you otherwise wouldnt have doesnt work per the above. You still if you not only not purchase but make it known why. Depending on your social group. Have a chance of creating some sort of mark as a group.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    May be cruel to think so but, my entire approach to the whole "The money you trade in for "Happy" goes to someone EVIL!" is: Don't know em, don't care. It's not directly interfering with my life so... why bother? Sure, I there are extreme cases, and sometimes I might actually feel bad, but in the end: I got a fun game to play with my friends, that's all that matters.
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Skamberin wrote: »
    May be cruel to think so but, my entire approach to the whole "The money you trade in for "Happy" goes to someone EVIL!" is: Don't know em, don't care. It's not directly interfering with my life so... why bother? Sure, I there are extreme cases, and sometimes I might actually feel bad, but in the end: I got a fun game to play with my friends, that's all that matters.

    Beware the Empathy Karma Fairy


    Someone at work made a great statement about this whole thing. If you make a great game- regardless of big money ass clowns treating devs like Kleenex- That game is going to stick with you for the rest of your career...and it is going to open up more opportunities for the devs that created it..that in itself is worth supporting the game....This was probably stated a few posts back, by Jesse and a few others..so duh..type slower and use smaller words...Supporting good games is a good thing. Is Black Opps a good game..dont know?
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    low odor wrote: »
    Beware the Empathy Karma Fairy

    I did say I felt bad though right? and and, in extreme cases it does matter, times when I can actually make a difference D:

    Never really got the public idea of empathy, it's like this thing you need to say you have, but not really have. Not saying that's how everyone is, I know a lot of people who genuinely care about most things going bad that they can see (either via news or their own eyes) and more power to them for it, but this whole "Did you know? It's bad yeah, you should feel bad because of it" is... messing with my groove.

    Also I make up for it by buying more indie games :D
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    Skamberin wrote: »
    I did say I felt bad though right? and and, in extreme cases it does matter, times when I can actually make a difference D:

    Never really got the public idea of empathy, it's like this thing you need to say you have, but not really have. Not saying that's how everyone is, I know a lot of people who genuinely care about most things going bad that they can see (either via news or their own eyes) and more power to them for it, but this whole "Did you know? It's bad yeah, you should feel bad because of it" is... messing with my groove.

    There is no such thing as selflessness. But anyhoo. I don't think anyone is doing such. I mean they can attempt to tell you to feel bad. But they cannot make you; we make our own choices.
  • Rwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    It's not helping that they're releasing it on Remembrance Day. In poor taste.
  • Skamberin
    Offline / Send Message
    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    So.. they should stop the release of the game worldwide because of a special day in one country? :X
    I can agree that it's in poor taste to release a super popular war game on such a day though.
  • Rwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Skamberin wrote: »
    So.. they should stop the release of the game worldwide because of a special day in one country? :X
    I can agree that it's in poor taste to release a super popular war game on such a day though.

    It's not just one country you know, it's worldwide. And it's not a commercial holiday either.

    I think it would of been fine it was on a typical "tues" game release.
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Ah true, that was an ignorant statement on my part (it's much MUCH less prevalent and talked about in my country though), however it does bring up the question why it's in bad taste to release a shooter during such a week but "okay" to release it during Christmas and other such holidays..

    Eh well, no one was harmed.
  • Rwolf
    Offline / Send Message
    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Because we're honoring our vet's, and Christmas is a commercial cash grab.
    Anyway 3 Million gamer's already spoken with cash in hand.
  • Autocon
    Offline / Send Message
    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Maybe Treyarch, much like myself didnt even know such a holiday existed? ><
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