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Comicon TOP 30 Announced

polycounter lvl 9
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Del polycounter lvl 9
Here: http://www.comiconchallenge.com/2010/finals_top30.php


and by the way this, and this, got top 30.







THIS did not.

There's some great entries in there, fantastic ones in fact; but the acknowledgement is not going to all the right people. If I get told I'm a dick, I don't care, I'm willing to take that risk for the people I think deserve to be in that list.

It's not about Praise, its about Acknowledgement. Okay so shoot me down I don't care, I stand by what I said.


Some of those entries are fricking "holy bananas" good. I forgot to actually congratulate the people who blew me away.


  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    that valkyrie didnt make it in is indeed very odd. maybe it's because it got bannered at pc and with all the rivalry!! :| who knows. probably not.

    well, preliminary congratulations to everyone though. now i'm rooting for neox' entry the most. :D
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    Dreamer wrote: »
    There's some great entries in there, fantastic ones in fact; but the acknowledgement is not going to all the right people. If I get told I'm a dick, I don't care, I'm willing to take that risk for the people I think deserve to be in that list.

    It's not about Praise, its about Acknowledgement. Okay so shoot me down I don't care, I stand by what I said.

    OMG How dare you!! Such blatant disrespect to the age-old honorable voting system. Typical of today's youth, with your bookfacing and MTV and all that.

    Nah, just kidding dude. It's perfectly legit to think that some entries should have gotten in, and others shouldn't in their place. But really, I think it's a matter of taste. I know if I was a judge, I would have voted differently. But it's not really speaking to the quality of the piece, but rather the personal taste of the judge. For example, a couple of the ones you linked that you thought should have placed, I wouldn't have voted for. But it's not because I think they're bad! It's just that they're not my cup of tea.

    That said, jesus, Old Link is f'n awesome. I love that one so much. If Maddam wants to make a tutorial for it, I'm willing to pay :) My favorite entry not only of this comicon, but all comicons.
  • Cyrael
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    Cyrael polycounter lvl 10
    wow. Hazardous' Valkeryie was in my top 5 fav entries too..

    The mini batman was pretty badass, as well as the hyper real magneto.

    in the words of C3P0

    "this is madness"


    some people's texturing skills are crraaaazzzy..
  • r13
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    r13 founder
    The judging of the contest over there has always been a little... unpredictable. I don't envy them though. I have been in the driver seat during some of those contests before and it's anything but fun and/or easy to do.
  • rawkstar
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    rawkstar polycounter lvl 19
    yeah I'm not really sure who picked the top 30, probably just fred. we just got to pick the top 5.
  • whats_true
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    whats_true polycounter lvl 15
    I dont get predator. How does it look old (or young?)
    Not happy valkyrie didnt make it in. EH!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Though i'm not sure i woulda picked old batman to be in the top 30, at least i finally know what i'm going to be for Halloween.
  • womball
    hazardous did NOT finish in time. He even mentioned this. That would disqualify you. I'm surprized Uncle Sam didn't make it.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Reminds me of something from Red Dwarf.

    You think this is their voting system:

    1st = 3points
    2nd = 2points
    3rd = 1 point

    Judge 1:
    1. Red
    2. Yellow
    3. Blue

    Judge 2:
    1. Blue
    2. Yellow
    3. Red

    Judge 3:
    1. Purple
    2. Yellow
    3. Red

    Judge 4:
    1. Red
    2. Yellow
    3. Purple

    Judge 5:
    1. Blue
    2. Yellow
    3. Red

    Red = 9
    Blue = 7
    Purple = 4
    Yellow = 10

    Yellow is no ones favourite......

