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New WoW trailer



  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Gir. Here's a contrasty grimdark drawgahn for ya.


    (I kid of course). I think the one blizz made looks pretty ace and i imagine it will look even better in it's proper environment. Dark depths of a mountain with lava everywhere. Oh yes. I have no idea if that's where he will be tho... humm
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    that trailer was awesome :)

    I thought it was going to break into a dethklock song after the first few lines of dialog tho! haha. love the ingame textures, that model came out sick. They do some really impressive stuff with those 6 year old meshes and skeletons!

    I'll probably get sucked back in momentarily, but i think my hardcore days are over :)
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    moose wrote: »
    I'll probably get sucked back in momentarily, but i think my hardcore days are over :)

    This usually happens to me. I play for about six months after the release of an expansion, then realize that end-game raiding is more like going to work than having fun, then uninstall.

    Great trailer. Not sure what everyone's beef is with the dialogue, I thought it was okay, not especially cringe-worthy.
  • sebas
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    sebas polycounter lvl 14
  • X-Convict
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    X-Convict polycounter lvl 18
    Hot damn. I don't even play WoW but that trailer looks AWESOME.
  • ebagg
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    ebagg polycounter lvl 17
    Angry dragon is angry! Awesome cutscene is awesome!
  • moose
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    moose polycount sponsor
    danshewan wrote: »
    This usually happens to me. I play for about six months after the release of an expansion, then realize that end-game raiding is more like going to work than having fun, then uninstall.

    yeah. I'm excited about this expansion because it really feels like they're pushing the game a lot further, similar to what htey did in Burning Crusade. The sweeping class and stat mechanic changes, and more importantly the improvements they've made to guilds are really attractive. I have not played other MMOs, but what they're including in guild leveling, experience, achievements, rewards, and having actual status-quo within a guild via game values is pretty impressive.

    with the beefed up guild system, the new raiding scheme is also great, and i feel will make high end raiding less of a job. Near the end of my rading "career" i was playing 8 hours a night 5 days a week, and 12-14 on weekends (eek), and i use "playing" loosely. I ended up just being the healing lead who calculates effectiveness, formuates strategies based on numbers people sent me and moved people in and out of dungeons to keep the guild happy & progressing. heh, i think i got 3 hours of actual playtime in a night during weekdays for the 10 man raids. With the new raidID stuff (being saved per boss), and combining the rewards of 10 & 25, so both provide the same rewards really opens up the raid game to be fun again, and less of the slog to make sure you clear every instance in your tier twice weekly.

    im sure over time it will devolve, but the social interaction improvements rule
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    That sounds pretty cool, haven't really bothered to check any of the major changes they're planning as yet. Might look into it, and I can't imagine not reactivating my account for at least a little while to check out the new content.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    I thought I was going to bitch with the changes they made so far, but as it ends up, I really enjoy how they changed my druid. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they evolve the lore as well as they new character experience.
  • MRico
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    MRico polycounter lvl 10
    Man, I wish Blizzard would make a full length CG film based on WoW or Starcraft...that would be the most sickest thing ever!
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    moose wrote: »
    i was playing 8 hours a night 5 days a week, and 12-14 on weekends (eek), and i use "playing" loosely.

    This right here is scary as hell! You played wow 68-64 hours a week out of 168. And let's say you had a 45 hour work week. That's 55-57 hours left for everything else including sleep. If you slept 6 hours each day another 42 hours would be lost. Not many hours left man.

