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Another Question regarding Modular tile lighting

Hi folks, I tried to post in the original thread but it seems to have expired.


I have a question though if anyone can help.


It seems that the thread essentially boils down to (I think): use planes instead of cubes for tiles.
I came to this conclusion after testing tile cubes and tile planes. The best result I got with a cube was when I started to add edge loops near edges to prevent the obvious gradient transition (prevent vertex lighting from becoming too obvious), but even then you see a seam. (2nd set of tiles from the left)

Using planes seem to prevent this problem, at least with directional light. HOWEVER, I am finding that once i start to add spot lights, the tiles seem to be lit unevenly and the seams seem noticeable once again. (as seen in the far right series of tiles in the image)

I am still fairly new to UDK so I am wondering how I can get these tiles to light evenly throughout.

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