    Anyhoo. I wouldnt enjoy judging this comp. So much goodness. Although I do think Valkeryie was easily top 30.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    that hairless robin cat is pretty awesome though...
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    There are definitely a few I'm surprised didn't show up. Duncan's kid joker was pretty sweet, and uncle sam was tight. I happen to like the green lantern that was posted in op, though.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    First remember the contest was suppose to be not just about doing a comic con character but also Age was a large component too the contest. 3 out of 4 of those entries you were shocked that didn't make it (minus young batman) don't have any age component to them at all. Even though some are great they didn't follow the guidelines of the contest. It dosnt matter if you make something amazing, if you didnt follow the rules of the contest your not going to place high. (Unless there is some comic of a Valkarey who is really old and the younger version is just a take on it, idk, correct me if I am wrong)

    Now normally this is what I would have thought but after looking at some of the entries that actually did and didnt make it, it dosnt seem this is exactly the case as there are a few "Aged" entries that didnt make it that were awesome and some that made it that just look like a 3D representation of what the comic character looks like now.

    Then again there are some fantastic ones that made it in the top 30 that followed the rules well like Neox's teen storm or maddam's elder link
  • dkreset
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    dkreset polycounter lvl 8
    @ Autocon - it's weird for me to make a response since I made an entry, but I would say that if it's such a big part of the judging, make it mandatory.

    "You are free to create an unaltered version of your favorite character, or, you can join in on the fun, be creative, and make this remake topic your personal challenge!"

    is wut the briefing said :)

    If it says optional, it shouldn't affect anything. Congrats to all the entries that did make it in though!
  • Hebs
    what the hell seriously some of those entries are terrible (without naming any of them), while some fantastic ones did not even place (magneto anyone?)
    So yeah who was the one that worked their friends into the top 30? Sorry just a little dissapointing to see this.
    Im glad some of my favorite entries did make it up there though but really everyone can clearly see the ones that dont belong.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    It's part of the game people, everyone has different opinions on what is good or not. Though I am in agreement that I am confused by some choices, that was true for previous competitions as well. If anything, everyone got a good portfolio piece, and give a round of applause to those from polycount taking the time to do a great piece of art.

  • dmightyone
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    dmightyone polycounter lvl 12
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    I think it's awesome that a Gally / Battle Angel Alita made it in there <333
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    dkreset wrote: »
    @ Autocon - it's weird for me to make a response since I made an entry, but I would say that if it's such a big part of the judging, make it mandatory.

    "You are free to create an unaltered version of your favorite character, or, you can join in on the fun, be creative, and make this remake topic your personal challenge!"

    is wut the briefing said :)

    If it says optional, it shouldn't affect anything. Congrats to all the entries that did make it in though!

    Oh wow I thought it was mandatory, I didnt know it was optional at all. Hmm then that makes things even more puzzling as to why entries that were great like yours and others didnt make it over some of the less fabulous ones. Seems this and Unearthly both have had some not so awesome lash back judging wise due to what was demed better then some. I guess Im glad I dont have to be one judging these comps ha.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    Yet another year of disappointing judging. This is why I don't waste my time on these comps anymore. All those entries you pointed out, I agree, should have 100% made it to the top 30. I disagree about the Green Lantern one though, that is a cool design and is well presented.

    At least the judging isn't as bad as last year's. That was utter garbage. Last year, Hazardous only made it on the list as "Most viewed thread." , and just like this year, his entry was top notch. This year looks like a semi-repeat for not only Haz, but many other extremely well talented artists.

    I 100% appreciate what Fred does. He takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' with the amount of grief he gets from us noble and opinionated forum members. He owes everyone absolutely nothing, and the fact that he still does this, to help promote artists and provide a medium for people to be creative, is totally awesome.

    The contests are great ways for artists to get noticed and build some rep and add new pieces to their portfolio. IMPO, it's not worth the time and energy when the judging is so wishy washy. If you go into it to just simply have fun with no aspirations of placing or winning, then cool, go for it! If you wanna place, that's always just a flip of the coin with these comps.

    There are no statistics that can be placed on the opinion of artists judging art. These competition results, time and again, are a testament to that fact.
  • The Boss
    I'm still of the opinion that when the judges can only rank 15 or so entries, numbers 20 to 30 are going to be weird. I wouldn't be surprised if #25 to #30 only got one low slotted vote.

