hey guys, im trying to make a chrome texture on part of an object using 3ds max and photoshop ( the handle and latch to a toolbox) and I just cant figure out how to make it look like chrome, someone told me to use a dark diffuse color and light spec map but thats not working, should use a reflectivity map and how to I isolate the reflections to the specific uv space? thanks alot, any advice or links to tutorials would be great the only tutorials i can find are one sto make the whole object chrome.
Here's an example image I'm using in a project I'm working on. Similar to what you probably want to look at.
To have other areas not be reflective just make them black in your specular map.
Here are some alternatives to what you are already using. You can find many good game like real-time shaders there which will let you use reflections and mask their effect.
What you are using sounds like a common offline render technique for reflections. The shaders I linked to are most likely real-time shaders using cheaper methods but at blazing speeds compared to raytracing. In other words, the technique you are speaking of takes longer to render but should produce better results and the linked shaders do it in fractions of a second but with not as good accuracy. The later being more like what you go for in games.