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Brand New Smart Phone Help!

polycounter lvl 8
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Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
Well Polycount it is finally time for me to get my cell. This will be my first "smart phone", and although theres a HUGE amount of different phones that are considered "smart phones" I need some help picking out which one is right for me.

Facts you should know:

1) I am not a giant apple fan boy. I would actually prefer not having a iphone4 due to the amount of people that have them, however Epic Games' new game Project Sword/Citadel have got me a little more hyped for a Iphone. But i dont want to buy a iphone because of one app.

2) Alot of people I know use blackberrys. So BBM would be handy for me.

3) I would like to have a android, but the limitations in choices of phones in Canada, in particular (Northern Ontario) is very slim.

4) I also really enjoy the HTC EVO 4G Android phone (not available in Canada)

5) I want apps that can be used for phone or functionality (games vs gps etc)

Also I suppose this would be useful, in my city (Thunder Bay) Rogers and the local cell/internet provider (TBaytel) are merging into one company(which sucks and is good at the same time), but i believe they will be using the sim card style phones.

Also i have until Nov 17th (my bday) to decide.

Thanks for your time!

(also if you need any more info to help me out, ask me!) :D


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Wait for the windows 7 mobile reviews, it looks pretty nice so far and just launched

  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    There was just a discussion about this last week. Do a search on the forums and you'll find many of the recommendations.

    For me, I really like my EVO, but basically, it seemed pretty unanimous to get an Android based phone. From there, just check out the variety that your carrier offers, and see which one feels best to you. For instance, the EVO is rather large. Many women don't like it as much, because it doesn't fit in their pockets. Others want a slide-out keyboard... it really depends on your taste.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    @ZacD - sadly i have to renew my contract etc by my birthday... so that may be out of range although it is pretty bad ass.

    @norman - I really really really want the EVO, but from what i have heard,read, and i even asked my local provider, the EVO is not coming to where i am anytime soon. I will be checking out the other thread, i just didn't really want to hijack that one.

    Also i forgot to add, i want sort of a tougher phone (not top priority, but it would be nice).

    And a phone that will be decent for at least 2-3 years before i get another one.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I know you mentioned it in your initial post, but I'm kind of surprised the EVO isn't available there. It may be because they can't even keep them in stock in the states. Any chance of jumping over to the US to buy one? ;)

    I'm not too familiar with how Canada gets cell services, but if you tend to get UK released phones, instead of those from the states, try keeping an eye out for the HTC Desire HD. I believe that is the UK equivalent to the EVO.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    @notman - I will definitely keep my eyes open for the Desire HD, Canada getting the UK released phones could be very likely. Sadly i highly doubt i will be hopping over to the states, even thou i live about 40 minute drive from the border itself, it is about a 3 hour drive to the nearest large city, and funds are not aplenty for me :(


    I remember the old thread from last week or so, but i cannot seem to find it :(
  • notman
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    @notman - thank you ! :D

    Edit: I'm suprised to see no one supporting Blackberry yet, the newest version storm specifically is still in the running for a choice.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think it's the lack of apps. That's what really makes people love their phones (using it for more than a phone).
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Thats true, blackberry does have a lot less apps then say iphone, however as it would be nice to have a 100000000000000 games on my phone, checking my texts, emails, and other various messages, and maybe a gps come first before having a game on my phone. So for me anyways Functionality throughout the day beats having 10000 day distracting games. But that is my preference... I'm still not 100% what ill want thou :P still doin my research and will until Nov 17
  • Pseudo
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    Pseudo polycounter lvl 18
    I'm not an apple fanboy by any stretch, and I never really paid much attention to their products, but going I'm very happy with their phones after switching from a BlackJack and Blackberry over to the iPhone.

    If your only reason not to get one is "I would actually prefer not having a iphone4 due to the amount of people that have them" then you should get over the "cool" factor of smart phones and evaluate them based on the hardware/software.

    The iphone and most of the new android phones all do the same things, I chose iphone because I prefer the usability and feel of the iphone OS.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    Also iPhone 4 has the highest quality camera out of any current smartphone if you're interested in that. There are also ways to get the face calls or whatever to work over 3G, not just Wi-Fi. They also have the largest app market of all of the Smartphones.

    Also a note on the Evo 4G, if you're buying it for the 4G then you're making a huge mistake. They advertise saying it's the first 4G phone and all of that shit but currently there's only 4G coverage in probably less than 1% of the entire U.S./Canada.
  • Axios
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    Axios polycounter lvl 10
    And you have to pay the extra $10/month for 4G even if you're outside of 4G coverage.
  • mickyg
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    mickyg polycounter lvl 7
    A friend just got a HTC Desire from Future Shop and it rocks, its hands down the best smartphone I've seen yet.

    I think he is on a $50 per month, three year contract.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I will definitely check out the desire, I do agree Iphone4 s are undeniably awesome, but you know.. we'll see what happens

    @mickyg - i will probably be on a similar plan, althou probably a 2 year.

    Its nice to see more comments coming in front different views, helps out quite a bit.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    Also iPhone 4 has the highest quality camera out of any current smartphone if you're interested in that.

    Based on what? The iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel camera, and the EVO has 8 megapixel. They both do 720p video. The EVO's front camera is 1.3 megapixel, and the iPhone's front camera is .3 megapixel.

