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Collin County Community or SMU [my plans]

Hey all~ I am new here and this is my first post. I haven’t really been active on forums for years now, so it feels a bit nostalgic. Why did I decide to get back into forums? Well, it has only been recently that I decided to take action on what I want to do with my life. I want to be a concept artist and a 2D animator.

I really want to go to school, but my budget is limited to a community college. I actually wrote a bit about my life experience in another forum, so I am going to copy and paste that before I talk more about school:

[I want to introduce myself, share what I have gone through and what I am planning for my future. I am also looking if there are others who went through the same or are experiencing the same thing. I haven't done this forum thing in ages.]

Since I was a kid I was always creating by drawing, writing, or painting. When I was in high school I surrounded myself with all the art projects I can get my hands on. 3D art, 2D art, fashion, computer graphics, animation... or just mix it all together. I loved it, enjoyed it, even skipped lunch or stayed after school to take classes I wasn’t assigned in. The art life was good, but socially I was a hermit. I lacked friends and there didn’t seem to be anyone who shared the same passions as me. I grew up in a gang infested neighborhood which made communication with others almost impossible for me. I didn’t like getting involved in that sort of thing.

A fun time for me was anything related to art and video games and creating ‘pretend art’ and profiles and stories for a ‘pretend video game.’ I was a bit of a geek and a loner, but as long as I had my hands busy on art projects then I was happy. I didn’t care that I was alone most of the time and was shut off. [This was before I even had a computer.]

Then I graduated and was distraught that I won’t have access to the seemingly endless art materials my school had. No more Photoshop, no more Prismacolor pencils, no more animation tools, clay, wires or Acrylics. If there was a time period where I had nothing to work on or create then I would feel restless or dead. I NEED to create and design things in order to feel complete. It is who I am.

I may be shy, quiet and don’t seem to have much to say but I am always listening and my mind is always sparking ideas. More than half the time I am in another world plotting, planning a new illustration or a new character for a ‘book’ or ‘pretend game.’ Once my mind gets started it is hard for it to ever stop and I need to remedy this by physically creating something.

When I graduated high school I had nothing to do. College wasn’t an option at the time. I wasn’t exactly academically talented with science or math [barely passed those two topics and currently solo studying math for a TSI exam] and there was also a lack of money and motivation, especially that I wasn’t aware that there were jobs for someone like me.

When I moved from NY to Plano TX I felt my motivation slipping even more, and since I wasn’t surrounded in a creative environment I started feeling depressed. I didn’t know what this town had to offer, I spent most of my life indoors and even though I have lived here for so long [currently 6 years] I was not aware that there was a game company in my backyard with job opportunities I would be trilled to go for.

Instead, I sat in my room all day; doodling and coloring, jotting ideas but not knowing if I was heading the right direction in making my art any better. I was naive, lacked advice and didn’t know what I was doing with myself. I was self taught in making illustrations with digital software and tinkering with 2D animations.

Then one day I played God of War and saw ‘the making of’ part that you unlock when the game is beaten. I was blown away. The things the developers did to make the game made me realize that there was a job out there for me. Concept artist, story board, 2D animation... I wanted to learn how to draw the human body accurately, draw out environments, vehicles, work tirelessly with someone on a project and finish it before we work on the next game and do it all over again. I wanted to create and be a part of a group who are passionate and have a common goal: to make awesome games.

For the first time I wanted to really experience working as a team and surround myself with creators. [I had no idea about Networking. I still am a bit new with the concept, but if I understand this, networking is just that. Surround yourself with individuals who are striving for the same career goal, help each other out, make friends and give advice.]

That day, after beating God of War, I got an idea what I wanted to do with my life but didn’t know where to start. I got a little more serious with drawing and painting with digital programs. It is hard to teach yourself how to draw better without someone giving constructive criticism. It took me a while before the ‘eye’ started to develop and now I can actually see when something in my illustration looks off. I still have trouble seeing exactly what makes it look odd at times, and sometimes I see it but don’t know how to correct it. [Practice, practice, practice]

I also realized that I haven’t been using my computer to its full potential. The knowledge of ‘Oh yeah you can search for tutorials, books, etc with a press of a button’ has always been in the back of my head but I haven’t actually started doing this until earlier this year. It is so stupidly simple and I don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner. The computer is such a powerful tool. There is a TON of information. Just type in the right words on a search engine and you will get an endless list of references, forums and constructive online art galleries that will give you advice on just about everything.

