Updated with links to each posted section
Brief history of Unreal, and links to documentation you should be familiar with.
Information about setting up packages, and naming convention examples.
02B-Quick Scene Setup
This answers a lot of the common questions people ask as they are just getting into UDK. It shows a few basic UDK features you can activate to greatly improve presentation of a scene.
03-Material Editor
Introduction to UDK's Material Editor with examples to setup a parent material for use in instancing.
04-Static Meshes
What you need to know about getting models in UDK.
Coming soon? maybe...
Add a working door, add a key to unlock said door, and many other examples.
*original post*
For those of you that have followed my recent posts, you know I've had UDK tutorials on the way. Currently, I have written and taken images for intro, setup, materials, static meshes, blockout, kismet and particles. It's a LOT of information that's taking a good chunk of time to organize, test and publish for you folks to enjoy.
Tonight I took a first pass at cleaning up my Material Editor documentation. As many questions that come up in this area of UDK development, I felt it was most important to get out. Here's the first one I'm posting:
Material Editor
If you see anything that doesn't make sense, or even spelling errors, feel free to point those out as I didn't edit this as much as I'd prefer. Long way to go on this full completion, so keep reminding me to finish this.
Looks groovy
This is really gonna help some people out.
I've also updated my main tutorial page with links to these as well in case of any other problems linking.
New section up, Quick Scene Setup. This is an unplanned section that I felt was a combination of different issues people commonly run into. Because of this, it needed it's own section so people aren't digging through each section for a common answer
For example "what is all this black shit around my model?" and "I added a sky, now my lighting is broke". Literally everyday question posts here and on the unreal forums.
wow-wee, five sections up.
I find that there are so many pages on UDk its overwhelming, and sometimes after finding a page and reading it ,its often lacking in some information, or has way to much info, or not quite what I need. So it good to come across something clear and concise!
If you had to recommend more tutorials on Lighting, which would you recommend?
Jumped back on this tutorial series wrapping up a section four on Static Meshes. This is aimed at users new to UDK interested in getting some models in UDK using 3d Studio Max.
The particles section is written, and needs a lot of work. Hopefully, I can get that to a comfortable level to release soon as well.
I'm with Adam on changing the formatting, maybe make it narrower by putting it in column?
put the text next to the picture so we can read and see the picture without having to scroll up and down back and forth? and also the wide panel, but that's maybe because I'm browsing on my 12" powerbook. but yeah should have seen your tutorial before I made my scene, it would have been a big help. keep it up!