    I agree that the iPhone 4 is a cool phone, but it's linked to one carrier (right now), and if you don't like AT&T, then you're screwed. Android phones are available with basically every carrier, so you aren't so restricted, and you get a phone that is just as feature rich.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I love my G2. That is all.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I love my G2. That is all.

    is it available in Canada?
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    notman wrote: »
    Based on what? The iPhone 4 has a 5 megapixel camera, and the EVO has 8 megapixel. They both do 720p video. The EVO's front camera is 1.3 megapixel, and the iPhone's front camera is .3 megapixel.

    I'm basing it off of a few side by side reviews that I've seen. Higher Megapixels does not equal the best camera. Nearly every review I've seen comparing the iPhone 4 camera to Evo and Droid phones said that the iPhone 4 had the best color accuracy, the most vibrance and the best exposure. Those are all more important to me than having a higher resolution photo.

    Here's a Gizmodo review comparing the iPhone 4, Droid X and a Canon S90.

    Take a look at this picture and tell me which one you think it's the best.


    Extra megapixels on the Droid X didn't help out much. I can barely tell that those are oranges in the background on the Droid X picture.

    Also before you say I'm an annoying Apple fanboy, the only Apple product I own is an iPhone 3GS and it's one of 2 Apple products that I've owned in my entire life.

    notman wrote: »
    I agree that the iPhone 4 is a cool phone, but it's linked to one carrier (right now), and if you don't like AT&T, then you're screwed. Android phones are available with basically every carrier, so you aren't so restricted, and you get a phone that is just as feature rich.

    Yes it sucks that iPhone is only on AT&T right now but it's coming to Verizon too early next year.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    I'm definitely not a apple hater nor fan boy myself, I just already know how awesome the iphone is, and would rather go against the crowd, however if there is not a phone(that i can get my hands on) that can't beat the iphone... then im iphone bound
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    So you're going to purposely sacrifice what could be your best choice just to "go against the crowd"? Honestly that's one of the stupidest things I've heard in quite some time. Oh well, it's your choice.
  • Fuse
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    Fuse polycounter lvl 18
    What the iphone has going for it is it's popularity. The gargantuan amount of apps makes it a very strong first choice.

    What HTC have been doing with their android phones is nothing short of impressive though, so they shouldn't be overlooked.

    There's no question that the iphone is highly desirable but any of the higher end Android phones will perform to just about 90% equivalent.

    Unfortunately, no matter how long I use android and blackberry devices I keep going back to my trusty old Iphone. It's just such a nice device to use and let's be honest a lot of the people would pay the extra premium to own a device that everyone else already has.

    Sorry I realized that my post wasn't really helpful :) . Check out engadget, they always review any new smartphone that matters.
  • javi
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    javi polycounter lvl 16
    I got the iphone when it first launched in Canada, and 3 yrs later... I can't wait to ditch my carrier and the iphone. I haven't been happy with my iphone, I can't listen to music and browse the web without the music stuttering. I'm sure if I'd email Steve, he'd just tell me to deal with it.

    Anyways, Android looks pretty good, however the company's aren't pushing out the latest version (2.2) they are mostly 2.1 and sony is still on 1.6.

    Windows 7 looks promising, cool interface, and just feel nice. I'll probably be getting that soon. I know we won't be getting the HD7 in Canada, but some of the others could work well.

    Check out http://mobilesyrup.com/ its a Canadian mobile phone blog.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    javi wrote: »
    I got the iphone when it first launched in Canada, and 3 yrs later... I can't wait to ditch my carrier and the iphone. I haven't been happy with my iphone, I can't listen to music and browse the web without the music stuttering. I'm sure if I'd email Steve, he'd just tell me to deal with it.

    So, you're comparing a 3 year old iPhone to the current Smartphones? Seems a bit unfair considering that there have been major leaps in smartphone technology since 2007.
  • javi
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    javi polycounter lvl 16
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    So, you're comparing a 3 year old iPhone to the current Smartphones? Seems a bit unfair considering that there have been major leaps in smartphone technology since 2007.
    Well there's always going to be "leaps in smartphone technology", can't avoid that, things will always get faster.

    Either way, see how well your phone will be supported in 2yrs time.

    There coming out with a new revision to their, "breakthrough antenna design" probably in Jan.
  • Purplepaint
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    Purplepaint polycounter lvl 8
    Zipfinator wrote: »
    So you're going to purposely sacrifice what could be your best choice just to "go against the crowd"? Honestly that's one of the stupidest things I've heard in quite some time. Oh well, it's your choice.

    Pretty much, well that and that beautiful antenna issue (that may be fixed now i'm not sure). Also i have a itouch with tons of apps etc, so i really don't need just a app phone, and i agree the iphone is definately one of the top phones if not the very top right now for choices, but there is different reasons for picking different phones as said in the original post

    most people i know have blackberry's and love them, and we would be able to bbm each other (superior to texting, when i say most people i know i mean my gf, and most of my family.)

    And i am very open to androids versatility.

    However i did go on to say that I WILL probably end up with a iphone due to the complete lack of choices of phones in northern ontario..

    @Javi - I will definitely check out this blog, thanks for the link :D!
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