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Bertie... The Robot

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ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
So Ashley Wood is one of my favorite artists (if you're not familiar with his work, do yourself a favour http://ashleybambaland.blogspot.com/ )

Anyways, I'm trying to create The saviour of the earth, Bertie.


I'm trying to base him off of his paintings and drawings, but Ashley can draw very loosely, so the proportions can vary. There are toys based off his art books, but I feel like those proportions are different form his books to keep them balanced. Anyways, Before I start Zbrushing scratches and working on the bake, I'd like opinions on the high! Thanks!


  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    I would imagine its "eyes" should be more together than what you have, in case you want to fit that painted skull on there. Even so, that could easily be fixed post.

    if you'd make the main body a bit taller then you could lengthen the upper arm a bit more.

    And extrude the upper shoulder bolts a bit to fit the paintings, if thats what you're going after.

    Elbow bolts should perhaps be even smaller. But that just be some other proportion causing that difference look less.
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    Ah, I love Ashley Wood and Bertie :D

    Bertie doesn't actually have feet - his shins just taper down and stop.

    His hands should be a good bit bigger - or his fingers, at least. They look a little fragile compared to the rest of him.

    I'd exaggerate the size and the size variation of the bags on his belt some more, too.

    Perhaps move the elbow joint further down the arm and oversize the shoulder a tad.
  • PhilipK
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    PhilipK polycounter lvl 10
    I'm usually not big on characters (or robots :)) but this is great! Love it! Can't wait to see it finished :)
  • frwanque
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    frwanque polycounter lvl 6
    I realy like the Desing ! very interresting. Good start
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    upper legs should be longer i think.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Update! I took all your guys' advice, thanks for the quick replies.
    @metal: Took all your advice, heightened the uppder body, fixed the shoulders and made the bolts more apparant.

    @talon: You know, I couldn't figure out about his feet, I always thought it was Ashley's art style to...leave it out. There is a toy out there I used for reference that showed Bertie with feet, so it just confused me. But I looked at all my comics closely and realized you are right, I have no idea how physically he stands up...but he does look infinitely more bad ass without giant Kingdom Heart feet. I also fixed the sizing with his hands and fingers, but haven't messed much with the belt....yet.

    I also took Deja's advice for the legs and thanks, Philip (i'll be using your metal & nDo tutorials ;-) )

  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    So I just finished the gun! Once again, Ashley's versions of Bertie's pistol seems to change drastically from drawing to drawing, So I tried taking bits and pieces from everything (including toys and a Dan Wesson Revolver) to make my version of his pistol. This is my very first gun I've ever modeled, and was fun as hell.. I know theres some slight pinching at a few parts so I will clean it up tomorrow, Just wanted some critiques from you guys!
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    Looking at the upper right ref, which seem to be the revolver, and comparing it to yours:

    The overall gun style is a bit beefier. Yours is not as stylized.

    The cylinder should be a lot bigger / longer. Also falls into the same category as keeping it stylized.

    The front sight is to low compared to the concept.

    Overall, go through some revolver designs and see how you could caricature it.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, Metal! Thanks for the comments, I've stated earlier that the gun is more of a concoction of different revolver/magnum ideas. And my first design and model through was the larger/sillier version..and in the end just looked really bizarre and goofy. The bullets would have to have been the size of sausages, haha.

    Anyways, I fixed some stuff and added some stuff, I'm gonna start baking soon.. the gun and the robot..pondering if I should make a machete...


    also...need to learn how to render kick ass renders in Maya Mental Ray..it always comes out subpar. Does anyone have any links to some good tutorials to render simple gray high poly models?
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    The lower right frame you posted definitely shows a semi-auto with a reciprocating slide portion at the upper rear of the pistol (Bertie's even racking the slide in the bottom right). You can see the vertical grooves on it for grip in that panel and in the two frames closest to it.

    I can definitely see something in the top two that more suggests revolver.

    I think you're dealing with two different guns.

    Bertie shoots akimbo, give him one of each...
  • Klumpmeister
  • michi.be
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    michi.be polycounter lvl 17
    very cool concept. I hope it turns out so dark and full of grime like in the comics.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8

    Dirty Deeds Bertie

    Desert Commando Bertie

    From all the action figures I've seen of Bertie he has two revolvers, though in the comic panels you have there it does appear that one is a slide action semi auto and the other is a revolver.

    The revolver seems to have a full trigger guard and the slide action seems to have the broken trigger guard. Just some nit picks. Looking cool so far.

