Or Momento Mori: Requiem.
Anyways, after taking a break from this game for about a year because this game had many bugs, I finally planned to go back and see how things are. The maps are slightly changed, there are mounts and questlines were fixed.
It was amazing!!
Until i realized that them freakin bugs are still there >.<
I mean for the love of God this game was under beta testing for almost a year and there were bugs, than it was finally released and yet there are bugs still.
Example of the Bugs: As you move around in forest, the tree would change its shape 10 times until you finally reach it. and even than if you revolve your character around and away from the tree, you will see the geometry of the same tree would go across the screen.
Another one: While you are in a combat zone, the mob would suddenly disappear and you will be hit by the same mob. Now you can either walk in to the nearest town to have them evaded, but when you come out, you will get hit out of no where. (Evasion failed right there).
Last one that I encountered was: Run time error. It would simply kick you out of the client and give you this run time error. >.<
And ya, there is a lot of hassle just to login with your character. Type username and password, than type in the 4 digit code that you must make in other to lock your character.

Bottom line, I think the concept was amazing when it was in works, and by no means I am to dis their hard work and so on. But seriously, everything fails when everyone knows that the game is buggy, yet you have 500k players on it. its not funny anymore >.<.
anyone else have played this game, share your "buggy moment" <.<
EDIT: No offense to whoever was a part of Gravity games.
I have some free mmorpgs intalled and i don't play them because it's very difficult to find players to play with. Aika is a good example, the game is quite good, but for the instances we need to form a party, and it's impossible to find people.