I'm trying to simulate a in game reflection map shader in maya. This is what I have so far, layer texture, top layer is an environment cube set to additive, buttom layer is the diffuse texture, this is working great and I have a reflection map plugged in where I want it to be reflective. My question is can I some how hook up a facing racio node so I get a reznel reflection map fall off as well as the reflection mask. It's like I need to find some way of combining the reflection mask and the ramp shader so they both pipe into the layer texture alpha. Anyone know how to do this?
It's like I need to find some way of combining the reflection mask and the ramp shader so they both pipe into the layer texture alpha. Anyone know how to do this?
Sampler Info Node (Facing ratio) into linear ramp node (v coordinate), after deleting place2dTexture node. Ramp node into multiply/divide node. Reflection Mask into multiply divide node. Set to multiply. Plug multiply/divide node into reflection/reflectivity attribute of your shader. Set the ramp up however you'd like the falloff of your fresnel effect to appear, so that white is around the rim (you can temporarily plug it into another shader's diffuse slot to see its effects in the preview thumbnail), and black at the center.
Sampler Info Node (Facing ratio) into linear ramp node (v coordinate), after deleting place2dTexture node. Ramp node into multiply/divide node. Reflection Mask into multiply divide node. Set to multiply. Plug multiply/divide node into reflection/reflectivity attribute of your shader. Set the ramp up however you'd like the falloff of your fresnel effect to appear, so that white is around the rim (you can temporarily plug it into another shader's diffuse slot to see its effects in the preview thumbnail), and black at the center.