Does anyone have some of there old work?Old as in when they first started out and things were rough.For encouragement purposes I would love to see work from years back and where you are now.I'm trying to do that with my art blog so people can see my progression over the years.Right now I'm still at the "first started out" portion.
I would post some of mine when I used to suck, but since I still do, i figured there's little point
While great art is very inspiring, it can get somewhat disheartening when everyone else is so incredible and their roots are not on show to find comfort in the fact that everybody sucked at some point.
I still suck today as i did back then.. the only this that is diferent is that i hide it better now lol
here are some of the gems!
even my website skills were awesome!!
i was 16 when i made this. i think
so.. 10years ago.
and i even made dices!
Oh man.. so awesome..
but if you keep working you end up making cool shit and being vbetter and better.
one of my latest personal works was this..
everybody has to start somewhere man!
ROme wasnt made in one day!
Wireframe... oh the lols
I thought people made better art than me cause they had more powerful computers, that were able to handle higher polycounts. Also, they had really good materials, images that they had found. Didn't know about unwrapping or texturing either that is.
But yeah, that was way long ago, before I even knew what game-art was.
Oh, here's another one:
I tought the same thing!
THey make better art cause they have wacoms! and better pcs!
And big monitors! LOL
Turns out.. a good artist can make awesome shit out of any pc!
Heres my very first "complete" scene in 3d max;
Here is my first scene in Maya;
And... here is my very first complete character, complete with wannabe-spiderman pose!
None of these are optimized for games of course. They don't even have proper UVs.
January 2010
July 2010
October 2010
the only thing im able to do now is things like this:
and really old work from... i dont know
So as a comparison is required:
(You can see my progression in these pictures above over the years. I have more but I cba to search.)
(Current scene I'm working on.)
2009 (Not my last work but my last finished environment at the moment)
Funny to think that the first is a Render while the 2nd is real time XD
2008 (learning to paint/color)
2010 (still practicing color)
2010 - with over a year of actual time spent playing games since 04!
soooooooo many things wrong with this haha, my first game model... his face kind of looks like greentooths retarded brother
Unfortunately all my latest work is under NDA for at least another year
Some Gore textures dating from 1999-2001-ish
Here's just a dump of old work if you're really excited. It varies from max 5 and maya 5 stuff from 2000 up to more modern things. I should update it with some more recent years.
Now I animate 9-5 (should really put some animation up sometime) and do environments on the side
One of my oldest work started at 2008
One of my latest work at beginning of 2010
BEFORE; This is about as bad as it gets, a 'comic' made in Garry's mod, ages ago. Pretty much if you work backwards through my photobucket account, it should paint a picture of where I came from.
An old head, from mid 2007. I was afraid of making hair back then:
Lastly, my first sculpt, early 2009.
2000-2003 college a bunch of bullshit bad 3d
2005: for an added bonus here's the original polycount thread ugh, what a goofball
2009: I believe this is the last thing I did at Mythic that isn't under NDA.
Here's a stupid anicdote related to my previous post. I just had to get home to dig up the image.
In pre-2004, Hayden appeared in a Game Developer magazine advertisement for a localization company. Back then, I contacted them concerning this, and they agreed to give me free localization for anything I was doing. I never cashed this check, but it was a very humorous experience for me. Also extremely flattering to see a Quake 2 player model I made in GD mag. I made that weapon he's holding too.
Originally distibuted on Q2PMP, the origins of Polycount! <gasp!>.
Not the only one who worked on this but here it goes:
2004. Here's the first thing I ever did in 3ds max. I had no idea how do do anything and had nowhere to learn from, so it was pure experiment.)
2005. A bowl of fruits. I tried to be artistic.)
2005. This I was so damn proud of, that it was my desktop for almost a year=)
2006. I worked on my modeling skills a bit. Here the chess set I did. Everyone probably made one of those.)
2007. But as you can see I still couldn't lowpoly, UV or texture to save my life. It's some Vice City modding that I was very fond of at that time. The building is a pet barbershop called "Miss Bitch"
The last piece of arch vis stuff I did. I was trying to freelance doing those things back then.
But of course all this time I was trying to get a game job, so here it is, the art test that got me my first job!
Although I think it could be the fact the I applied 3 times and the last time I wrote the dumbest cover letter, that I later found out was read out loud to the people and they all cranked out laughing and plead to hire me.
2009. A year later here's my tank=)
2010. Here's some Vice City
I hope it was helpfull!
or funny at least.
And stuff from 2009/2010
2000 - Some Cinema 4D action (notice the wine glasses learnt from Uni lesson 1 'how to lathe a spline')
Can't believe its been 10 years already
Getting into games...
Its amazing to see how far everyone has progressed
I think my progress was pretty slow until I learned some of the basics (from school :O holy crap). Color theory, and life drawing pretty much. Everything before that was me being lazy and going from the pinhead of knowledge I was working from (mostly anime). Now I'm working from a thimble
At some point I'd like to go back over some of my old work and ideas. Or destroy them so that no one will ever know they existed . . .
2005 I think
Learnt whilst in highschool so if i had more time i could've learnt alot faster
late 2006
i stalled at getting the tri's down to 12K but I will finish him at 15K I think
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