I'm running into trouble with the export from Max 2010 to Max 2008. When I exported a whole scene as FBX in Max 2010 and checked it briefly in 2008, everything looked fine, so I didn't look any deeper.
Now that I'm working with the imported FBX file in Max 2008, I noticed that Max displays smoothing groups properly. It looks just the same as it used to in Max 2010, but -according to Max- no smoothing groups are assigned.
I checked if it just broke the vertices between smoothing groups on import, but this isn't the case.
Is there any way to get my smoothing groups back, since Max has to store them somewhere, otherwise it wouldn't show the model with the correct shading, I guess.
Unfortunately I can't just reexport the model, and I'd like to keep the changes I already did to it.
tl;dr: Imported a FBX, smoothing looks fine but no smoothing group is assigned.
/edit: Updating to a newer FBX importer fixed the problem on import. I need to redo everything that I did, but I guess it's better than resmoothing everything.
Note to myself: Don't work with old importers!
It has a tendency to mess up (lock) smoothing groups, mess up uv's and sometimes if you import two diffirent models, it will just replace the second model with the first one you imported.
I suppose that you have to use it for your project, so... life's a bitch