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Anatomy Practice sculpt

polycounter lvl 11
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pangarang polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys,

I'm working on a base body sculpt to work off of and I'd love to have you guys dig in and give me some feedback. It's a work in progress, lots of areas that still need to be developed but I think it's late enough in the process to get your thoughts on it and help me avoid any mistakes I might accidentally further develop down the road. Thanks in advance!



  • chrisradsby
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    chrisradsby polycounter lvl 14
    I'd say you're heading into detailing way too quickly, spend more time on the lower sub-divisions before moving up. Making sure that the shape/form feels right. It's never really too early to get some shots up here and get feedback to be honest, to earlier you do it the easier it will be for us and for you to get direction and advice from us :)

    What kind of reference are you using? You could post that as well :)
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the feedback Chris. So going by what you said, am I wrong to assume that I need to work on his overall posture and proportions, yes? Would you be able to elaborate a bit on which areas, for example? lol, sorry for being so needy.

    Reference-wise, I must admit that I'm not using one reference specifically - rather looking at various images of the human body from google photos to anatomy and drawing books and trying to get an overall feel.
  • pangarang
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    pangarang polycounter lvl 11
    Tweaked the proportions a bit so they'd be a little more convincing. Also fleshed out some more areas - triceps, quadriceps, abdominals. Let me know what you guys think :)

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