So I've spend the afternoon working through the 3D motive UDK terrain tutorial (Which I recommend) and due to some problems opening the tutorial packages in the July build, I updated to the latest October build. But come time to add in foliage to the terrain I have a bit of a problem: It doesn't exist! I checked the patch notes and yup, "Foliage volumes and terrain foliage were removed."
Honestly, this seems alot less like an improvement and alot more like a large step backwards. Does anyone know why this happened? Did the features move? Can I set draw distance on deco layers and tie them to material layer now?
Foliage seemed like a great feature, why the cut?
Thanks for supporting 3dMotive! It's kinda bad timing that Epic removed terrain foliage a month after our Terrain video went out. You can download the September Version of UDK here- if you really wanted to try it out. My guess is that Epic is moving towards a different Terrain system. It's just a hunch though! I hope you enjoyed the rest of the video, thanks again!
Compared to CryEngine and Frostbite, UDK's terrain is very outdated and inflexible.
Btw, here's the only official reply I could find.
Personally, I am perfectly happy with Epic removing obsolete features as long as they add more streamlined tools.
edit: Snight beat me :P
Ah well, I'll just have to do without, I guess! :B Kinda sad if the video turns out obsolete in a few months though.
Fantastic tutorial though.