Hey Polycount I know this forumn isn't primarily geared towards these kinds of questions but here it goes anyways.
Me and a programming buddy of mine are developing an android game along the lines of mafia wars. We have a pretty decent UI implemented thus far but we are now diving into the actual game play mechanics of it all.
One thing that has stumped me is how to set up a system that:
-Records all the missions/quests a player has completed
-outputs that to an integer value
-and then a separate class could input all the integer values from each mission's class into an experience bar.
I could setup a static array that could output all these values but that defeats the purpose of having multiple quests that can be done in any order by the player.
Here's an example for clarity:
There are multiple mission classes that all contain their own quest systems:
Ex Missions A(requires you do part 1-3)
part 1 gives x amount of xp and so on
part 2
part 3
Mission A gives X amount of experience every time you complete it
than there is a separate class that takes into account all the missions/parts a player has done and adds them altogether
than a 3rd class inputs the total experience into a function that says total exp for this level is X player has Y adjust the EXP bar accordingly
I want to know how to setup the first two parts:
-a mission system
-and a class that inputs all that data
The exp bar I got covered
Any suggestions
THANK YOU SO MUCH in advance