I recently got some money and made a deal with my dad. I am planning on finally going to school and take classes to polish up my skills and continue my art studies to better myself. It is easier to have an instructor teaching you face-to-face and point out where you can improve. By going to school I will get to learn more about animation, take classes that will strengthen my skills and, of course, get reacquainted with socializing and working with different people—a skill I eagerly want to build to meet other geeks and nerds with the same creative passion.

There is a whole world of challenges and exciting new windows for me to explore and I think joining this forum, along with a few others, will help me out a great deal with advice...

After I wrote that, someone recommended that I go to SMU.

I checked it out and the school sounds like a dream come true. It is definitely something I would want to go to. [I am interested in the Art Creation Course. It is everything I want to learn and polish my skills on.] Everything sounds great except... the price.

Even with the real-time simulation I just don’t know if I can put 51K into this. I do have some money now but it isn’t exactly enough for an actual college. I am looking more into a community college. There is stuff I can apply for, like financial aid—which I have to look more into.

I am not certain on this, but what gets me a bit scared is that I have to pay back money if I do apply for financial aid, right? It is basically like taking a loan, and I get a bit edgy with the idea since I wonder if it’ll be worth it. There are likely interests rates and I hear of people paying for their education years after they graduated. I am a bit of a pessimist I suppose and get nervous when I think...

“If I get everything done, but there are no jobs available... then what?” Interest rates will keep piling and I hate dragging a financial burden for too long. [It’s why I am Anti-credit card. I don’t like borrowing money or owing people money. ]

I thought perhaps going to Collin County Community College will be a decent option? I know I might not get real-time simulations, but I can always focus on the art classes they have and research outside of school to further educate myself.

The replier, who works for the industry, then said that they don’t necessarily require that new people have a college degree, but I would need several years of experience in the field without the degree.

I thought and said, that is when a wicked portfolio and a heck load of dedication come in handy. If I could I would jump into SMU in a heart beat. It’ll be so much easier, much more fun and I will be a lot more confident if I graduated from there.

I’ll look around if there are any scholarships available to up my chances to go there, but if not, I will stick to what is available and make the best of it.

Collin Community College does offer classes related to games and animation, but doesn’t exactly seem to focus on individual positions, like concept artist. What I might end up doing is get a certificate in game animation/art and then take extra classes in figure drawing and computer graphics. My plan will be to basically mimic what a certificate will be in SMU and apply that to Collin, and then do extra projects in my own personal time which is only natural, I think. I’ll just have to really prove myself what I can do if I don’t have a degree.

Well, that is my plan. It feels good, especially with what is in my budget right now, but of course I am still trying to see which choice would be better for me. I suppose if I go the community college way I can do my best, learn what I can, continue with solo studies and go after that job. Once I get that job I can get a decent income and go back to school and get an actual degree.


  • chrismaddox3d
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    chrismaddox3d polycounter lvl 17
    I am going to Collin County Community college at the moment,
    Going after a AAS – 3-D Animation / Game Art,
    Plan on finishing up with in a 1 yrs time i hope,
    After i get my AAS i want to finish up at UTD with a masters in art,
    It's way cheaper than SMU i can tell you that much,
    It's all about your portfolio work with degree or no degree,
    School is a good place to network and meet new people,
    Nice to see another local on here,
    I see your in plano i am in Mckinney,
    Well spring semester signing up will take place soon,
    Hit me up sometime if you wanna chat,
  • skankerzero
    Just remember, we look at strength of portfolios before we look at degrees.

