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RGB Multi channel texture for UDK

I looked through here and didn't find anything on this. I was wondering,while watching the material DVD from Eat 3D I saw he had combined his spec, height and mask into one channel and then turned those into his RGB channels so he could plug them in one by one in the UDK material editor. What I am asking is, how do you merge your images to become your RGB channels in this way?


  • Arcanox
    I think you can do this by using an append node. Plugin the R&G with one, and then you can append RG & B to complete the full color map.

    Correction: Append Vector is what you are looking for. In this example they show appending single constant values but the same applies for texture maps.

  • jackalope
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    jackalope polycounter lvl 11
    Your question is a tad confusing, are you asking what Arcanox is talking about, or are you asking how to have 3 maps in the same texture sample? To do the later, in photoshop create a selection based on what you want to be your spec, height, or mask, go to the channel view, select one of the RGB channels and fill the selection with white. You can store a black and white "image" in each channel, similar to creating an alpha channel. Then in UDK you can string the individual channels to the corresponding node.
  • Loqq
    basically what i am asking is when it is all said and done your spec will be the red channel your height will be your green channel and your mask will be your blue channel. the RGB (the one on top of them all) will have all the maps overlapping each other.
  • glynnsmith
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    glynnsmith polycounter lvl 17
    All you need to do is create your greyscale images for your height, spec, gloss, glow, or whatever, in a first PSD.

    Then make a new document and copy and paste your height/spec/whatever into the appropriate colour channels in Photoshops "Channels" panel. Save as .tga.

    When you import it into UDK, don't import it as a greyscale image.
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