Hey there,
Now that I am out of school and working in the industry, I've been itching to participate in a contest! However, I've been looking for Unearthly Challenge info, and I was wondering when the next one will be! I know Dominance War will be starting relatively soon, but how about our beloved environment art challenge?

I'm not in a rush, I'm just really curious to know when these challenges usually pop up.
yeah, which took them 10 months
Which is completely rediculous and disrespectful to the artists who took part imo. Theres no excuse. Seriously...how long does it take to chose some winners? I just think that having people work hard to reach a deadline then taking near a year to release the winner.... Maybe something happened that i'm not aware of but geezus...
Anyway. Its made me think twice about doing any GA comps. I might dabble in the Dom war. Will see if the brief grabs me.
Anyhoo...yeah dont hold your breath for Unearthly. Maybe next summer ish...
UC not till September of next year =(
Now thats disrespectful to the judges imo.
It's not. The judges were rather hasty about choosing when compared to how long it had taken GA to get their shit together and actually find some judges.
The judging did go quick...my guess on the delay is that Fred simply spread himself too thin between DW, opening up the GA gallery in Montreal, and wanting to rebuild the UC site
Agreed. I reckon it should be up to PC to take the mantle of running the big comps one day soon, shit'd run smoothly then.
Agreed, many of the entries that made it into the top 15 were not nearly as good as some of the ones left out which was so disappointing.
Still I cant wait till UC comes up again, that is if I can find time to do it XD
What I'd love to see is a more community run competition, with voting done by those who enter the competition somehow. No drama, no prizes, no postponed due dates. Just good old fashioned online art community goodness for the sake of doing art and getting some portfolio pieces done.
In other words, you dont need competitions to do work for yourself.
Obviously people should work on stuff in their own time, but there's definitely merit there.