    Edit: More Burtie Variants
    Side of Revolver
    Straight Pimpin'
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Hey, Grim! Thanks for the photos! I've been browsing through all my art books of Ashley Wood and throughout he has the Skull n Bones Bertie doing some rad stuff. But the size of the gun changes and what not. I do like some of the things the toy gun has going for it, and I will probably add changes to my current gun. I love A.W as an artist..but can be tricky to try to recreate, haha.
    The original idea was to make my own idea of his revolver (mixing in some Dan Wesson in the mix dan_wesson-2.jpg

    But a lot of people seem to prefer if I go and shorten the barrel to keep up proportions of the toys.. I'll post an update soon.
  • wretchedgoat
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    wretchedgoat polycounter lvl 8
    erikwk, i love 3a, waiting on my Heavy Bramble to arrive in the mail :). Good job on the model so far. I've been working on a bramble model myself in my spare time, and i spent some time combing through the 3A forum for refs. if you wanted to make the elongated pistol, there was one done by 3a which i've attached. Not 100% sure if it was for bertie though. I'll post up my bramble soon, im making the different weapons for him currently.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    Its not a bad idea to combine them, I think whats getting most of us is the loss of scale though. I mean Bertie is monsterously huge, and thus his gun should be howitzer with a revolving cylinder attached :D
    At least thats how its portrayed. It adds some of that ... ftw ... damn that robot gunna kill me to it.
    I think the direction you've taken with it would be cool, just maybe play up the exaggerated proportions a bit to help strike the right balance.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Grim, you are right. When you said "howitzer with a revolving cylinder attached" it all clicked, haha. I messed with the proportions a bit. Yay or Nay?


    Also quickly did this one. I think this one is better

  • Grey
    Looks like youre going do Ashley Woods character justice! Love this robot. I didnt read all the posts above mine (sorry) but Im sure someone mentioned adding some denting to him in some spots. Cannot wait to see your texture work, keep it up, its looking awesome!
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8

    My suggestions. Bertie has a big finger. And the Placement of the pin/spring on the toy i think is probably about as good as it can get, it adds the illusion of size, but it isn't proportionally small.

    Your current iteration is definitely stepping in the right direction, keep it up.:thumbup:
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Just did a quick explosion bake! Not bad.. a few weird normal errors going on, but nothing too bad I can't fix later. Next is to bake out the robot.


    Oh, and thanks for pointing out the trigger guard. I just realized your paintover also covered the spring. I will fix it when i get back to the gun! Promise. ;-)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    I did a quick and dirty Explosion bake on Bertie! Also a quick and dirty paint job just for the hell of it.


    Also..to make sure the gun fits the hand.. free handed him holding it.


    I know I got a few normal and AO issues, this is just one bake to show you guys! I'm pretty stoked on how its turning out.
  • MEK
    awesome.. just awesome... i wish i had the idea myself. Keep it up man, its gonna be really nice!
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    You better make the textures as awesome as the model or I won't love you anymore.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Soo! Here's what I got so far, I know I have some nasty seams, I'm gonna tackle them during my second pass of texturing. I'd like some Critiques!

    ..and a rad night time render..

    And the textures!
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    Its a nice metal base, don't know what you had imagined to do in the second pass, but I do encourage you to take a more vibriante colorscheme. The burned yellow scheme that was on your first ref post and the one posted by grimm was very characterstic. Beyond that, the bake looks very nice indeed, even the uvw is well packed,good job.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Apart from vibrancy (just adding a bright color touch (red/yellow) somwhere would do as well, IMO), I think your spec just seems absent...
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    @Metal- Thanks for the critique! On second look, the color scheme does seem a little bit dull. On all his paintings (aside from the main comic) Skull-Face Bertie appears to be black so I was trying to go for this kind of color scheme that If feels matches his personality and style

    But on second look through I've notice he is black with a bit of a red/orange accents. I want to stay away from the complete burnt yellow from that one toy because that is a totally different model, But I do see what you mean!

    @Xoliul: I agree, the spec seems dull I need to work on that. When you say adding color, do you mean into the Diffuse?
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    Yeah, just a touch of color somewhere that draws attention. Shameless to use my own work, but this for example: http://www.laurenscorijn.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/002-700x388.jpg would've been a lot more boring if that red and yellow wasn't there.
  • Klumpmeister
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like you alread have your color scheme picked out, but I did find a perfect Bertie outside my apt today:)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    @Xoliul: Awesome! I took away the orange from the spec and added it more to the diffuse, along with a hint of yellow at certain places. I'm still feeling iffy on it all.
    @Enodmi: I need that as my new Gargoyle. haha.
  • makecg
  • Sam Hatami
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    Sam Hatami polycounter lvl 17
    You can probably squeeze more from the specular than the actual diffuse in this one, if you are going with a darker scheme that is. You should tint the naked metal parts alot towards blue in the spec while giving some color discolration (go with a blue/purple/redish pallet randomness) on the paint to give the metallic paint look.

    This looks better than the last, you need small sensual feeling of AO added to it, goooooo !!!! enjoy life! ! do it!

    Btw, I never comment here even though I'v been lurking around the past three years 40 times a day. So you need to understand that your art made me crawl out of the shadows. PeeeeewPeeww!
  • Mark Dygert
    Looking great, nice work!
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    @Metal: Oh man! I really do appreciate taking the effort and time with your thoughts and advice on my work, means a lot. I took all of what you said and applied it. I can already see it look better! Subtle, but makes a big difference already.
    Heres the spec.
    @Vig: Thank you!
    Hopefully Bertie is almost done so I can get to work on his guns...and then the rig..and then the entire Scene. Oh man.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Here's my current progress with the gun! Shred it to pieces.

