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Dead Crow Studio Looking for Members

Urban Wastelands is a post apocalyptic online tactical first person shooter, which takes place in the not so distant future. As the natural resources of fuel and clean water have become scarce, two battling factions have emerged. The Scavengers are the attackers and takers, while the Settlers are the builders and defenders. Now it is up to you to choose which side you are on and how you will survive Urban Wastelands.

Urban Wastelands - Chapter One - Highjack:
I was awakened by the rustling starting to take place around me. The sun hasn’t quit broke the horizon yet, so everyone is still kind of fumbling about in the dark. Today I would find out what I am made of, for today is a very big day.

This will be my first mission since I joined this base camp of Settlers as they are called by those that would destroy all that they had rebuilt from the ashes. Those who only meant the Settlers harm, were known as the Scavengers by these people, who took me in when I had no refuge.

I was displaced by these Scavengers before and would no longer run or hide from the fear they struck deep within my very being. My family was all killed several years before by one of these Scavenger raids they often reap down on those trying to rebuild after what has become known as “The Great Judgment”.

All that humanity knew was gone by a wondering rock in space that found its way to our little corner of the universe. Though not as big as what is believed to have wiped out the dinosaur’s, it was enough to reshape our very existence, at least for those of us who survived.

I guess it was some 50 – 60 years ago this messenger of doom made its debut, scaring our mother earth beyond comprehension. The geography of the continents was totally changed from what they had been for thousands of years. New seas and ocean coastlines redrew the global map.

They say over two billion people died in the first week, with another four to five billion dying over the next ten years due to famine and sickness. The ash cloud hung in the atmosphere like a sour reminder of the gloom and despair that now consumed humanity. Blocking the suns life giving rays of hope, crops failed world wide. With starvation came sickness and death on an untold scale.

The earth grew cold and inhospitable. One thought he would never feel the warmth of the sun on their cheek again. Finally her rays broke through and that warmth encouraged life to flourish once again.

But today I am a part of something bigger! Something I can believe in again! This new family of strangers, who took me in and fed me, gave me a place I could call home again, these people I owed and I owed them big.

We are trying to rebuild something that resembles stability and self sufficiency again. I guess what you might call, civilization as it were. Each Settler base camp is networked to another. We have established a communications line between camps and reconnected with known friends and family members once thought lost and now joined together once again.

And yet these Scavengers just want to take and take. Destroy anything they can’t possess for themselves. The time and energy it takes to fabricate something that is of benefit to the community as a whole and then this step forward is shattered in a moment by one act of stupidity by these thugs.

So…. Today I find out if I have what it takes to make my stand against these murderous Scavengers. This mission is essential to maintaining our quickly diminishing fuel resources. And fuel is the name of the game in this day of age. What there is, is rare and the ability to make alternatives is a slow process with quantities wanting in the end. So to find substantial reserves of fuel is a real find indeed.

We’ve got Intel on a loaded fuel truck about 6 clicks North West of our base camp. Problem is we are in a race with the Scavenger’s to get there first and seize the prize for ourselves. This is my chance to get some payback for what they did to my family and some satisfaction for me!

Our pack will take the faster of the two routes, as this is a race for the prize, we will head North West for about 3.5 miles till we hit the main junction heading north. Unfortunately this is where we can expect things to get dicey as this is also the intersection where the road from the South West joins the main highway to the north, which is from the Scavengers base of operations.

If we beat them to the punch it could be a lot easier taking the fuel truck and heading it back home. But if we meet around the same time, it will be war the whole way there. If this is the case, who knows if we will be successful in taking the truck intact at that point.

Then there is the bridge on the main highway that spans the canyon. Some time ago, during a battle over the bridge, some idiots blew a damn hole in a whole section of the bridge spanning at least sixty feet or more. Again the mentality of if I can’t have it or control it, then no one will enjoy the benefits of it.

Not having been there before my self and as it is the only way across; I can only hope I make the crucial jump successfully when the time comes. Worse yet, I’ll probably be bumping up against a Scavenger like my honey on a cold night as we both go for the gap in a constant ramming of each others machines, as we try to out vie the other for position to make the jump off the so-called ramp that is suppose to be there for these attempted crossings.

And if after we have successfully captured the fuel truck for ourselves, we then must head east along the old road to the only bridge in our control that will accommodate the load and safely get the truck across the canyon and back home.

The problem is, this is the long way back home on a not so nice dirt road that will test any driver in getting it safely home. This will also afford the Scavengers plenty of time to, what I am sure would now be an attack and destroy mission on their part, to catch up and once again, as if they can’t have it, then you sure won’t get it.

So now the question is, are you ready for today? Are you going to step up and help me bring this fuel back home? We may die, but then we may be victorious! Then what will they say as the stories of old are told around the night fires.

Either way we live in a history of our choosing. Not one dictated by fear, but one dictated by honor and some good old kick ass! Now grab a partner and get a machine and kick some Scavenger butt!


We have several opportunities for those interested in joining the Dead Crow crew. We are only looking for those who are ready to jump in and roll up their sleeves. At this time all positions are non-paid but when the game gets pick up royalties or paid positions will become available. When submitting your resume please include a link to your portfolio. Please submit all resumes to jake@deadcrowstudio.com.

Minimum Requirements:

UDK experience
Previous Mod/Game development experience

Open Positions:
  • Level Designer
  • 3D Artist - Vehicles
  • 3D Artist - Weapons
  • Level Designer
  • Unreal Scripter
  • Animator
  • Technical Animator
  • Layout/GUI Artist
  • Texture Artist
  • Audio/Sound FX
Want to learn more about Dead Crow Studio visit us at http://www.deadcrowstudio.com.



  • Zooch
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    Zooch polycounter lvl 9
    Did you get this game rated by the ESRB already? They usually don't bother rating games until a significant portion of the game has been developed and is playable. Also, they charge a fee to rate games.

    If your game hasn't actually been rated yet, I would remove the "M for Mature" sticker off your promotional material, since you aren't allowed to use it unless granted specific approval from the ESRB.

    Just a cautionary thing, really. Don't want kids at the ESRB getting mad and then rating your game.
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