So I asked a few guys at work and checked online but couldnt seem to find anything where Maya would allow you to select all components on a selected object like Max where you can just hit Ctrl-A (might be my own personal hotkey) and it would select all Verts, Edges or Faces depending on what mode your in. Or alteast not simpley with 1 button click.
Cant imagine there not being a quick way to do this. If anyone knows how to do it I would really appreciate it. Or if you only know if its possible to do 1 like select all verts that would be cool too.
Or if there was nothing more then merge all verts with a low threshold to cleanup any overlapping verts that would work too.
as for cleaning up overlapping verts faces etc.. I haven't really found a good way for it, don't use maya that often though. I once modeled a highpoly plane, and seems like I accidentally cloned the whole mesh multiple times, while still keeping it the same object, without noticing.
Then I went ahead, modeling, and finally decided to select all vertices and weld them, to make sure there were no small gaps etc. And the whole model ended up being covered in overlapping faces, who were all connected to the same vertices somehow. I tell ya, cleaning up that one was pure hell, even in max, trying to weld it, it just went berserk. Eventually some sort of plugin for max sorted it out for me though :poly122:
double clicking didnt work ><
If the function already exists in a menu, then there should be a way to bind a hotkey to it. I'm not on my own computer here tho, but I'll have a look into it in the morning
just throw that onto some hotkey and it will select all the verts of a particular object, and can be adjusted to also select faces and edges too (not sure why you would need that but it can do it)
Maya is pretty good at handling things appropriately to the context of what you have selected at the moment. There are a few other tools that can also work on an object level like this such as softening/hardening edge normals.
I think what Tiros was getting at is that you can double click any face on your object and it will select all the faces in the shell/element. You can then convert this selection to vertices. If it doesn't work then you might be using an old version of Maya (I think that particular feature was implemented in Maya 2008 extension 2).
thanks for the info about the double clicking on the faces to select everything, thought Trios just ment double clicking the object
Vertices: CTRL + F9
Edges: CTRL + F10
Faces: CTRL + F11
UV's: CTRL + F12
Make sure that you're in object mode though.
But you probably know that F8 goes to object mode, F9 to vertex mode, F10 to edge mode and F11 to face mode. Combine this with the CTRL button and you get a convert action. So you can convert a face selection to a vertex selection for instance. You can also go from having an object selected in object mode and converting to for instance edge mode. This will select all edges. So to clarify, select a whole object, press CTRL+F10, all edges should be selected for that object.
The bad part then. This doesn't kick you into the respective component mode, you will still be in object mode after converting to this selection. You will however be able to use a command which is for that that specific component mode.
the unfortunate thing is that maya doesn't have component 'modes', just masks. So there's no entirely dependable way that I know of to check what components are selectable. But I use this:
it's context sensitive but I really only use it for polygonal stuff so I didn't bother putting it the other things. It shouldn't be too much of a bother to add whatever you need yourself.
(2008.5 + I believe)
"If you check the options for Merge Vertices, there's an option to change the distance threshold. After that, a select all verts and merge is enough to clean up any extra edges and faces you may be encountering."
That doesn't always work btw. at least not with overlapping faces that occupy the same space. if you smooth you can see they're still there (depends on the situation though)
The Select All has been added in Maya 2014:
- if you RMB in the empty viewport it will display a marking menu where you can see 2 options: "Complete Tool" and "Select All".
- the MEL for "Select All" function is the following:
select -cl; MTselAll
- the hotkey for "Select All" is CRTL + SHIFT + A.
Hint: if you don't like the default hotkey go in the Hotkey Editor and assign the usual CRTL + A to "Select All" (that is assigned by default to the "Attribute Editor") and assign to the "Attribute Editor" CRTL + SHIFT + A (basically you swap the 2 hotkeys).
I hope this helps.
default "CRTL + SHIFT + A" works great)