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The chickens are restless - London PC meetup 3

polycounter lvl 8
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danshewan polycounter lvl 8
So, it appears that Uncle Sam has deigned that I've jumped through enough flaming hoops of bureaucracy for now, and for my next death-defying stunt I'll be jumping over the Atlantic on a kick-start motorcycle (or a 767, whatever) in about six weeks or so.

As such, I thought it'd be cool to meet up with some of you again before I leave for another evening of eating entire animals with gusto, shiny AO maps and witty anecdotes. Anyone else up (or down) for this?

I figured I'd post this now, seeing as how there was so much confusion as to the date last time, and knowing how long these things typically take to get moving. I know there was a lot of bold talk of shunning Nandos in favor of a steakhouse last time, so if people want to suggest alternatives venues, list 'em here.

Personally, Bodean's in Soho is a great place to eat, is in a wicked location and have the best damn sandwiches I've ever tasted. The set menu for groups is a little limited, but the table menu is a bit more varied, and even has some options for those weirdos that don't eat whole animals in one sitting.

So, sometime in November, somewhere in Soho?

EDIT: Date - Saturday November 20th, 6pm (ish), Bodean's BBQ, Soho.

If this date poses a problem for anyone, let me / us know ASAP so we can arrange another date & time. For menu / location, see links above.


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