I'm interested in pursuing a position in QA, in hopes of getting my foot in the door.I don't have experience as a tester and all I have is my portfolio of various art assets.What's the best approach to getting tester experience?and are there any sites that frequently mention beta tester opportunities?
In the second case I don't know if this would be a good solution.
Sometimes that can happen. What's more common from my understanding is companies hiring a ton of QA near the end of the project, making them work overtime on the project for weeks and then firing them all on release.
Your chances of getting your face and work out of QA and in front of someone who would be in a position to actually help you get into a art position is about the same as scouting out a popular lunch time hot spot and "accidentally" spill your portfolio across someones table.
Your butt in a chair != experience, you will need to still demonstrate that you can do the job they're hiring you for, otherwise they won't.
Seriously, QA gets nothing but abused. Art gets the short end of the stick sometimes but you can count on it in QA. Unless you work your way up the food chain quickly count on being let go.
The only time I think artists should take QA positions is if there aren't any other jobs available in the city/state. Just about anything else will do a better job at paying the bills and giving you free time to work on your portfolio.