    Basically I don't know why they put up top 30, all that matters is top ten anyways. I'll hold my judgement until I see that. But I do agree last years turned out a little weird so who knows.
  • Tom Ellis
    In agreement with the majority here. Why the hell is Hazardous and SuperOstrich not in the top 30. I won't name names but a couple certainly don't deserve to be in there over SO/Hazardous.

    I'm also kinda disappointed so many in the top 30 didn't follow the brief. Those who didn't are still increeeedible entries, but why even bother having a brief if it makes no difference whatsoever with the finals. I mean they even subtitled the comp 'Age of Legends'.

    It doesn't seem fair when you've got entries like Neox, which isn't only technically awesome and visually appealing... he's actually used creative license and design ideas to come up with a unique character. Whereas others are merely a 3D representation of a comic book character, very good ones nonetheless, but the level of creativity involved is lower.
  • raul
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    raul polycounter lvl 11
    Thats why i like dreamer, he's got balls and stands up for his peeps. I also agree with him. In the end, it is what it is, unfortunately.
  • Saman
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    Saman polycounter lvl 14
    I would hate to be a judge on this since I think they all look very cool. Too bad hazardous' valkyrie didn't make it.
    I love the old ninja turtle though :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    You can never second guess a Game Artisans contest. There are always a few left field inclusions along with a bunch of entries that one might expect to get short listed.

    I did have that Magneto model tipped as a first place though.
  • PolyHertz
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    PolyHertz polycount lvl 666
    Surprised by some that didn't make it in, but at least my two favorites made the list (Jacos Catwoman and Maddams Elder Link).
  • Kewop Decam
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    Kewop Decam polycounter lvl 9
    I honestly saw the majority of the entries and thought that Magento that didn't make it was top 3.

    I guess I'm some kind of an idiot...

    Yea, I don't get who judges this stuff, but eh.
  • JonathanF
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    JonathanF polycounter lvl 13
    this is very sad indeed! these 4 pieces and several more SHOULD have been in the top 30. What has this world come to?!!!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    couldn't agree more polyhertz
  • SuperOstrich
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    SuperOstrich polycounter lvl 17
    I want to thank the people that have been sticking up for my entry on here and on Gameartisans. Getting props from people I respect like this makes it feel like I did a great job.

    And just to clarify for Hazardous: He DID finish. His beauty shot was the only one he got to finish to his standards, but he did submit all images. So it's quite ridiculous he didn't make it.

    I also want to give a shout out to Magneto, the Starcraft chick, Uncle Sam, and there are a few others I was sure were in for top 30 that I can't remember offhand.
  • dkreset
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    dkreset polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys! I have to admit that I was a little down yesterday when the results were out ; ) but I made a few comments on GA and really each time I join these competitions I learn a lot more and gain a portfolio piece after a month to 2 months time so it's beneficial after all.

    Seeing so many comments regarding our entries that didn't make it into the top 30th really makes me feel much better!

    @SuperOstrich - Thanks for the shout out SuperOstrich, I would've made a comment about yours not making into the top 30th over on GA totally but it would definitely make me look like I was playing the hater game :P

    @everyone who's been supportive (because there's quite many haha) - your posts and messages really became the source for me to become more resilient and definitely motivated me to keep on doing art!

    I'd like to also thank Dreamer here for making the post and voicing his concerns. This is much much, appreciated and thank you guys all for speaking up for entries like Hazrdous' Valkyrie. I couldn't believe my eyes when I couldn't find his in there I had to look three times to hit the reality heh.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Some of the entries in the top 30 make me raise an eyebrow quizzically. In particular some of the entries that we've discussed at the studio during the competition, where pretty much an entire team unanimously agreed were not up to snuff. This very rarely happens..

    My favourite is the Elder Link, by far. Yeah, I know I'm not the only one, but it's the one entry that really grabs me by the balls and holds my attention. It's a re-envisioning that still completely holds true to its origin..

    Some solid entries all in all, very inspirational, and it makes me wish I had entered :) Congrats to all who finished, you are all winners as far as I'm concerned.. ;)
  • Hazardous
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    Hazardous polycounter lvl 17
    I'm a lazy shite so I'll copy pasta this business over here from GA!


