I suppose I should have enlisted as a Polycount team, but it didn't cross my mind when I signed up. If you're interested in joining my team, or wanting to donate to the team, please check out the Movember site, or
click here to join The Polycount Team.
For those that don't know what Mo-vember is, it's a fundraising effort to raise money for testicular/prostate cancer. On the first of November, you completely shave your face clean. Over the course of the month, you need to grow a mustache. Not a goatee, not a soul patch, but a honest to goodness mustachio. Each week, team members take photos and post them to the page so people can see the hilarious progress. Last year a bunch of peeps from Turn10 did this and it was quite entertaining. I noticed a lot of other artists doing it on Facebook as well. Either way it's good fun and for a great cause.
Unfortunately, despite being 26, I also suffer from a severe lack of manliness in the facial hair department and my before/after pics would look identical.
New team formed for Polycount! Sign Up!
Or you can take the easy way out :P
Also this.
As the good Doctor Sam Beckett would say, "Ohhhh boy". hah. I don't think I've seen my chin in 15yrs.
Join the Polycount Team!
Donate to the Polycount Team!
Seeing as I am post #20. I should point out
Just some perspective:
In this thread, the odds are that 3 of us (myself and anyone that posts above me) will develop prostate cancer.
Yeah, sobering as hell, ain't it?
Brandon - thanks! Got two donations so far!
Good thing i'm not posting in this thread, otherwise I'd be at risk of it too.
Oh wait.
Team Polycount (just ME, btw) ranked #1683 in the U.S right now! Come on!
And for those that have issues "growing" - no excuses! They even have an AWARD for you!
Join the team, bounchfx!
Come on guys, please donate! Just $1 each can help! This is for testicular/prostate cancer research! Save yo nuts!
Look how ridiculous I look! Is that not worth $1 to laugh at!? Come on!
Sorry guys I put my donation to another team! soz!
Im one of the facially hair challenged, and by that the only place it grows is well my mo and goatee. If i let it grow out and just shave the sides i would have a naturally grown facial hair style...
Ebagg posted his on FB! Glad I'm not alone in looking silly. hehe
No one else has donated, I'm disappointed in you lot! I was unemployed 10 months last/this year and I still managed to donate $150 to the MS Society! One dollar guys, that's all I ask! One dollar each!
This is for testicular/colon cancer research. Statistically speaking, at least 2 men in this thread will get it. It's for an awesome cause. Your junk. COME ON. I'm going to have to submit a donation to myself here pretty soon.
They're normal women - I see nothing wrong with that! I'd rather have seen the women in this video than a bunch of over-exaggerated models.
Plus it made me laugh, so it completed my evening.
Now all of you fucking slackers better donate something to the Polycount team. NOW.
Yea, maybe you can't grow a mustache, or any facial hair for that matter. But you do, hopefully, have a pair of balls - balls that are susceptible to ball cancer - cancer, that will have your balls painfully removed - removed, never to be seen again.
I'm sure a lot of you have 2 or 3 dollars sitting in your paypal account that will never be spent. So why not put it towards a good cause? You'll end up being this guy if you don't!
In all seriousness though, donate!
Really I don't get it. Is one dollar too much to ask for? Are your testicles not worth 50¢ each? Are most of you suffering from some ego complex? "Oh, it'll never happen to me..". Wrong. You'll get cancer. Your nuts will rot. At least I'm helping in the fight to find a cure. Bozos!
I tried donating but you started yelling and threw my coin jar back at me... I thought ... ppfft... whatever you don't want my money fine, Mogwi's balls can rot off what do I care.
Honestly I'll see what I can do in the next few days... not promising anything because between buying myself a new giant TV, and getting caught in an ebay bidding war over a gold plated cat statue that once belonged to Johnny Dep, things are a little tight...
Regardless of how people are doing their "own thing", I don't think a dollar towards the community team is asking a lot. Besides, if you guys are doing movember stuff, why not join the Polycount team? Or tell us about yours? I'd donate to any other team on here, no question. If you're just growing a 'stache and not raising money well then, you're just looking silly is all and that doesn't help anyone.
It's easy to think of it as a big ass joke or something unless you know someone affected by it. My step grandfather died of prostate cancer so I take it quite seriously.
My ex's mother whom I love as my own, has Multiple Sclerosis and I do charity work for that foundation as well. Either donating or participating in the MS walk. I know I might come off as being preachy in this thread, but that's not my intention. I believe in these causes because I have loved ones affected by the diseases. I have to do what I can to help and get others to help if I can. Sorry if that annoys anyone.
My progress haha
Problem with being a bright red ranga is that the mo kind of blends into my skin a bit.
here's to balls ..think they are worth at least 10$