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learning to 3d

hi , i think it would be interesting to know how you people got into 3d.
I myself am learning as a hobby, im still in highschool.
did u guys start off already as hobbyists? did you get an degree? how importend are degrees? how long haave you all been learning 3d, and what was the easiest and what the hardest thing to learn?

and ultimatley, what advice can you give a teenager to get more indepth with 3d?


  • XenoKratios
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    XenoKratios polycounter lvl 15
    My first advice would be to improve your grammar and spelling, then dabble with some "3d".

    Hmmm... don't want to say this, but try cgtalk first? (there I said it)
  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Step 1> learn to ignore grama Nazzis

    polycount is a great place to start...if you have a question..search the boards..or post one..there is a metric butlo0ad of info here....

    I would jump right into it..tutorials are a great place to start..and the polycount wiki....make something ..then post it ..usually someone will chime in with a crit ..or some praise...if they dont, keep going at it.

    welcome to polycount
  • lampekap
    thx for the honest comments ;)
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    Read online tutorials; check out PC Pimping and Previews daily; play lots of games to see what current trends in art and tech are; join a mod team when you develop skills good enough to contribute to a project. After high school consider going for a Fine Arts degree, or possibly a Computer Science degree if you are more technically inclined. Degrees are not very important in this industry however, ultimately it is for you to determine if you really need to invest 4 years/+70,000$ into one.
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    Degrees aren't that important as a game artist. But you may want to pursue one for social aspects/networking.

    Keep doing tutorials until you're comfortable with the software, and then start your own projects and google/ask about any problem you run into.

    None of it is particularly "hard", it just takes time and practice.
  • lampekap
    ill keep that advice in mind. ILl certainly lurk more 3d forumsm, im learning so much just by looking at othersman works, but ofcouse ill try to do learn by actual practise too :)
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