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The transition from Maya to 3DS Max

Oh god what have I gotten myself into?

I recently decided to forgo my precious Maya (for the time being) and try my hand at 3DS Max. Upon watching various beginner videos and tutorials, I have found that 3DS Max has a hell of a lot to offer... but through my own experiences, I have found that it is encased in three inches of steel that is its insufferable UI.

Now, don't get me wrong - many things in 3DS Max just make sense. I get that, and despite my affinity for Maya, I can appreciate them. But there's some things that just don't seem to follow any sort of logic in my eyes.

Are there any tips some of you out there may have for a humble pilgrim, adventuring out into a new and foreign land? I've found that a lot of these forums are quite fond of 3DS Max (one of the major reasons that I am trying it out), surely some of you may have experienced similar woes.


  • Mypeople
    Modo. dont bother with max-pos, get modo khalo.
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    Please don´t start a this app is better then this app flamewar.Each App has it´s pros and cons, just stick with the one you like most.

    And khalo just try the tutorials inside 3dsmax, they are good and after that you should at least know how to do the most important things.
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    What you should do the first thing is just don't try to learn every single button on the UI cus it totally kills the mood. What you already did by watching some "getting started" tutorials is good starting point, it will lead you to the correct way of which one you should know first and which one to just ignore until you get comfortable navigating around Max. Well other than that, just post a question in here! hehehh..

  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    If you are interested in modeling, heres the way to go.

    On the right hand side there is a few panels stacked one behind the other : Create, modify, hierarchy, controllers, Utilities. (iirc). Go to create, and create a sphere of any parameters you want. Go to the modify panel. You ll find the parameters again if you need to edit them further.

    Now right click that sphere, and do convert > convert to editable poly.

    Now notice that the modify panel changed. Your sphere is not parametric anymore, its now a bunch of components. The current modify panel reflects that (editable poly). Click on the yellow and red squares to go the the various component modes. The modify panel will show only operations relevant to the current component mode you're into (now the interface starts to make sense hehe). Try everything, dont worry too much if something doesnt seem to work too right.

    Now at the top of the modify panel, theres a huge drop down list of modifiers. Youll find very useful stuff in it : Symmetry, Bend, FFDs, Relax, Push, Shell. Some work at object level, some at component level. Mess around a little.

    Last, try to apply the modifier called 'edit poly modifier'. You ll get access to another layer of components, fully editable, but still driven by the model 'below' them. Remove some faces. Go down the stack, and deform your original shape, then go back up. The hole will nicely follow the deformations performed 'under' it. This is fully non-linear modelling, and thats why Max is and remains the more powerful modeling package ever, regardless how outdated some of its features are...

    Smile, enjoy the blissful sensation, think of the hours you will save from now on,

    and never look back at Maya again :D

    Good luck!
  • Khalo
    Hahaha, thanks you guys. It's nice to know that there's a lot of technical and moral support.

    I've definitely pretty much followed the steps pior outlined (thanks again) - I watched the first few chapters of a basics gnomon dvd, then set it aside and started exploring. The non-linear nature is really wonderful (once I fully wrap my head around it). I've since moved into just diving into the pool and trying to model an object of mid-complexity.

    I initially started this thread just after my first attempt at modeling this object - since then, I've restarted, and I think I'm starting to get the swing of things. If I have any other questions, I will be sure to post them here - hopefully others who are moving to 3DS Max will profit from it as well.

    Oh, and Mypeople: I'm not looking for a new program - my intention is to learn 3DS Max specifically.
  • Mark Dygert
    I came from Maya, learned max because at the time its what most of the industry was using. I landed a job that used max so I have stuck with it. I went back to brush up on Maya and found you can never go back home. There are some things that are great about Maya and I wish they where in max but mostly I miss way more max things when I go back, especially out of the box Maya, once you get it customized and handful of scripts installs it starts to almost hold its own again.

    I miss the modifier stack, I miss the modeling tools, I miss the pivot system, I miss biped, I miss most of the advanced features in the curve editors and in motion mixer.

    I don't miss the quad menu, the crazy keyboard shortcut override toggle BS, space bar locking things, UV's that can only be edited by applying a modifier, wire parameters and reaction manager, the morpher modifier and all of the scripts that make life easier in max.

    The layer manager in max is trash. I strongly suggest getting Outliner which is a little script that PJanssen created and keeps up to date. Amazing script I can't use the standard max layer manger after being spoiled by this script.

    Also check out the hotbox scripts for max, they're both still works in progress but one is released and is pretty useful as is.
  • Firebert
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    Firebert polycounter lvl 16
    I did this about a year ago. Well worth it. Just make some simple projects that would cover each step of the process, listen to pior and Vig, and you will find that it is very easy to model, great for UVs, and just fun to be learning something each time you visit.