    Epic thanks to all who think I should be in the top 30 - Your the best! :D If I was a judge tho - seeing my finals I wouldnt have picked mine haha! Seriously guys it was junk - I would have liked to polish each of my shots to the level of my beauty shot, but I just ran out of time.

    Like many others have already said - I'm susprised at about 1 3rd of the top 30, at least 20 of those I thought would be there, but theres roughly 10 or so entries that raised alot of eyebrows unanimously across the art team at work, and there were a lot of "Wtf wheres *insert awesome piece here*" going around as well.

    But I learned a pretty good lesson, trying to push an MMORPG toward gold master, have some kind of time for my wife and doing a comicon at the same time in 6 weeks is rediculous, I'm just not fast enough of an artist to get something done to my potential within that time allowance. So unless its longer next time, I'm out.

    The 3 month long warrior challenge over at cghub is a good amount of time, im definately going to give that a shot and see how that turns out.

    Massive Shouts again to all who supported me along the way, and to:

    SuperOstrich - dude your Batman was off the hook! Top 30 in my book!
    Bogdan - That was easily some of the best hard surface stuff in the whole comp! top 30!
    VladCostin - Great character, executed wonderfully - top 30!
    dkreset - Badass man, get that shit printed! top 30 for me!
    minola - One of the hottest chicks in the comp easily in my book, top 30!
    jocz - all the way to the top!!
    neox - sick dude, all round badassery going on there.
    maddam - elder link rocks!
    NikitaNV - that harleyquinn totally floats my boat - rock on!
    Erigo - What can i say ?!?!
    FirstKeeper - Always awesome to see sick old school entries kickin it with the newschool kids!

    Dudes who get n00bfisted cos THEY DIDNT FINISH!!!

    SlipgateCentral - you would have cleaned up had you finished man!!!!! Bring on the Warrior challenge at CGHUB! :)
    JaqueChoi - where sandman at !?
    b1ll - uncle b1ll !!!!!!!!

    All in all congratz to the top 30!! Thanks to Fred for organizing the challenge again this year - glad to come out of it with another piece to polish up for my folio! :D

    And again thanks for the Banner here at polycount - If I join Dominance war, I'll be fighting for Polycount!
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    ~ Okay. Turns out the list is going to be re done. Thanks for everybody who helped me fight for the missing acknowledgement of said artists.

    The original list was decided by one person, so now its getting redone by a group of judges to get a more even list :)

    "Since the top 5 champions have not been announced, and since you, the artists who have participated and worked hard for your entries deserve a good selection, I have taken down the top 30 list and will assign the task of cutting entries down to 30 to a new set of judges. I believe I will need a few new judges for this assignment.

    If you have a suggestion on how this process should take place, please list it here. I will wait for a majority vote on the selection process that should be used"
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    That's going to suck for the guys who get knocked out of the list. It'll be good to see the folks who deserve to be in the list get their dues, but I'm not sure bowing to pressure was the most professional option, really. Kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't typed situation.
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah, Fred is in a really difficult position, and he explains his original thinking pretty well in his post. He does seem to just want to make the best competition that is fair for everyone.

    I have an idea.

    When the final 7 are announced, us Polycounters dedicate one day for each entry for a week ripping them to pieces. By that I basically just mean discussing them, analysing them, breaking down what makes them such good entries (or not, if people have that opinion), while of course trying to stay constructive.

    The entries all have their own threads somewhere, and I'm sure there's going to be interviews and post mortems by the artists, but for this purpose it would make sense to start new threads about them.
  • Taylor Hood
    How the hell did the awesome ones not get in??
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    Dudes who get n00bfisted cos THEY DIDNT FINISH!!!

    SlipgateCentral - you would have cleaned up had you finished man!!!!! Bring on the Warrior challenge at CGHUB!
    JaqueChoi - where sandman at !?
    b1ll - uncle b1ll !!!!!!!!

