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Ageing Head In ZBrush

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Patackular polycounter lvl 9
Hey guys,

Been modelling this head of my mate's and I've tried to age it appropriately.

Feedback would be smashing.





  • Moosey_G
    I don't think anyone would age that dramatically, especially these days. The older head seems more like it was subjected to food/sleep deprivation. The hollow cheeks and baggy skin under the eyes seem exaggerated. Looks nice though.
  • MEK
    Im no expert here, but the aged sculpt looks like hes been a drug addict, on the bottle and smoked 5 ciggars a day to get that weathered. But still kinda cool :)
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    The earlobes (and general ear curve) look quite weird on the aged sculpt, they shouldn't stick out like that, but rather hang down (more loose than the young version)

    I like the rest though.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Hahaha, you guys clearly don't know Ben.

    Ok, it's an over exaggeration, but that's kinda what I was going for I suppose. I think I'm more worried about any parts that look dodgy or could be refined.

    Thanks for the feedback :D
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    The earlobes (and general ear curve) look quite weird on the aged sculpt, they shouldn't stick out like that, but rather hang down (more loose than the young version)

    I like the rest though.

    The thing is.... Ben_Refs_1.jpg

    ...that's him and his ears are bloody weird. I think you're right though, they could be made to sag more.

    Glad you like :)
  • Highelf
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    Highelf polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, I figured the ears were correct in the young version. I just meant that when older they wouldn't curve like that even more, but rather hang down more. At least thats what I think would happen! :)
  • sltrOlsson
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    sltrOlsson polycounter lvl 14
    It looks kinda weird that the cheeks are booth fat and at the edge of starvation at the same time :P Maybe a bit less deep furrows on the forehead to?
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    @ Highelf

    Yeah , I think you're right. I'll try and bring them down more.


    Ok, I'll have a play about. I think with the cheeks I was trying more to implement skin thinning and a loss of elasticity, but also have drooping with some fat.

    Thanks guys :D
  • Eric Chadwick
    What reference are you using for the aged version? Good reference for this is key.
  • Two Listen
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    Two Listen polycount sponsor
    I actually think this is quite good as a whole. Though most of that comes from the base features being the same (nose, eyes, overall head shape, etc).

    I do think it's a little bit drastic, especially with how sunken the cheeks have gotten. I'm quite certain a person with that body/fat ratio wouldn't wind up with cheeks quite that sunken in their older years. Drooping - perhaps noticably so down at the jawline? Maybe, but not gaunt like that unless there was also some significant weight loss. In fact, given the guy's skull structure, I'm quite certain it'd be impossible for that sort of gauntness in the face unless he was almost dead. It'd be hard for my cheeks to have THAT drastic a dip in them and I weigh 107lbs.

    I'd also be careful about adding mass - the brow on the aged version is more pronounced than on the younger version. Which might be the case going from age 8 to age 28, but not once you're beyond the puberty stage. The only thing that'd make your brow that much more pronounced would be the illusion of it via huge eyebrows, I would think. I guess that could be largely due to a change in expession, going from blank expression to a grumpy sort of thing? Just something I noticed.

    I think on the whole I'd smooth it out a bit. The chin, those deep wrinkles on the forehead, etc. A person with that body type would have to be doing some pretty fucked up facial expressions for a long long time to get those drastic changes. The aging in this instance, I think, would be more skin texture/color than drastic changes in shape.
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    @ Eric Chadwick

    I'll admit I've been rather naughty with this and used a couple of old-guy Google images, with the main reference being a ZBrush sculpt by Mayuresh .J Salunke at http://www.salunke-mayuresh.com/Andre.html

    Ideally I wanted to get a photo of the subject's dad and older brother but I've been pushed for time.

    @ Two Listen

    Thanks! That's been really helpful :D
    I might get the chance to texture this sometime in the future, so I'll see if I can include your suggestions with that also.

    Cheers, guys :thumbup:
  • Patackular
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    Patackular polycounter lvl 9
    Well, I finally got around to implementing the suggested improvements and had a go at creating some expressions on the original head.


    Expression references:




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