    Just be wary, switching back and forth between the two, your mind will twist and bend for about 5 - 10 minutes until you get used to doing that as well.... especially when you try to navigate... you might even say the fuck word a few times... and a couple of dammits. Just giving you fair warning :)

    In all seriousness though, really take some time to map your keys. If you find yourself clicking and dragging too often to perform simple tasks, map it the way you want it! The modifier buttons under the mod stack are key, and so are the Illusion Catalyst tools. Get those ASAP, especially the edge tool they have, can't remember the name, but works just like Insert Loop. Having the connect button dialog is still EXTREMELY useful for fine tuning though.
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    Planning to make a move to Max to at least know it somewhat soon. Thanks Vig for the link, I'll be hitting it up!
  • SpeCter
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    SpeCter polycounter lvl 14
    I think you mean PolySplitRing.If he uses max2010+ he can just use the Swiftloop however.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Being a Max user originally I've been using Maya for the past 3 years. Now it's looking like I may be switching to Max again :) ... Yay for modifier stack!

    This might be useful too http://draster.com/component/page,shop.browse/category_id,7/option,com_virtuemart/ it switches Max to Maya-style viewport navigation, which is far superior.

    Thumbs up on the "Outliner" script Vig, another fantastic Maya-style interface.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yup, forgot to mention Switcher. Dont bother learning the max-style navigation, its terrible. Buy Switcher!
  • Khalo
    Haha, I honestly think I'll hold off on the (wonderful) plugins for the time being - until I get a better grip on the default junk, largely so I don't end up getting extra confused when trying to google whatever issues I run into. Once I'm out of the woods, though, I'll load up on these handy tools.
  • Mark Dygert
    Yea I second switcher, I didn't bring it up before because it does make following tutorials and the help files a little difficult. But since I'm in and out of mudbox and occasionally Maya its nice to have consistent viewport nav and avoid the few min of confusion firebat talked about.

    I have no idea why they haven't bothered opening the nav in both apps to easily switch between their defaults...
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Ditto, after being so used to Maya and Mud navigation, I briefly popped back to Max on one occasion and it seemed to counter intuitive and archaic. I don't know how I tolerated it before.

    Especially since I use the tablet for everything.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    just the fact that you have to apply a modifier in 3ds max to be able to go in object mode is insane

    You lost me on that one!!
  • Mik2121
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    Mik2121 polycounter lvl 9
    Uhm, I use vanilla Max 2010 (with a slightly custom UI that I made for myself and adding a few easy-to-reach buttons under the modifier panel, etc..) and I've never ran into any problem.

    I guess it depends on what you get used to. I like 3DSMax because It's what I've been using for a long time, but I can understand people liking other apps like Maya, C4D or whatever over Max, just because it's what they are used to.

    But saying stuff like what pior quoted:
    just the fact that you have to apply a modifier in 3ds max to be able to go in object mode is insane

    Is what's insane.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    pior wrote: »
    Yup, forgot to mention Switcher. Dont bother learning the max-style navigation, its terrible. Buy Switcher!

    amen brother ! i wouldnt have survived a day at io-interactive without switcher ! best 50 bucks you will ever drop in this life time !
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Huh try pressing 6
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    6 for get out of sub object level..only for edit poly though. In edit mesh you press the same number...1 for get into verts, press 1 again to get out..

    For moving something not by selecting that particular thing (example 1 particular verts) you can always lock selection toggle (default spacebar)...but honestly i never use that anyway...

  • Fuse
    Offline / Send Message
    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    Perhaps your modelling approach is a little out of the ordinary or your grasp of appropriate modeling tools and techniques is a little limited but the modifier stack, "edit poly" and nondestructive/nonlinear modeling is what makes Max such a strong modeling package.

    You could try a few approaches that people mentioned in this thread and may find a better workflow. :)
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    lol I'm trying to go the other way, from max into maya.
  • Undren
    SWITCHER is brilliant! I'm going back and forth from Maya and Max all the time - this plugin is worth every penny.

    My biggest concern with 3DS Max is that it's core technology is archaic - many technical artists I've talked to are frustrated with Max's semi-closed system. Autodesk keeps adding features, but really needs to strip it down and focus on usability,workflow and stability. Not sure if this is going to happen anytime soon considering they eliminated (bought) their competition.

    Anyhow, good luck with your quest - as many before me have mentioned it's not easy. It's like putting on a brand new pair of shoes...then walking 10 miles :)
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