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Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11

New one out. This one is about Diversity in video-games.

I thought it was pretty interesting. The one point I wanted to bring up though, is that I don't get the idea that video-games somehow mistreat women. Where they misrepresent and over-exaggerate women too much. It's a common complaint really, but I just disagree with it.

I'm not saying that it doesn't happen though. But what I mean is that it's happening all the time with male characters as well, yet nobody complains about that. And I think all there is to it is just idealization of the figure. We're creating a more ideal form of ourselves.

Just looking at the average male ass-kicker in video-games, how many people (gamers specifically mind you) actually look like that? Hardly any at all. Not to mention that some of these characters are so buff that it borders on the superhuman.


  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Interesting watch, thanks for posting :)

    I definitely think that properly portraying diversity in video games is something that should be improved the bigger and more mature the industry gets. But it's definitely something that won't come easy. Especially when publishers need to consider their audience and keeping their sales as high as ever.
    I think Indie developers could be the best chance to break some of these ideas--ie. have a game with a strong gay male lead, but in a non-stereotypical, understanding way. You wouldn't see a triple A title like this, as no publisher would want to risk so much money on such a new concept, but an Indie company could take the chance.

    I do think that women's roles are slowly improving in games. You'll still come across ridiculously booby characters now and then, but more and more games coming out have strong female leads that aren't overly sexified and are actually pretty kick-ass. Bayonetta, gal from Heavenly Sword (name?), and recent Final Fantasy females are just a few that come to mind.

    I think youre slightly mis-interpreting the problem. Yes, male bodies in games can be overly idealized to the point of impossibility often, but the point is less the impossibility of it, and more the sexualized nature of it regarding women. A ridiculously muscled guy is not really what you'd consider overly sexy, but it's pretty obvious what a designer is going with when he gives a gal triple-G breasts. This just shows the industry in general as a bunch of immature guys, who possibly don't think of women as much but carriers of fun-bags. And that's something that I think should be toned back.

    That being said, I don't have a problem with an idealized attractive female character--just like with all forms of entertainment, movies, tv, comic books, fiction, main characters are almost always attractive ideals. And that's obviously how people like it. I also don't think a strong, very attractive woman alienates girl gamers--on the contrary; this brings girls into it, because most girl's fantasy is to be a kick-ass sexy lady that can play as rough as any guy.

    Also, thought it was interesting how they mentioned that social games are doing a much better job of this (ie. the Zynga games). But I don't think that's so surprising, since social games cater to an audience that wouldn't respond as well to generalized stereotypes and lack of diversity--since social gamers are obviously a way more diverse audience.

    Anyway, I guess this turned into a bit of a ramble, but I just find this to be a really intersting topic. :P More discussion would be great! :D
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    Mezz wrote: »
    I think Indie developers could be the best chance to break some of these ideas--ie. have a game with a strong gay male lead, but in a non-stereotypical, understanding way. You wouldn't see a triple A title like this, as no publisher would want to risk so much money on such a new concept, but an Indie company could take the chance.

    I agree, but what purpose would it serve in terms of gameplay or story? Storylines in most triple-A titles are something of an afterthought as it is, let alone the complexities of relationships. Gay or straight, it doesn't immediately lend itself to a compelling gaming experience.

    The only game I can think of right now where a relationship was given any significance was Silent Hill 2 (maybe Heavy Rain too, but I haven't played it), and even then the relationship itself took a backseat to the appeal and motivations of an overly-sexualized female character. I'm sure there must be more, I just can't think of any right now.

    I wonder if the Japanese market would accept a gay protagonist more readily than the West?
    This just shows the industry in general as a bunch of immature guys, who possibly don't think of women as much but carriers of fun-bags. And that's something that I think should be toned back.

    I've got to disagree with you on this, Mezz. I think that it's more a case of knowing and catering to the target audience, as opposed to widespread developer immaturity - not to mention long-established conventions in games, however immature or stereotypical they may genuinely be.

    It's something I'd like to see change, too, but I think 'hardcore' gaming (man, I hate that term) is still a way off the kind of mainstream acceptance as an entertainment medium before this happens.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    Mezz wrote: »
    but more and more games coming out have strong female leads that aren't overly sexified and are actually pretty kick-ass. Bayonetta,

    Isnt that one the most overly sexified game char of all times? (At least modern times) Or she wasnt wearing skintight clothes that disappeared while bending over pushing her ass out, squeezing her boobs and licking lollipops in your version? :)

    Anyway. I hear ya.

    and about diversity in videogames? I don't really care to be honest but eh, why not. Improve the sucker. Couldn't hurt but i also don't think it would make a game that much better.
  • Asherr
  • Mezz
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    Mezz polycounter lvl 8
    Cool to hear about the direction they took with her, Asherr! :D

    and Wahlgren--yeah, I thought someone would say that :P
    Okay, I probably should have clarified in what way she was 'sexified'. Basically, she was supposed to be sexy in a more classy, fashionable way... rather than just giving her a doll face and lopping on two giant boobs :P
    Rough example, and maybe there's only a subtle difference between the two... but eh, made a difference to me :P

    The difference being she's a character that a girl playing the game would want to be like--rather than, say, the Dead or Alive girls, that would make a female player just roll her eyes and mutter about teenage boys' obsession with disproportionate giant bewbs :P

    I'm not so sure an 'outsider' looking in would see the difference...

    Like I said, I'm all for sexy female characters, just imo I think they should appear less pornographic than in some cases. (And I'd argue that bayonetta's naked moments are somehow not in the 'pornographic' category :P)

    Sorry for more rambling. This is all just my own sorta thoughts on the matter, really :P
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11
    The difference being she's a character that a girl playing the game would want to be like--rather than, say, the Dead or Alive girls, that would make a female player just roll her eyes and mutter about teenage boys' obsession with disproportionate giant bewbs :P

    But isn't that the same for guys? I mean, I do the same thing when they show those roided up military dudes in games like Gears, Halo and the likes. I just roll my eyes and realize it's not even possible as a human.

    Well, actually I don't roll my eyes, because I never even get the sensation that I somehow need to be like this character. Just really couldn't care less. I'm just not sure why as guys we can ignore those characters, but for girls they're somehow role-models?

    And one could make the point that it's setting a bad role model for guys too. Like we're supposed to kill things and get killed, and the women get to live life. Or maybe the girls are all precious princesses, while the guys are red and green plumbers who do the dirty work by jumping on creatures heads, stomping them for a little extra coin to bring home. etc etc...

    Of course I don't actually think that though hehe :)
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 20
    Wahlgren wrote: »
    Isnt that one the most overly sexified game char of all times? (At least modern times) Or she wasnt wearing skintight clothes that disappeared while bending over pushing her ass out, squeezing her boobs and licking lollipops in your version? :)
    I think Bayonetta is kind of a parody of the overly sexualised video game character design, with her distorted proportions and overwrought dominatrix typed persona. It's all very tongue in cheek. So completely over the top that it has to be poking fun at other characters and games in a similar vein.
  • Bigjohn
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    Bigjohn polycounter lvl 11

    New one. In case anyone is interested. I'm a fan of these personally.
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