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Tomb WIP


Started making a tomb scene for UDK, its based on a piece of concept art from one of the tomb raider games. Thought I'd make a thread to get some feedback, and to try and keep me motivated to actually finish making it. I've only been making props so far, so I'd like to try and get a full scene done.

Heres the tomb raider concept its based off,


I changed a couple of little things from the concept, and expanded it a bit. Heres a blockout in Max to get an idea for the scene. Im going to have 2 secret passages under the pools as well.


Also, I put the blockout into UDK to get an idea of the scale. I still have to blockout of the back or the room, it'll basically just be a large doorway in the centre of the wall.



Started modelling the pillar that goes along the sides of the room earlier, still not sure what to do with the top of it. Keep it bare as it is, or add details to it like that on the bottom.



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