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Rigged Planetoid (want to make a procedural one now)

Hey all,

For a school project, I made this quick planet and rigged it in such a way that anyone can come into max, click the main controller, and edit the colour of the land (inc. sea) and the clouds. It does a couple other things too, like I rigged a controller that rotates a light around the planet and stuff.

This goes to the rigged planet in case anyone wants to play around with it.

click to enlarge

It's nothing to write home to mother about, really. But I'm thinking a procedural planetoid script could be something really cool to work on (if not exactly original), not to mention it would right up my alley on several levels.

Thing is I'm not quite sure where to start, being quite newbish at this time... Anyone have a bit of advice? I'm thinking MaxScript is the way to go for something like this. Although, would a Python script work in Maya and Blender as well?

Anything helps!



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