Hi, I'm using Max 2011 and have a set of models whose texture paths are now incorrect due to the directory sructure changing. Is there a script in Max like file texture manager in Maya to re-path textures easily. I tries Relink Bitmaps but I couldn't get it to install on 2011.
If you don't have Vault enabled it will say status is "unknown" when the path is correct... or if its broken. So you can't really trust it for checking paths. But it works well for changing a lot of paths quickly.
There also is a bug with "retarget common root" which you use to retarget multiple paths that have the first part of a path in common but the sub-folders are different. If the names of the sub-folders are similar it will get confused and fubar the paths directing them into one folder.
For example retargeting these files from the C drive, to an identical folder structure on the D drive.
There is a good chance it will set the paths to
or if you're lucky it just drops the last part