    Just got a bit curious with the numbers when you gave them to us hehe :)

    I don't really enjoy the raiding so I never got stuck that way. Good thing you got out man! :)
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    aww, I just ended my subscription because the game sucked. Oh well, I'll wait for D3 to come out :)

    Their cinematics are as always awesome.
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    danshewan wrote: »
    That sounds pretty cool, haven't really bothered to check any of the major changes they're planning as yet. Might look into it, and I can't imagine not reactivating my account for at least a little while to check out the new content.

    they made it almost exactly like the Archmage/Shaman careers in WAR. having to balance between offensive/defensive spells.

    in fact, the whole guild level/achievement system came from WAR too... got to laugh at that a little. for something many wow players considder to be a failed game, they sure do take a lot of ideas from it :D

    that said, wow is a very smooth experience, but then after 7+ years you'd expect it to be. i just wish the pvp was actually... well... engaging.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    they made it almost exactly like the Archmage/Shaman careers in WAR. having to balance between offensive/defensive spells.

    in fact, the whole guild level/achievement system came from WAR too... got to laugh at that a little. for something many wow players considder to be a failed game, they sure do take a lot of ideas from it :D

    that said, wow is a very smooth experience, but then after 7+ years you'd expect it to be. i just wish the pvp was actually... well... engaging.

    They borrowed Tome of Knowledge too with WOtLK. Although WAR's is lightyears ahead. The guild leveling system in WAR is still really good too.

    Kinda surprised they didn't borrow PQs. That's one idea that I thought for sure would be in every MMO now.
  • TortillaChips
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    TortillaChips polycounter lvl 10
    A good trailer. I think I preferred the WotLK one though. I havn't played since early Burning Crusade but it's nice to see what's happening.
  • greenj2
    Very well done cinematic. :D

    Though personally I thought the various environments felt noticeably unpopulated. It would've been nice to see some inhabitants running for dear life as Deathwing passed over. I'm guessing that was more of a production/timeline constraint oriented decision than an aesthetic one.

    I've been WoW clean for almost a year, but I'll be all over this expansion like a cheap flannel when it drops.
  • Don Karnage
    That was class :D
    Not sure if I prefer it to the Wrath of the Lich King trailer though, that was also jaw-dropping in full HD ;)
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    in fact, the whole guild level/achievement system came from WAR too... got to laugh at that a little. for something many wow players considder to be a failed game, they sure do take a lot of ideas from it :D

    right, because WAR was the first to have a guild level/skill system:\
  • Asherr
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    Asherr polycounter lvl 18
    here's something WAR doesn't have: /dance. :poly124:
  • jimmypopali
    Just in regards to the trailer + Deathwings scale. He seems to land pretty comfortably on the two towers behind him (with the claw marks on it) yet seeing Deathwing on the bridge like this, he's tiny. I really do hope that they scale him up, it doesn't look like this bridge Deathwing can stretch his little arms out to do what he did in the trailer.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    Just in regards to the trailer + Deathwings scale. He seems to land pretty comfortably on the two towers behind him (with the claw marks on it) yet seeing Deathwing on the bridge like this, he's tiny. I really do hope that they scale him up, it doesn't look like this bridge Deathwing can stretch his little arms out to do what he did in the trailer.

    I think it's to avoid having the texels become the size of your character :P

    check the size of that human in this one:

  • Will Faucher
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    Will Faucher polycounter lvl 12
    Also, don't forget that you need to fight him eventually. If you're fighting, and all you see is a claw since he is so big... it's not so fun.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    Trailer once again showed how fucking awesome blizzards cinematic team is. I will say though that the Wrath of the Litch King cinematic was by far the best WoW one. I still watch it in awe. But then I <3 Arthas and Deathknights.
  • jimmypopali
    Raid is one room. First boss, his left claw, second boss, his right claw, third boss, tail, forth boss, MASSIVE JAW, fifth boss, his two wings,s sixth boss, his back legs, last boss, DEATHWING, THE EVIL TORSO.
  • dtschultz
  • Taylor Hood
    Raid is one room. First boss, his left claw, second boss, his right claw, third boss, tail, forth boss, MASSIVE JAW, fifth boss, his two wings,s sixth boss, his back legs, last boss, DEATHWING, THE EVIL TORSO.
    You forgot his most important part. His head.

    Would be pretty cool to attack his head sort of Kiljaeden style. Lol.
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