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3d texture painting, which programs?

Im looking for a program to get started with low poly texture painting. to paint in 3d the textures seem to me like to have a lot advantages, like covering up seams completly good. these are the programs ive hearded of so far: bodypaint, zbrush , deep paint, blender projection painting. i also just found out about 3ds max 2011 viewport canvas. this sounds like the best program yet to youse, because of the wide range of options integrated in the 3d package itself. (so i can use ao fast and render out to see how it looks ). If someone has another program to use, id really apriciate . all advice about this or mayby a tutorial on ur favorite program is very welcome :) goodluck, thanks bye


  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    For 3D projection painting, I'd recommend Mudbox or Bodypaint. I've also heard 3D Coat is good but never used it for painting.
  • divi
    Offline / Send Message
    divi polycounter lvl 12
    3d coat is actually rather brilliant. you can even paint normal map information directly on the model.
    download the demo and give it a try.
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    I use a mix of Zbrush and 3d painting in Photoshop. I am dying to dig into 3D Coat more. I really liked it the little I have used it.
  • lampekap
    thanks for the nice suggestions, ill definiatly look into 3d coat, although for low poly stuff i have in mind i really won't paint in normal maps. ive also taken a look at sculptris polypaint, but it is too rough for my likings.

    @jeffro: would you reccomend 3d painting features of photoshop for low poly texture painting? i like the idea, but has it the constant switching back and forth? the autodesk viewport canvas doesn't requires this, but has a great layer and other tools that make it almost as good as photo shop..

    also, ive never seen how to 3d painting with photoshop works, do i require a special plugin? with what programs does it work?
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    with what programs does it work
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