    You missed off Gav :P
  • bluekangaroo
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    bluekangaroo polycounter lvl 13
    just went thru a few threads of my favs from the top 30 this morning. Holy shit that Blind Batman and Lobo were awesome.
  • jocz
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    jocz polygon
    im suprised too not seeing entries like asmuel one (sabertooth) in the top 30,
    but is that necessary to point out so crudely the ones you don't like ?
  • East
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    East polycounter lvl 14
    This is what makes it so damn difficult. We all have our favourites. Sabretooth for instance, I don't think it holds up to the standard a majority of the top 30 entries set. It's got some interesting stuff going for it, but in the end the texturing looks a bit bland with no real distinction between the different materials, with a strange purple tint to the specular.

    He wasn't helped by the comments in his thread, either. They were mainly "ohhhh that's awesome", "omg fantastic!", and more along the lines of what you get at ZBrush Central, when people comment on the top rows. It's flattering, but flattery is just destructive..

    Hopefully I wasn't too crude :P
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    It's "good" to see that the clusterfuck continues in other competitions. So let me guess, will the next domwar competition have the final results redone aswell?

    What a kick in the face to everyone involved in this one.
  • b1ll
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    b1ll polycounter lvl 18
    no Mather what people will bitch and cry and complain...
  • Gav
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    Gav quad damage
    b1|| was robbed!...so was Spark.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    wait.... wtf just happened?

    i'm 50/50 about that decision.... but damned if you do, damned if you don't... *sigh*
    when in rome
  • Del
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    Del polycounter lvl 9
    jocz wrote: »
    im suprised too not seeing entries like asmuel one (sabertooth) in the top 30,
    but is that necessary to point out so crudely the ones you don't like ?

    ~ To clarify, I'm not shooting the models down. I'm saying that essentially they don't have the key things employers are looking for when hiring.

    I pretty much learnt 90% of what I know online as did many of you, and I followed by winning examples. If I were to follow the example of some of the entries in that first vote, I would maybe not have seen the importance of things like good uvs, good meshflow, etc and a lot of damage would have been done because i would have been thinking (nobody is hiring me, but i'm doing stuff just like those guys who won the comps).

    I'm not going to edit my post because that's in life you don't get to go back and change what you said, lemme just make it clear I wasn't trying to cause offence, I was labelling out a broken system that's not acknowledging professional working practices.

    So for people who missed my point entirely. That's where my heads at.
  • Mark Dygert
    PolyHertz wrote: »
    Surprised by some that didn't make it in, but at least my two favorites made the list (Jacos Catwoman and Maddams Elder Link).
    Agreed, so many great entries but these have been my favorites for a while.

    Looks like the top 30 are being re-decided.
    The Top 30 3d artists for Comicon 2010 will be reselected in the following weeks. For more information about this topic, visit: http://www.gameartisans.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17567&page=6#post247355
  • Malus
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    Malus polycounter lvl 18
    Re-judged? Really?
    Why not just deal with the next one better?

    Easy enough to say when I didn't enter I guess. :(
  • dkreset
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    dkreset polycounter lvl 8
    hey guys, I think it's slowly coming down to a controlled situation. I'm not sure where ppl are getting the idea that the whole thing will be rejudged when Fred already mentioned that he's open to suggestions. the decision has been made and entries will be added. I'm in a bad position to speak but I just wanna let everyone know that it's slowly coming to an end and things are under control :P

    @East and b1ll - heh, that's right, and totally well put. though there are benefits of having a proper and more accurate judge panel for sure right? People join competitions to see where they are, and it's the same as getting on a faulty weight calculator and be happy about the 150 lbs that you didn't lose in the past 2 weeks when you join a competition with an inaccurate judging system ;). I've made a long ass post over on GA about this to clarify why this issue even existed to start with so I'm not gonna make it too long here I'm sure you get my point :P

    anyhow, thanks again to everyone who charmed in, jocz is definitely right though, I'm sure point would've been gotten across without posting particular images next time too! (let's hope there isn't a next time :()
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