I am currently attending a Community College for Simulation and Game Development. Like most people that go to these schools I have been spending most of my time learning outside of class. Charlotte doesn't have much in terms of 3D and this really limits my potential internship/job opportunities. Once I get my portfolio together other then moving right away, is there any way I can get some industry level related experience? I have thought about freelancing but I often hear that you really need industry experience to get noticed. Should I try freelancing for less known/start up companies that maybe need 4 or 5 props made? I was looking on O-Desk at some 3d modelers and they reeled in about 40,000 for that year. Although its not technically the game industry, in my humble opinion their models were sub-par in comparison with what I can do. I really only need $100 a week to match the current theater job I have now. Am I looking at this the wrong way? If so what a good way to approach this issue. Thanks in advance for your help.
Schools are there to prepare you, but its up to you to make your work stand out from the rest. They are also a great way to meet industry people and the like. Stick around, and just do your best. There is really no answer to this question your asking. Other than, bust balls...lots of it!
If you've gotten the basics down and can produce quality art, this is a great place to get some experience. I got my first job on the strength of my mod experience and the portfolio pieces that resulted from it.
definitely look into getting involved in a mod. You said it yourself, it is difficult to get noticed without any experience. The sooner you start the better, believe me.