Hi there,
I'm brand new to these forums but am very excited to get started on 3D modelling.
I have 3Ds Max 2010 and Maya 2010.
What I would like to know is, does anyone know of the BEST places to get tutorials?
I would love to get into environment modelling most specifically.
Thanks, and keep up the good work!
jks jks
Welcome to the polycount, I hope you enjoy your stay here.
If you wish to get started with tutorials you should start with these websites.
and many others if you Google. You can find them for free.
Here is how I am learning them.
This website pretty much covers everything that you need to know about the 3d modeling tool you are working with.
You have to pay like $45.00 per month for Digital Tutors but its more than worth it.
Hopefully I will be ready to upload the very first thing I have made shortly.
It's a simple passage way scene, kinda has an old mine cart feel too it. I won't give too much away but I'm excited to get something uploaded so maybe some of you can tell me if I'm starting on the right foot!
Good luck on the simple passage way, even the visually simple ones can be technical nightmares when you're starting out. It's good you're starting simple so that's good.
Be open to what people have to say, the chances that you're doing something wrong are pretty high if you're just starting out. The biggest stumbling block to a new person learning what they need is their own ego. If you can keep that in check then you'll probably pick things up really fast