    I'm an Art Institute of Dallas dropout myself. The skills that landed me my first industry job I learned here at polycount way back in the day. I just kept making art and posting it here. You'll find more than enough people here that are willing to help you out.
  • Quokimbo
    I believe Gearbox does or used to pick up interns from Collin County College?
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    I don't think SMU's program is really geared towards being a concept artist/2d animator.
  • VisualFish
    I am going to Collin County Community college at the moment,
    Going after a AAS – 3-D Animation / Game Art,
    Plan on finishing up with in a 1 yrs time i hope,
    After i get my AAS i want to finish up at UTD with a masters in art,
    It's way cheaper than SMU i can tell you that much,
    It's all about your portfolio work with degree or no degree,
    School is a good place to network and meet new people,
    Nice to see another local on here,
    I see your in plano i am in Mckinney,
    Well spring semester signing up will take place soon,
    Hit me up sometime if you wanna chat,

    Sweet! Another local. I plan to go to Collin County but not just yet. I actually have to attend NEXT spring when money is available to me. For some reason I wasn't considered a resident even though i lived here for 6 years o__o; so they were telling me I had to pay 600 bucks a class. It was ridiculous. The reason they said this is because I am dependent on someone other than a parent [who both aren't even Texan residence], I am over 18, haven't been employed for over a year and wasn't married to my fiance who I am dependent on. Even if I did get married I have to be married for a full year to be considered a resident... It is all State Law and I kept looking over it again and again to see if the women in the front office were pulling my leg. But nope, even after living here for so long I am not considered a resident.

    And since I refuse to pay 600 bucks a class I must wait around for a bit. In the mean time I am self studying anatomy and perspective and Polycount will be my little hub.

    Thank you everyone for giving me your opinions. in the end what counts is your portfolio and passion. Obtaining the skills is another story and I don't mind the self teaching route. I just really need to go to school when I decide to advance with animation and polish up what I already know.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    A friend of mine is attending SMU and is pumping out some pretty sweet work, I've been trying to convince him to post some of his new stuff in P&P. I believe he'll have 3 games under his belt by the time he graduates.
  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
    I dont know much about the programs at SMU, but I know at both Raven and id we hired a couple good level designers from Guildhall.
  • murph
    I know a couple people that went to SMU and have great stuff. I have quite a few opinions on going to school for art, however.

    I'll keep it short by saying don't go to school expecting for everything to be taught to you. In my personal experience, school was for making connections, using the faculty's connections, and learning the basics. 98% (literally) of any progress I made was on my own. er.... IS on my own. I forgot i'm still in school. dumb christmas break, playing tricks on me.

    As far as doing 2d animation goes, your best (and only, imo) bet is CalArts. I know plenty of amazing 2d animators, including ex-disney animators, who have zero luck finding 2d animation jobs. they've all picked up 3d animation and that's currently what they do. Nothing is impossible, just keep in mind that your competition in that field is ex-disney employees and CalArts grads.

    anyways, I'm sure either school will be a great choice, it all just depends on your own passion. good luck!
  • vcortis
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    vcortis polycounter lvl 9
    Sorry I didn't read the whole thing it's a massive block of text.

    But 2-d animation is joblessville to the nth degree. I know a lot of 2d animators who have years of experience on all sorts of shows trying to get into 3d now because there are NO jobs.

    You know how the Simpsons is completely animated overseas? How South Park is all animated in Maya.... it's just not a feasible thing to study if you want to make a living (unless you're some sort of ridiculous prodigy child, which clearly you aren't because you want to go to school for it).

    Concept art is a whole different beast. If you want to do that just get a traditional illustration degree and practice. As someone else said degrees mean a whole lot less than your portfolio. There are some really good schools out there, but most of growing as an artist is going to fall on you. If you're really serious about it I'd invest in a cintiq asap and start spending several hours a day in Art Rage, Painter, or Photoshop.

    Check out conceptart.org too. That's a great place to learn. If you're trying to meet more like minded people go to local meetups if you have any for Siggraph, Post Moretem, Indie meetups, GDC online, etc.

    I'm not saying don't go to school, just saying there are plenty of other things you need to be aware of too that will most likely help you as much or more in the long run.

    Good Luck

    Edit: There are a bit more jobs for non-traditional 2d animation. For that you're going to really want to spend some time learning aftereffects, flash and the like.

    Edit again: Also did I mention how many people I know in their 30s still paying back student loans for Colleges that really didn't help them all that much. Something to keep in mind. If you have the will to succeed and the passion that's usually the better. No school is going to make things easier for getting into this industry.
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