Hey all!
Very happy to report that starting in early November I will be a full-time Environment Artist at Digital Extremes in London, Ontario! I'm pumped for this opportunity as the guys and gals at DE seem to be an awesome bunch. I hope I can fit in and look forward to meeting everyone in November!
Big thanks to JasonLavoie, Mistry10, and mathes for helping me answer some questions about London and DE in particular!
Also thanks to polycount for being a great place to post your work and get it critiqued by people already in the industry.
For those of you job hunting or trying to break into the industry I just thought I would mention that this was my first time applying for a job in the industry and that I didn't really have too much experience, but it just goes to show that hard work, determination and the right attitude will get you far. (Along with great-looking work of course :P)
I am extremely excited for this opportunity and wish others luck in the job hunt as well!
P.S. : Any tips for moving across Canada? Anybody living in London got any tips for good areas to look for a place to rent or that sort of thing?
@jason, ha!
I am located in london too! There really are no "bad" parts of london, so nothing to really worry about. It is a nice smaller city, which has a lot of the big city things.
Digital extremes is also really easy to get to. All major busses go by there... Or you can just drive, there are quite a few parking lots around DE and there is really not any major traffic in london.
My brother is also a real estate agent.. He mainly does sales, but he may know of some places for rent or at least get you in touch with someone who can help. www.alisaadat.ca
Very nice!
VPrime: That's good to know that there isn't too much major traffic. How long would you say it takes to drive from one end of the city to the other?
Habboi: Sure it's at http://www.tylerlischka.com
Grats on getting the job!
Well, thats where the city sucks. We don't have any major looped road/freeway to get you from one part of the city to the other.. But usually it is only 30-40 minutes... If even that much.
Don't be hating Jermey, we'll try and keep it down :P
Thanks. Good portfolio and that Old Boy scene wins you some points from me.