Hey guys, long time lurker, first time actually posting anything of my own.
I've been watching these forums for a while, and finally decided to make an account about a month back, so that I could give input, and hopefully receive some as well.
If you're uninterested in my current endeavors, skip the next paragraph or so, I just feel as though I should justify myself a little bit before diving in head first here.
I'm currently nearing the end of my second year studying a Game Artist Course in South Australia (Studying Advanced Diploma In Screen And media (Game Art)) which means I will hopefully be looking for work in the industry here in Australia. I have found during my studies that I feel more comfortable in the lower poly range of work, usually I find it a challenge to increase a tri count over 1k, and easier to keep it below 500. I also don't have much that I believe is Portfolio Standard, currently, so I have been attempting to get some decent work pumped out, that I could place into my portfolio and be proud of.
So when I was asked, as a final assignment for one of my competencies, to create a Scene, I instantly thought: "Oh, I could do a hand painted thing, similar to Torchlight, I've seen a lot of hand painted stuff on Poly Count recently and think I should give it a try!"
My overall theme is a library, not abandoned, but not necessarily looked after either. Books scattered about the place, a messy, but lived in, sort of look.
Modeling is so far pretty much complete, along with UVing, I started Texturing earlier this week, and have managed to find a style I am relatively happy with.
I would appreciate some input, though. Considering I would like to expand my skillset, and "polish" off some props, etc for my portfolio. So I am expanding my search for input beyond the classroom.
Pretty much anything is appreciated right now. Hand Painting is new to me, this is my first real try, at completing a prop hand painted;
What do you guys think?
EDIT: Currently, this prop is using a Diffuse, and an Ambiance Map, using 512x512 for each.
EDIT #2: Dropped a 50% Grey into the background to reduce the brightness of the image. Added a texture file for reference.
I chose not to reduce the Glyphs, as I decided that I actually like them larger, I feel they're too small and insignificant when smaller, and lose their meaning.
Also, as stated, I could have cleaned up and stacked a lot of the UV's here, I was thinking in a completely different way, whilst working on it, instead of thinking low poly "torchlight", like I should have. Low res is entirely my fault and should have been considered before texturing began.. Foolishly I didn't.
for a 512, i'd expect a much higher resolution texture - this looks very blurry and low-rez.
also, do not render on pure white. the contrast kills your piece. a gray would be much better for showing off your work.
Seems more likely they just be wrapped around the bottom piece. Then maybe some other design on the top of it.
And if the red stuff is glowing you should put some faint glow highlights on the pillars and whatnot where it's close.
Baddcog: You're very much correct there. The glyphs shouldn't wrap around.. I'll have a look into that. Also, the intention was to not texture the glow in, because the Crystals will be circling the prop once it is fully completed, I was thinking I might actually set them up as a source of light, so that they are actually self illuminating.
Thank you very much guys.
- good luck with the torchlight props - I never actually managed to find out how to import my stuff despite a good TorchEd community/resources - i think you need a preety specific 3dsmax version for the export/import plugins to work...
good luck with the job search -and keep punting away at that portfolio mate!
Updated the renders, and added the texture file now.
@achmed , static props are actually quite easy, I got a sword in Torchlight (though the paths are condfusing and touchy), I even got a helmet but it was either sideways on ground or character and never got help figuring that out.
Animated stuff though needs Max 10, for some reason they wrote their own Ogre mesh exporter specific to 10 (there are already a bunch of working exporters that work for many versions of many programs). I think they just shot the mod community in the foot with that one, I was fairly disappointed.
TorchED does seem like a pretty painful program to learn... I still dont' quite understand some of the tools I use! hahaha.
Slow bandwidth is a bad man.
Also, Ugh, triple posting... I hate it.
Tell me what you guys think overall, I'm pretty happy with the continuity in style, I think I managed to maintain that pretty well
Would be better to post all images speerately and have in game maybe brighter and larger. (is it in game? if not do it! (static props in TL is easy)