    Crappy Maya print screen to show him holding it..

    Hmm..upon looking at these screenshots..photobucket really blurs everything up. I need to fix that, apologies for the time being.
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    454 Casull Round

    Old Brass 1

    Much Older Brass

    What I'd suggest for the Brass

    Rework your brass! Seriously though, guns get beat up and old, bullets get used well before they get to that point, at least for a war time robot.

    As for the gun itself, I'd try throwing a (very) light hint of dark navy blue for the gun frame/slide. Varyations in saturation and the tightness of the spec to show the damaging of the blueing from oil and heat (specifically heat damage towards the muzzle)

    New Blued Nickle
    Old and Worn Blued Nickle
    Just a little wear and tear :D

    If I still had my handgun I'd take some pictures of the muzzle for you so you could see the heat/powder discoloration that happens to towards there.

    Now all that said, I do like the current texture you have, the wear is fine, just maybe blue it up a little :D and tighten the spec in parts, because atm his gun looks like its forged out of Bertie...

    Oooh, a better display of why I'm suggesting a blued nickle
  • konstruct
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    konstruct polycounter lvl 18
    gonna look pretty damn sweet once you get a cube map/Image based lighting on there.
  • erik!
    Cool! A gloss map could be used to further add variation to the materials. It might be nice to have some oily/streaky parts with higher gloss. You could also use the gloss to push the separate worn metal from the grimy/rusty metal. Looks good though!
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Wow that looks really great. Love Ashley Wood's work, and your model has done his work justice. I've always thought the Ashley Wood bot designs would make for great SDK models. (hint hint) :D

    I'd like to see more color, like vibrant paint style, but I know that's not in the design, just something I'd like to see. Still, you're really kickin ass with this.
  • ultra
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    ultra polycounter lvl 18
    great model but i think the texture need some love :)
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Grim! Thanks for all the photo references. Hopefully this is closer to what you were talking about. I switched from using the Marmoset renderer to Xoliul's shader, for a more controlled specular. i took everyone's critiques, which really helped, and applied them to these updated textures. And god damn, this shader is insanely powerful! I was really impressed with how awesome it is. Hopefully I used it right.

  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    Heres a tex po.

    Now take it with a grain of salt, because I consider the actual application of texturing my weakest link as far as my skillset is concerned soooo.

    The brass/slug are the most obvious changes I threw in with a much bolder spec and such. though there were minor subtle changes in the dif/spec/gloss for the grip just to try and help sell a more textured -> worn look.

    Edit: Also, the blueing :thumbup:
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Grim! Thanks for the paintover. Minor tweaks, but already looks and reads way better. I think this is the one to keep And will look even better when Bertie is holding his hand cannon.
    Gonna be gone for a few days to go on a mini tour, which kind of bums me out cause I am itching to get him rigged and looking awesome. In the mean time, It will get me thinking if I should create a scene like this (though more post apocalyptic) to surround Bertie in....
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Here's where I stand with Bertie, Currently. Still in the planning stages for the entire scene..which I'm pretty excited to get going with! Any suggestions and critiques are very welcomed..
  • Grimm_Wrecking
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    Grimm_Wrecking polycounter lvl 8
    Whatever you do, you have to do a do a scene render with a similar set up as #3 light wise. That would be bad ass.
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Agreed, the dark render's are so unimaginably awesome. The model and the texturing so far look pretty prime. Just an idea for a scene, you could do someone standing by themselves only to see Bertie creeping up behind him from the darkness. But again, just an idea.
  • Huntard
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    Huntard polycounter lvl 12
    Erich it is looking good! You may hate me for this but I want to see more variation in the texture. It looks to pristine the concept art has a lot more color variation. This needs to be added to the diffuse, as well as the spec. Bertie also needs a few dings, dents and scrapes. The belt is looking a little plastic as well. And finaly rust look up patinas ( fancy rust ) a focused treatment like Enodmi's refrence would go a long way. When steel is exposed unfinished rust sets up fast and can grow from there on to finished surfaces. It is looking good but you can make it better.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Haha, I hate you, Hunter. But ya, you're right. I'm not too happy with leather, and I probably should do a small zbrush pass to add dings and what not. But now I'm gonna move on to the scene for a week or two to get back with a refreshed look to make Bertie perfect
  • Paul Pepera
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    Paul Pepera polycounter lvl 9
    This is really fucking awesome, I think you translated the Bertie design into 3D very successfully, the proportions and character feel right. My only 'crit' would be that I think he's just slightly, oh so very slightly, too glossy; my preference would be to push it just a tad closer to the ref pic ENODMI posted. But that is just my opinion, and this isn't design by committee. Good work!
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